Pruning And Repotting My Cedar Clump Bonsai, Part 3, The Bonsai Zone, March 2021 • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Pruning and Repotting my Cedar Clump Bonsai, Part 3

hi everyone nigel sanders here welcome back to part three of repotting my clump style fuji bonsai the weather has really changed today it’s been raining all morning we’ve got high winds and i think a cold front is blowing in i can see what the truck looks like shiny now because of the rain looks kind of good i had the fellow come in and look at the eavestrough so they’re going to do that within the next couple of weeks getting an eaves trough up on the plant room here i’ve just been catching as much water as i can in buckets and i’ve been filling up my thousand liter tank here so you can see i’ve got a bit of water in it so i’ve just been using pails and dumping it in the hole in the top and i’ve been using a screen across the top as a filter that seems to work pretty well the weather is supposed to improve this afternoon the rain will stop so i can get back to this project i’ve got all my little seedlings in my bucket here ready to plant the fuji is looking good it’s still greening up even more with this warmer weather just amazing the maples seem to survive the night quite well with all that rain i’ve noticed that the buds are swelling on my bald cypress i don’t know if you can see them down there by my finger but they are so that’s exciting it looks like it’s made it through the winter i was kind of worried about that here’s a look at the back of my large forest and it is greening up also all the buds have little green tips on them now so the needles are beginning to come through very exciting i do have one casualty and that’s my little spruce that i grew from a seed now this one had a really horrible root system on it and i tried to correct it with root pruning and i kind of thought at that time it was going to be touch and go for this tree and it had the green needles on it last year but it didn’t really grow over very much and after the rain it just seemed to knock all the old needles off so it’s looking pretty dead now it’s too bad it was a nice little tree but uh yeah i should have got to that root pruning earlier on it it just had a horrible root system yeah i don’t know if this cold weather will you know prevent the needles from coming out on the larches but uh i guess we’ll find out see how cold it gets but everything’s looking good i can probably tidy up the all the leaf litter green it up and get the moss going again i can see there’s a lot of moss missing from the front here yeah so everything’s looking good this little spruce is doing well the elms the buds are swelling on the elm the american elm so that’s good the white pine lots of buds on that uh these chinese elms i don’t think they’re hardy but i kept them in the greenhouse over winter uh they might live i don’t know i don’t think this one is going to live but maybe these other ones will who knows the birch the uh paper bark birch here the buds are swelling on it looks like it’s doing really well all the little larches that jonathan gave me are doing really well you can see them greening up there’s buds coming out on the trunk down here so they’re going to make fantastic trees not the styling i expected but the rabbits the rabbits will create something unique for me i think the small leaf linden looks good uh the buds are swelling on it yeah so i think it survived it stayed out all winter i’m going to head inside now and i’ll come back out when the rain has stopped and i’ll continue on with the fujia project i thought while we’re waiting for the rain to stop we’ll head into the plant room and i’ll show you some updates in here here we go warm in here i don’t know if this is going to fog up i think it is i’ll let the camera adjust to the temperature and humidity in here and then we’ll come back for an update all right we are back i don’t know where to begin um everything is just growing like a jungle in here let’s start with the franken ficus it is up here and looking really good uh i was a little worried after i chopped it back and you know the growth was coming in very slowly and i thought but i can see the promise of the tree now i think it’s yeah it’s looking really good i’m really happy with it uh let’s go to the money tree here growing well um you can’t see much of it but yeah it’s there there’s the trunk underneath there my silk floss tree looks really good i do have a few spots blisters on this one leaf here i don’t know if that’s like a um i don’t know what it is like the new leaves are really good looking but it’s just that one leaf maybe it i don’t know who knows uh my lemon tree here is filling out nicely the mars project the aloe is doing really well and the little pop there that grew off of it doing really well the rover is doing