5 Tips for better junipers

In this article is now not intended to be an vast care data to Junipers. There are gaps in the suggestions, nonetheless one day I could write additional articles in which I could focal level on advantageous parts.

I would fancy to thank Jose Rodríguez, Brett Simon and Label Polson for assisting me in the next article and for their particular particular person contributions to the explain.


The juniper species in most cases is amazingly in fashion across the arena as field cloth from which to develop bonsai bushes. There are many causes for this nonetheless I would venture that it is because it is seemingly you’ll well fairly mercurial transform a juniper bush into something similar to a bonsai tree. For this same motive it is perchance basically the most neatly-preferred species to use for demonstrations too.

Taiwanese juniper

Image caption. Taiwanese juniper on reveal in November 2017. Created by Grasp Lee Zhong Hung, chopping grown.

On the other hand, and I’m in a position to most efficient write in the context of South Africa, from my observations I leer the identical species being passe again and again again, numerous the bushes are very immature in look and lacking in personality or resemblance to the wild specimens which we are or at the least ought to be looking out to plan inspiration from.

There could be no such thing as a secret or mystery surrounding the pattern of superior juniper bonsai, as is always the case you will want to begin off with fair real field cloth, setting up it over time executing advantageous steps at advantageous cases.

The next 5 suggestions are meant as suggestions geared in direction of helping you to develop better juniper bonsai bushes.

Tip #1. Purchase, develop or find well-known field cloth


Seek the recommendation of with native bonsai nurseries as they’d moreover nonetheless set inventory of real junipers, which occupy been developed with the bonsai artist in mind. Bustle of the mill retail nurseries moreover in most cases occupy decent field cloth and in most cases it is seemingly you’ll perhaps perchance moreover derive lucky and accumulate some frail juniper in a brushed off portion of the nursery.

Stock juniper

Image caption. Working on some fair real inventory of Itoigawa juniper in Japan.

What quantity of cash you exhaust to a high quality extent determines what high-quality of field cloth you will derive. Procuring what’s truly a rooted chopping goes to grab for powerful longer in pattern to achieve a small or medium sized bonsai, by no technique mind a high quality one. Spending more and procuring something larger or with a more developed trunk goes to shave years off pattern time.


Its barely straightforward to develop juniper from cuttings and layering. Layering will for advantageous fabricate a plant which already could moreover occupy a grand trunk if you happen to could moreover accumulate an frail mother plant rising in any individual’s backyard or even perhaps on your individual. Cuttings are on the other hand a favored technique of propagating plant life in most cases and though it could perchance perhaps moreover clutch some time, even as much as 2 years, it is seemingly you’ll well fabricate barely a range of rooted cuttings from a single parent plant. One other immense thing about cuttings is that they’ll all be genetic duplicates of every other and the parent plant.

Concerning when its most efficient to grab cuttings; it appears to be like customarily basically the most efficient to grab then in early summer or again in autumn. After the spring push, once these shoots occupy elongated and starting up build to harden off with the stem changing from inexperienced to brown or again in autumn earlier than the spring recount thickens.


Despite the proven truth that we mustn’t occupy juniper rising wild fancy we attain olives, making gathering frail specimens from the mountains as they’d moreover attain in the US and Europe a pipe dream, we will attain some urban yamadori. Many properties and farms occupy diversified species of juniper planted as hedges or as bushes of their gardens. For these who know the form of particular person or be in a quandary to derive permission from a land proprietor such bushes could moreover fabricate marvelous field cloth from which to make a bonsai. Some planning is required though in reveal to make advantageous the survival, or at the least fabricate larger the probabilities, of the level-headed tree surviving. Junipers can now not be level-headed as shall we train a wild olive ie dug up, fat gash abet and positioned in a neatly draining medium with fresh shoots setting up in a pair weeks. Junipers require particular care. I attain now not profess to be a extremely skilled collector of Juniper nonetheless I in actual fact occupy when compared my notes with others and I’m in a position to write the next with inexpensive certainty:

