Bonsaify | Japanese Black Pine Root-Over-Rock Creation

Root-over-Rock bonsai mimic trees growing in rocky environments where over the years the topsoil has eroded away. These compositions have roots visibly clinging to a rockface and draping down into the soil below. Eric loves creating root-over-rock compositions with Japanese Black Pines, and in this video, he shares his process.

00:00:26 Eric begins by selecting the orientation for his rock – horizontal or vertical.

00:01:18 The tree has been growing in a 3 x 9 Anderson tree band; Eric removes it and looks at the distribution of feeder roots. He discusses artistic decisions that need to be made – how he wants the roots to flow over the stone.

00:02:20 Eric describes his vision and plan for stone orientation and placement of roots.

00:03:27 Tips for root placement with stones that have channels or pockets.

00:04:22 Baseline composition

00:04:56 How to attach tree to rock and make sure roots are grasping the rock really tightly.

00:05:32 Why Eric uses raffia to attach the tree to the stone.

00:06:15 The goal is to train the roots where Eric wants them, wrapping raffia to keep them in place. He may need to use muck to provide a sticky surface.

00:07:21 Eric explains that you need to make sure you have as firm contact as you can get with the roots on at least 2 sides of the rock.

00:09:41 The roots are firmly attached and moved so they’re not completely straight.

00:10:43 Wire the tree trunk to incorporate tree and rock.

00:11:44 Go between needles as much as possible when wiring.

00:12:11 Eric moves from technical to artistic – styling the tree. He closes the space between the foliage and the stone.

00:13:43 Eric critiques tree placement from different “front” options and discusses creation of movement.

00:15:09 Next step is figuring out how you’ll put the tree back into a container – need to bury some of the roots. Eric uses a basket and auxiliary container (cuts off bottom to make it into a tube).

00:16:40 Eric preps the container. Pumice and coarse bark as base soil mix.

00:17:23 Eric holds the tree in place in container while he fills around it with soil, so the roots are surrounded by soil.

00:18:12 Eric summarizes the process for potting stone and tree with roots.

If this video has inspired you, order our Root-Over-Rock Japanese Black Pine Kit to create your own bonsai! You can follow along step-by-step and create the composition of your dreams!

You may also find this video interesting – “Rock Selection for “Root-Over-Rock” Style Bonsai Trees”

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