really well there the asparagus fern just keeps growing my ficus cutting of a cutting back there is doing well growing really well i have a tray of cuttings down here and yeah a lot of them are doing really well amazing my dracena here remember that dercena i cut off it is coming looks like devil’s horns or something but yeah i’ve got two shoots growing off of it there’s a third shoot here that may come out i don’t know the other dracena down here it has a shoot coming off of it a little awkward looking that one but oh well uh connor’s ficus religiosa here is doing amazingly well it’s got new growth all over uh almost fell over there yeah doing really well my ficus root over temple is doing well you can see it’s growing in once again again i was a little worried about this one but i think all is well it is going to develop into a nice tree once again my ficus microcarpa the ficus sisters fancy is doing really well it is growing like crazy it’s got a huge canopy on top of it now yeah it’s uh doing rather well my uh very first ficus that i grew from a seed the canopy is growing out it probably needs pinching once again but yeah doing really well also liking the sunlight and warm temperatures the sarissa over here i gave that quite a pruning and you can see all the new green growth coming in on it yeah it looks like it’s doing well also yeah no problems let’s go over here the portulacaria aphra might be kind of hard to see in these lights but yeah it’s got a lot of new shoots coming off of the top uh vigorous shoots doing well um yeah i think maybe a couple of weeks it might need pruning again my chinese building penging my city pinching back here is really greening up and there’s roots i don’t know if you can see them down there but there’s roots growing all over the surface of the soil in a lot of different places so that’s kind of interesting as they thicken up it’ll be interesting to see the uh the surface of the soil it’ll probably be covered in roots but yeah it needs pruning my natal ficus here it also has roots growing everywhere on the soil down here and the tree is doing really well it’s recovered and growing from the last work done on it my grapefruit is doing really well here really happy with it it’s growing uh my bougainvillea look at the shoots coming off of it they’re just it’s ridiculous how fast this thing grows so that that’s overdue for pruning my scheflera back here the clump style banyan style it’s doing really well it’s uh no problems with it my tiger bark ficus way back here is looking good a lot of new growth on it the canopy’s filling out nicely the sarisa down there is not doing so well my snow queen or ice queen or whatever it is snow queen hibiscus is doing really well the peperomias that ross gave me back there aren’t doing well and i don’t know why i’ve tried adjusting my water into less water didn’t seem to help more water didn’t seem to help i don’t know what’s going on with them my crown of thorns here is looking awesome it’s filling out and greening up really nicely my large leaf schefflera here is doing really well it’s coming out all the new shoots are growing on it now my yellow hibiscus here has got all kinds of flower buds forming on it i give that a really severe pruning and it’s it’s recovered quite nicely my brazilian rain tree is growing really well that needs repotting and re-repotting and pruning my jades my uh jade forest down here it’s recovered it’s coming in quite nicely uh my lemon tree my cascade here uh i’m getting some growth out on the cascading branch now this shoot i can see it needs pinching i’m going to do that right now because i don’t want to develop too much vigor in this area um pinch the top off like that my norfolk island pines a lot of new growth coming in on them they’re looking good that forest my crassula or jade forest it came back really nicely after defoliation and some hard pruning my pencil cuttings down there are coming in really nicely the little pencil cuttings really happy about that they’re greening up diallo is doing well my other hibiscus my red one has a flower bud here that is going to come out probably either later today or tomorrow uh my oh i don’t know what happened to that leaf it’s all twisty that’s not good uh my saber leaf ficus doing really well that’s the back of it uh my rubber tree forest is doing well a lot of new growth on it you can see all the new leaves my clump style rubber tree beside it is doing really well i know you can can’t hardly see anything here because it’s so crowded my lemon tree over here doing fantastic i’ve got new growth on it here and over here and here is a look at the lemon it is getting quite large i wouldn’t say large but it’s getting larger really happy about that i’m probably skipping over a few trees here but my nantel ficus down here with all these aerial roots on it it’s doing really