Bonsaify | Windswept Juniper Raft Work in Year 3 of Early Development

Eric revisits a young Juniper raft-style composition he first shared in September 2021. Since it’s still in early development, Eric’s goal with the composition is to push it to grow as quickly as possible.

00:01:13 After checking wires on the left side, he assesses that the wire needs to be removed and foliage needs to be thinned out so he can really see the structure.

00:03:26 “Fair bit of chaos” assessment of whips growth. Eric analyzes the number of trunks and the direction they’re going, and if he needs to change what he considers the “front”.

00:04:39 Words of wisdom, “Take your time analyzing. You’ve spent a lot of time growing, and you don’t want to waste all of that growth.”

00:05:07 Eric dumps off loose soil into a tub. He’ll put it back in after he’s done assessing the line of the raft.

00:05:59 Original root base and where roots have issues over past couple of years.

00:06:59 Cutting material going upward or coming out new trunks that are above what Eric thinks will be the finished soil line.

00:07:22 Wiring!

00:07:43 Eric discusses how his design plan has changed over the development years.

00:09:14 Shaping to harmonize the composition.

00:09:58 View from one side, with complementary movement. Since it’s still in early development, Eric is not committing to a front yet.

00:11:00 How you can create a new portion of the base in a raft.

Share your experiences growing and designing juniper raft-style bonsai in the comments below! Thank you for watching; please like and share this video. We’d love for you to subscribe to our channel for more great bonsai videos!

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