Bonsaify | Carving a Bonsai Stand from a Block of Firewood

Eric shares the steps he used to turn a block of wood into a finished bonsai stand! He plans to use this stand as part of an exhibit at the Pacific Bonsai Expo in November 2022.

00:00:34 Eric references a Kokofu album with a photo of a root stand for a semi-cascade tree, that he wanted to recreate.

00:01:41 He’s determined that this style is created through carving out from of larger piece of wood. The goal is to match the visual weight of the stand or slab to the visual weight of the tree.

00:02:30 After procuring the block of Monterey Cypress, Eric cured the wood to minimize cracking.

00:03:37 Eric used a chainsaw to strip the bark and make vertical channels in the wood block.

00:04:11 Arbortech grinder used to accentuate the initial channels. Also a regular hand drill to drill long holes to clear out wood in center.

00:05:53 Switch to a die grinder (which Eric initially misnamed as an angle grinder) and special bit from the UK (find it on Harry Harrington’s website,

00:06:58 Next, Eric switches to Foredom and finishing bits.

00:07:41 From there, more laborious and hand work begins. Die grinder with wire wheel.

00:09:20 80 grit dremel flat wheels to smooth out more of the tool marks in he wood. Then Eric uses sandpaper.

00:10:42 Ready to stain! Eric discusses the qualities of Monterey Cypress wood.

00:13:00 Black stain in action.

00:14:20 What do you think? This stand is now available for sale!

Have you had any experiences carving root stands or working with Monterey Cypress for a bonsai stand? Let us know in the comments! Thank you for watching. Please like and share with friends!

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