well there’s the clump style rubber tree the base of the lemon tree back there my willow leaf ficus in here not growing really strongly but it’s doing okay i think it might have a little bit of scale on it i’ve gotta get to that uh the ficus religiosis there’s three of them there small medium and large they are doing well pushing out new growth looking good my ficus lyrata fiddle leaf fig all kinds of new growth coming out on it look at the size of that leaf i like this for the large leaves i’m uh yeah i i don’t really care if they reduce too much because i want to grow this into a a large leafy bonsai if that makes any sense uh my ficus benjamina in there that i cut back severely the tropical style one it’s doing really well my monkey ear trees all kinds of new growth coming on them now my christmas cactus back there is growing really well my bullhorn acacia down there doing really well my ficus sisters plane is doing quite well my baobabs they’re down there they are breaking dormancy i’ve got green buds forming or you can see a bit of green on the buds at the tip so i think in the next week or so i think you’ll see them leafing out once again guava tree here is doing really well my schefflera dwarf shiflera here is doing really well the one in the 3d printed pot my ficus microcarpa is doing well the dracina here looking really healthy up top just growing it my two little leaf ficus down here is doing really well my uh buddhist pine or podocarpus is doing well there’s a cutting of my christmas cactus down there that’s doing it really well the campfire jade there’s a planting down here right over there that’s growing leaves on it now all the jade cuttings that i put in stefan’s 3d printed pots there’s one down there are doing really well they’re leafing out really happy the bougainvilleas are doing well have we got everything covered oh here my acacias here’s the acacia forest now this was kind of mixed i had some of them are doing really really well others like this one haven’t leafed out and probably won’t they’re probably dead and there’s a few of them like that there’s a few like this one here never leafed out it just died yeah so some of them are growing really strongly like this one the shoot is just getting huge but others never did leaf out so some leafed out from the base like that one the top of it died but it’s growing from the base so that’s all right i’ll just prune it back my uh plumeria it died uh it didn’t grow at all last couple of years but it didn’t die and then i thought well i’ll give it a cool period in the basement it didn’t like that at all it just uh the trunk went all mushy and it died so don’t put your plumeria in the cool weather uh the pencil cactus down here the one i really dislike but it’s growing well and i think that’s it i think i’ve covered pretty well everything there’s my ficus um what do they call them the uh like the edible fig i forget what they call them some turkey turkey ficus uh turkey fig uh anyway ficus carica it uh i had it in the basement i just brought it up the last maybe a week ago and it’s leafed out it’s doing really well it was starting to leaf out in the basement so i thought oh i better warm it up and get it growing again yeah so that’s about it for updates in the plant room in my jungle here um yeah most things are doing well there’s the odd the odd problem area um there’s some of those campfire jades down there that are doing well yeah the odd problem i have a few insects i got to get take care of it’s just so crowded in here the rain didn’t stop until later on in the day so i didn’t get a chance to repot my cedars yet and now it’s the next day and we had our kw bonsai society swap meet we did it in the parking lot you’re allowed gatherings of under 25 as long as you have a mask on so i’ll show you some scenes from that how’s it going connor good good yeah thanks to charlotte for making these and the buttons are really awesome awesome yeah here’s the button all right i appreciate it thank you tonight i brought uh i brought you some uh rumpfy cuttings okay oh good yeah cause you don’t have those i would love one um everyone’s been asking me do i have one pie oh okay that’s the uh they kind of look like religiosa but they don’t have as long as tail and they’re more look at that now i finally got one i’ll get you your tree connor that’s awesome to get one of those i’m just gonna put this in my car here i’m giving him a ficus religiosa okay let’s have a last look at the ficus religiosa before conor takes it away here you go you said you wanted to oh look at this you wanted to see the one with the clear glass you can see your roots are cool so i gotta beat a couple others so all those are awesome mark oh let me uh yeah i can just put it up there for you all right thanks very much that is awesome thank you that’s gonna be cool i’ll put that in a