Bonsaify | From Mass Market to Masterpiece Ficus Part 2!

It’s been 3 months since Eric last worked on this mass market Ficus (if you haven’t watched Part 1 yet, you may want to! and today he’ll be thinning, wiring, and potting it into a larger growing container.

00:00:50 As Eric anticipated, new shoots and more buds are coming out that haven’t elongated yet.

00:01:53 Eric thins locations with multiple shoots down to 1 shoot.

00:02:22 The first node sections need to be wired. Eric uses shiny aluminum wire for visibility.

00:04:01 Bending and giving little twists to add movement to the first nodes.

00:05:20 Eric removes the tree from the ceramic container it arrived it (it wasn’t tied down, so it came out easily). He gives it a quick trim on the outside of the root ball using a bent nose tweezer before placing it in the growing container.

00:06:53 Raking out roots and removing drainage screens.

00:07:42 Eric has the root display in view to help ensure the nebari is set up for success.

00:08:29 Eric uses his standard soil mix (80% perlite, 20% cocoa coir) for repotting into a larger growing container.

00:09:42 Eric wants more roots to grow out of the base.

00:10:38 Check back for the Part 3 in this series, when Eric takes the next steps in another 3-4 months (early-mid Spring) after the tree winters in the greenhouse!

What do you think of Eric’s work in Part 2? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks for watching! Please like, share, and subscribe!

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