Bonsaify | Clip and Grow is the Way to Go with Yaupon Holly PLUS a Tea Tease!

Yaupon Holly (Ilex Vomitoria): Watch this video to learn how you can make a quali-tea bonsai with these brew-tiful plants! 😉 Eric demonstrates how the combination of clip and grow plus wiring gives the fastest result for creating really nice Yaupon Holly bonsai trees.

00:00:20 Eric worked with Thomas and Kathy Arakawa on the design for Chawan-inspired bonsai pots. These pots mimic tea cups used for the Japanese tea ceremony, adapted to be used for bonsai.

00:00:42 Yaupon Holly is the only plant native to North America that is naturally caffeinated; it’s also a fantastic plant for bonsai!

00:01:07 Eric demonstrates the clip and grow technique on 3 Ilex: two that have been transplanted into Arakawa pots and wired, and a third that he has in a larger growing container.

00:01:48 Since using the clip and grow method builds all ramification and directionality in the branches by cutting back to 1 or 2 nodes, the plant may look bare at times directly after work.

00:02:50 Yaupon Holly really suitable for this technique because they reliably and quickly bud anywhere they are cut.

00:04:06 First tree: Eric leaves 2 shoots alone because he wants to wire them.

00:05:32 Second tree: Eric tested transplanting this into a large container, and has used the clip and grow method longer than with the other two examples. This tree has more fine branching and nice leaf reduction.

00:07:10 View of second tree trimmed back.

00:07:46 Third tree: Exposed root style, Eric discusses design considerations.

00:09:18 After major cutback, Eric makes some wiring decisions.

00:10:26 We are selling Yaupon Brothers “American Yaupon Holly Tea” for a limited time. It’s yummy, similar to a very smooth and delicate green tea. If you’re interested in trying it, here’s the link:

What experiences have you had with Yaupon Holly bonsai? Let us know in the comments! Thank you for watching; as always, please like and share this video, and subscribe to our channel!

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