More shitakusa from Taikan-ten – Bonsai Tonight


The accent below is common – can someone provide the name?

If you look carefully, you’ll notice a shoot from a different plant – the leaf looks like kinzu to me.

Ajania pacifica (formerly Chrysanthemum pacificum) – Japanese: iso giku

(Thanks to Tom for the tip! -ed.)

Here’s another accent of the same variety. It’s less full but remains interesting.

Ajana pacifica with selaginella

Below is another Pyrrosia with moss planted on a rock – a nice composition.

Pyrrosia lingua var. eboshi

Dwarf acorus planted on a stone evokes a very different feeling.

Acorus on a stone

Selaginella with fern


Whatever the variety, successful accents are full accents. I love the example below.

Ardisia japonica

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