  •  Whereas it is seemingly you’ll well prepare the tree a season or even two for gathering by chopping into the muse zone across the tree. Don’t on the other hand dig the total advance spherical, fairly attain it the use of a staggered advance. Push your spade in severing the roots, then skip a spades width and repeat. Proceed in this vogue the total advance spherical the tree. The next season dig in the areas you missed the outdated one year. This can enable the tree to continue rising with the untouched roots, while it attempts to field fresh roots where you gash abet. This can dramatically fabricate larger the chances of the tree’s survival in case you attain find it as this could well moreover already occupy finer roots shut to the putrid. Timing for this could be very behind dormancy, as the tree is waking up and the buds on the foliage are real starting up build to sneatly. (Accurate lifting of the tree would be left till the next Autumn, leer cuttings above)
  • If its a in actuality high quality bush, it is seemingly you’ll well minimize the cover of the tree by as much as 30%.This can lead to the formation of many fresh shoots alongside the older branches. These will be very priceless now not most efficient for the future survival of the tree nonetheless perhaps moreover for the future fabricate of the tree. You must moreover think to gash abet a particular division abet seriously nonetheless leave one other or most efficient field it to a steady-weight easy. Otherwise it is seemingly you’ll perhaps perchance moreover gash abet the total tree abet by the suggested percentage. Protect in mind that the vitality or strength in junipers is of their foliage so chopping your total tree abet to a stump in one crawl is susceptible to assassinate it. For the identical motive, if you happen to achieve now not want to gash abet any foliage off then fairly leave it alone, and minimize the foliage after the plant has been level-headed. Reducing the tree abet in this form is most efficient performed for the interval of the active rising season, after the preliminary recount has prolonged and hardened off. 

Mark Polson collected juniper

Image Caption. Label Polson level-headed this juniper from a farm (with permission) and has developed it into what I factor in is one of basically the most efficient native junipers.

    Tip #2. Receive in mind and clutch fair real species

    You must moreover occupy observed that I in actual fact occupy passe terms equivalent to “fair real,” “well-known,” “better” and others listed right here. What they imply precisely is seriously subjective and is susceptible to replace over time. Absolute self perception when all of us began bonsai our first expertise with a juniper became once most most likely a pencil thick procumbens, no taper and covered in scale form foliage, nonetheless we were terribly bearing in mind it.

    In point of fact that there are a immense assortment of assorted species of juniper and though most if now not all of them could moreover moreover be grown into a bonsai to a pair diploma of success, some species are simply better. By “better” I imply:

    • they make a fatter trunk faster than one other
    • the foliage has a savory colour
    • does now not readily fabricate scale-fancy, juvenile foliage when trimmed (Deem “procumbens”)
    • the foliage is compact and hairy {as a change of flat} making it way more straightforward to achieve a dense canopy, the reverse to this could be limp, leggy and or flat foliage.

    When shopping, gathering or rising juniper inventory for styling as a bonsai clutch into fable the above in the context of what you need the final tree to hunt fancy. As neatly as, effect now not neglect to grab into fable the recount characteristics of that species. If its naturally a creeper then an real fashion goes to be more aggravating to achieve than perhaps a cascade as you will be battling in opposition to the pure recount characteristics of the species.

    imported itoigawa juniper bonsai

    Image caption. An Itoigawa juniper I imported for resale about a years prior to now. The foliage is one of basically the most sought after at the fresh time.

    In South Africa, basically the most unceasingly passe species would most most likely be:

    1. Juniperus procumbens, a low-rising shrubby juniper native to the southern Japan.
    2. Juniperus procumbens ‘nana’, same as above nonetheless a dwarf diversity.
    3. Juniperus virginiana ‘Grey Owl,’ finely textured, arching branches with a steady, silver-gray foliage.
    4. Juniperus chinensis ‘Blaauw,’ grows as a shrub or tree.
    5. Juniperus chinensis ‘Kaizuka,’ in most cases grows as a shrub or tree. 
    6. Juniperus horizontalis ‘Prince of Wales,’ one other spreading or ground cowl form juniper. 

    Tip #3. Accumulate interest for the interval of pattern

    The fair real thing about rising your individual field cloth is that it is seemingly you’ll well begin engaged on it while its nonetheless in the ground, a high quality container or win. When its level-headed it’s good to to work with what you will need, same applies to procuring field cloth.

