Surinam Cherry Bonsai Tree Eugenia niflora

Because cherries are sweet and juicy, they devise an fantastic accompaniment to truffles. They’re also colossal in jams, juices, tarts, and other baked goods. Surinam cherries are one in all several cherry kinds cultivated worldwide.

Plant Profile

When deciding on an out of doorways tropical bonsai, the Surinam Cherry (Eugenia uniflora) is indubitably a colossal opt. It has a protracted life expectancy and is moderately easy to cultivate.

The Surinam Cherry (Eugenia uniflora) is a tropical South American tree native to the east cruise of the continent, from Suriname to southern Brazil. It’s a puny bit tree with a conical constructing that grows slowly and is identified as Pitanga across Brazil or angapir in neighboring worldwide locations.

The leaves are colorful inexperienced and invent in pairs, with contemporary copper-colored leaves. The exfoliating bark is a lustrous crimson coloration (flaking). Reddish fruits invent from aromatic white blooms.

Surinam Cherries are immune to pests, easy to grow, and high in antioxidants. The fruit is high in weight loss program C and is often outdated in jams and jellies as a flavoring and foundation. This Surinam Cherry is broom-trained and grows successfully indoors.

In case you imagine you’ve gotten seen a familiar variety of tree outdated to, it’s because Australian Brush cherry and Jaboticaba, often identified as Brazilian Grape, are botanically connected with every other. These two extra Eugenias are also aesthetic for tropical cultivation. Plant life and fruit add to the appeal of all three.

Foundation and History

The plant is frequent in Surinam, Guyana, and French Guiana, as successfully as northern, eastern, and central Uruguay and southern Brazil. In Paraguay, it grows naturally in thickets along the borders of the Pilcomayo River. It used to be named after a shrub that grew in a backyard in Pisa, Italy, and used to be conception to were transported from Goa, India.

The seed, be pleased the cashew, is believed to were introduced from Brazil to India by Portuguese explorers. It’s some distance grown and naturalized in Venezuela, Argentina, and Colombia, as successfully as along Central The usa’s Atlantic cruise and on a few West Indian islands

It’s some distance often planted as a decorative plant in Hawaii, Samoa, India, and Ceylon, as successfully as in tropical Africa, southern China, and the Philippines, where it used to be first identified in 1911.

The first Surinam Cherry used to be introduced into coastal Israel in 1922, and it sparked frequent interest as a result of its ability to yield fruit in May perchance perchance well when other fruits are limited and its low upkeep requirements. Alternatively, the yields bought over the course of ten years were disappointingly low.

At some level of Florida, the Surinam cherry is a favored hedge plant in the converse’s central and southern areas, as successfully because the Florida Keys. Teenagers now delight in the wide majority of the fruits. Many of us outdated to let the tree grow organically and get the fruits for culinary functions. Smaller quantities were equipped in Miami marketplaces for a whereas.

The plant is planted in pots in temperate zones for its lovely foliage and honest appropriate fruits.

Pronounce Requirements

The Surinam Cherry is a mountainous shrub that can change into over 25 toes mountainous.  The fruit bears one to 3 seeds and is skinny-skinned with seven or eight ribs, about 112 inches in diameter. When the fruit is younger, it’s inexperienced, then turns orange, then colorful crimson or dim purple-dim. Thanks to its resinous taste, some americans find the sweet, juicy meat refreshing, whereas others find it an received taste.

On the general, this plant prefers elephantine daylight hours and is drought resistant, requiring most interesting moderate moisture. In about 3-4 weeks after blossoming, the fruits stale and ripen.

Easy to claim, the tree requires puny care in subtropical and tropical settings and appears to be like to grow in a diversity of soil sorts. In locations where rainfall is scarce or seasonal, irrigation is required.


Surinam Cherries will also be grown successfully indoors.

Eugenia likes the warmth in the summertime and prefers temperatures between 46- and 68-degrees Fahrenheit in the iciness. It wants to be introduced indoors when the temperature drops below 30 degrees in the iciness. This wants to be performed because Eugenia dislikes draughts and low temperature modifications and might well simply restful shed its leaves if these conditions arise.