    What I imply by setting up interest is in point of fact the shari and jin; the intertwining of dwell and needless. All too continually I leer junipers with either no deadwood on them at all, or a in actuality uncomfortable strive at setting up shari by putting off a parallel line of bark on the entrance of the trunk. In nature, junipers we uncover spectacular are coiling, their dwell veins snaking across the trunk. Evidence of frail branches (jin) which died and now bleached by the solar add to the impression of age and speaks of the hardships the tree has needed to endure. 

    mark polson creating shari

    Image caption. Label Polson could moreover moreover be viewed right here putting off bark on a younger juniper to manufacture shari

    Open setting up these facts in the tree as soon as that it is seemingly you’ll well recall to mind for the interval of its pattern when the tree is dormancy. This can demonstrate the least risk to by chance stripping bark from the tree when it is extraordinarily loosely ie for the interval of active rising classes. Whereas it is seemingly you’ll well derive the timing real then for the interval of the plant life summer dormancy interval would be one other fair real replacement. This could be after the spring recount has hardened off with its colour turning from gentle to unlit inexperienced, nonetheless earlier than the second recount interval for the interval of autumn. (A slight bit take a look at it is seemingly you’ll well attain is take a look at whether the bark comes off without problems) 

    wild procumbens juniper bonsai tree

    Image Caption. How barely a range of you will need in actuality leer a Juniper procumbens rising wild in Japan where it is indigenous? This photo became once despatched to me by a chum and what’s of particular significance is the deadwood. Please use this as inspiration when engaged on your individual procumbens as including deadwood fancy this could well moreover dramatically fabricate larger the seems of maturity and renders the tree way more dramatic.

    There are truly two suggestions of making shari, with many diversifications or combinations of the two. You potentially can either wire the tree and enable the wire to chunk into the bark. When visible swelling is observed and a change in the sapflow has been established it is seemingly you’ll well clutch away the wire and then begin putting off the bark from the “trough” of the swelling, where the wire became once.

    The opposite advance which perhaps is more standard is to begin by either drawing or imagining a line snaking up and across the trunk. Alongside that line clutch away slim and barely quick sections of bark. Over successive years it is seemingly you’ll well fabricate larger the size and length of these sections till they meet. Then you with out a doubt continue putting off bark over time, whenever widening the deadwood by putting off more bark on either facet.

    creating shari step 1

    Step 1 in setting up shari. Care for some bark. Sketch by Jose Rodríguez.

    creating shari step 2

    Step 2 in setting up shari. Care for some more bark in the next season. Sketch by Jose Rodríguez.

    creating shari step 3

    Step 3 in setting up shari. Care for but more bark over following seasons till you will need a snaking shari alongside which your dwell veins will assemble in thickness and begin to bulge. Sketch by Jose Rodríguez.

    You are going to moreover want to manufacture some entertaining bends in the trunk and branches. For this please leer a outdated put up where Brett Simon demonstrates a advance of doing this.

    Tip #4. Don’t be horrified to graft

    Till now not too long prior to now I could moreover accumulate nobody native who became once grafting junipers. Happily cases occupy changed and artists are starting up build to love the aptitude being in a quandary to graft affords. I attain now not fancy to head into part about the technique, Label Polson did on the other hand demonstrate one of many uncover how to us in video and moreover wrote an accompanying article. Watch and read it right here.

    I could on the other hand reveal 2 benefits grafting will give you:

    1. Whereas you will need a immense trunk nonetheless uncomfortable foliage you will be in a quandary to replace the foliage to a larger form over several seasons by grafting.
    2. In case your fabricate requires a division in a quandary where you will need none, it is seemingly you’ll well either hope something develops, or fair graft a division on.

    Mark polson juniper grafting

    Image caption. Here Label could moreover moreover be viewed in action making ready to graft. A engaging grafting knife is key.

    Tip #5. First the bones, then the meat

    All too continually the temptation when sitting in entrance of a juniper bush, especially something which has a hairy rising behavior is to give it a fashioned styling with wire; positioning the branches and foliage pads then to relax and revel in. 

    Koji Hiramatsu juniper bonsai

    Image caption. A juniper now not too long prior to now styled by Koji Hiramatsu. As right here’s the preliminary styling the foliage will change into dense over time, nonetheless the underlying structure of the branches has been created. 

    Apt as with any other tree you will want initially the trunk, transfer on to basically the most main branches, then to the secondary and tertiary. Initially build in case you clutch away the superfluous stuff this could well moreover in actuality feel fancy you’re taking the tree backwards because it could perchance well occupy to hunt fairly stark. On the other hand in the long timeframe if you happen to derive the structure/foundation/skeleton/bones real, now not most efficient is the meat (foliage) going to hunt powerful better, nonetheless more importantly you will be in a quandary to withhold the fabricate and neatly being of the tree over a for powerful longer timeframe.

    Click right here to ogle the Juniper gallery I in actual fact occupy build collectively to your additional motivation

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