Light and Publicity

Put your Surinam Cherry anyplace from state daylight hours to partial color. This bonsai prefers lustrous light nonetheless can adapt to lower light ranges if wanted.

Within the summertime, it’s going to in most cases face up to elephantine sun, although in the warmest locations, moderate color is preferable.


Surinam Cherries can grow in practically any variety of soil, at the side of sand, sandy loam, stiff clay, and aloof limestone, and might well even face up to water logging for a short time length; then again, they’re salt illiberal.


Within the summer, give your Surinam Cherry heaps of water, and in the iciness, give it moderately much less. This bonsai prefers traditional light moisture over being sopping wet and let to dry out, as this might well simply fall leaves if the soil turns into too dry.

Misting and affirming your bonsai on a humidity tray can support. Sustain your bonsai pots high on pebbles to avoid root rot and enhance humidity. In case your water is salty, narrate distilled or rainfall because Eugenia can’t stand salt.

Rising Stipulations

Surinam Cherry seedlings grow slowly; some fruit at two years outdated, whereas others might well simply no longer fruit for one more five or six years, and even ten years if grown in unfavorable stipulations.

They’re most productive when left unpruned, although even when discontinuance-clipped in hedges, they accomplish a colossal choice of fruits.

Fruiting is aided by a quarterly application of a whole fertilizer formula. After an moral soaking, the plant responds swiftly to irrigation, and the fruit gets bigger and sweeter in taste.


The Surinam Cherry is a substantial grower that can attain a top of 8 meters in the wild. In consequence, it is likely to be in the discount of hard, providing an opportunity for impress spanking contemporary bonsai growers to invent their substitute.

Recent shoots with 6-8 pairs of leaves wants to be decreased to 1-2 pairs. At some level of the growing season, the lignified branches of this bonsai might well be meticulously wired, although overall trimming will yield higher shaping outcomes.

In case you coast at the side of wiring, grab measures to present protection to the branches, because they’re with out difficulty scarred. It’s some distance ultimate for all kinds, taking into consideration persona and creativity to shine through.


Essentially the most customary manner of dissemination is thru seeds. They most interesting remaining a month outdated to germination and invent in 3 to 4 weeks.

Volunteer seedlings might well be taken up and replanted efficiently. In India, layering has proven to be efficient. Seedlings might well be aspect- or cleft-grafted to superior picks, although they’re going to sucker below the graft.


Every two years, in early to mid-spring, is the largest time to repot your Surinam Cherry. Heat from the bottom encourages root boost.

The usage of azalea soil or overall bonsai soil is serious. Surinam Cherry roots can withstand heavy pruning.


Fertilize your Surinam Cherry every two weeks all the way through sessions of mercurial trend and every 4-5 weeks all the way throughout the iciness. Because this bonsai prefers moderately acidic soil, the usage of Mir-acid once in a whereas is commended.

Pest Sustain a watch on

Scale, mealy bugs, Caribbean fruit flies, aphids, and crimson spiders are all pests that assault the Surinam Cherry.

Making a concentrated soap and water solution is an ambiance friendly manner to manipulate a huge choice of insect pests.

Spray the leaves with the solution except it runs off, then gently wash them with a gentle sponge, rinsing after every cross to make sure aphid elimination. Snatch a remaining rinse with neat water and retain a hunt down for extra assaults in the days forward!

Mealy Bugs are white and might well additionally be cowl in colossal numbers along the leaves, hiding in protective aspects of the plant. Wipe mealy bugs off by hand and sprinkle your bonsai with Neem Oil as a dwelling cure for mealy bugs.

Be part of Us!

Bonsai is alleged to be extra than aesthetic a plant; it’s a manner of life. Regular care and repairs are required for bonsai bushes aesthetic be pleased the Surinam Cherry Bonsai. Merely practice our instructions when caring for a bonsai tree, and you’ll be successfully to your manner to being a bonsai educated. Test with our blog section to be taught extra!