video ah where’s connor now yeah there you are connor there’s your tree oh wow it grew a lot since i last pruned it awesome thanks so much yeah you’re welcome it’s got the good drip tips on it yeah yeah it’s pretty big what is that when did they call it’s a ficus religiosa but they call these drip tips the water runs off the leaf and off so it doesn’t sit on the leaves and rot them what were you looking for yeah do a plug for your video uh that’s okay this is in from from maybe bonsai [Laughter] yeah we’re here in where i’m here in kitchener waterloo um meeting up with the club so yeah here i am there he is all right first time first time meeting first time we’ve met it’s awesome we’ve been talking lots of zoom and chats and everything i’ve had a couple is this doc’s trunk hey yep oh look at that south african also another south african in the club oh yeah i should have mentioned that let me lift this one up look at that jade holy that’s us are you selling that jack hey are you selling it um swapping it selling it whatever i’ll buy it you will yeah i’ll buy it just like that okay well i don’t know what do you want for 20 bucks oh make it 10 10. all right yeah so wow that’s a good deal okay wait hold on let me have a question which one is it okay this one yeah that’s uh capitella it’s well rooted okay and oh shoot it’s okay it looks like it’s drying out on this side so you’re gonna have some very interesting icy growth uh sort of so it’s kind of rotted a bit on that side this this kind of thing is what you’re going to end up but you can see it’s perfectly green over there okay so all right and if it doesn’t survive let me know i’ve got a bigger one at all all right well thanks very much looks awesome i put it over here all right so james going in the car look at that see how it’s healed here there’s a something taken off and now it’s healing over it’s like his skin forming that’s really cool yeah i’ll turn this into something nice crassula ovata how are you wow so mark made this this bonsai pot it’s like a stained glass pot drainage holes in the bottom and you’ll be able to see the roots grow so i’ll plant like a ficus or something in here and we can watch the roots grow in the bottom of the pot that’ll be cool so charlotte charlotte made these face masks with the kw bonsai logo and these really cool buttons with the kw bonsai logo so they’ve been selling like hot cakes we just have one left and people have been donating to the club here so thanks charlotte fantastic they sometimes they call this the uh in afrikaans they call it the fit plant a fat fat plant okay and this is called the cross the grass fit plant okay wow but you will turn to another one i don’t want to take these things home well i i’m let me you know some more money here i’m gonna no no these are freebies are they are you sure absolutely oh okay i would take a few more we’ll take as many as you can i really like these uh south african plants um some of them have got two in a pot some of them have got one can i take this big one over here yeah that’s that’s why it’s on its own it’s i’m gonna take the big one yes another bigger this this one fell okay yeah and i’ve seen them uh i’ve seen them in asia where they’re they’ve got like big 24 inch pot and it’s got a trunk like this and then it starts to look like uh the leaves are right yeah yeah but if it’s in like a an eight inch pot or something no i know i’m here get some coffee here guys oh yeah how are the trees doing joey they’re good they’re good they’re good they’re good yes yeah i um have to send me some pictures of your trees yes actually there’s one there’s one um that uh i think you like i’ll send you a bunch of pictures because you’ll like it everyone’s dying for an update on youtube uh yes um so he got attacked um he’s got a nice hole in the trunk oh really yeah yeah so i don’t know if it was a squirrel eating it but it’s happening in the summertime um so it doesn’t look the best like i’ve looked at it and it’s like for me personally i just it’s only in the last year cut half of off but but i’m going to bring it to you and let let you figure out yeah um because it just happens yeah i’ve seen guys in the toronto club they have these beautiful japanese maples the squirrel takes a big chunk out of the trunk and they say basically that tree is useless for another five six years till who heals there’s nothing you can do about it you just have to wait for the wound to heal yeah yeah yeah so what’s new wayne not much not much at all are you selling pots here i am oh nice i like them and where are these these are your pots well i’m going to have to buy a weighing pot let me see oh i do like this one that’s a beauty well i’m gonna buy a few i’m not there at that price i’m gonna buy this one that one and they’re starting i just if you like them very subjective thanks wayne awesome pots thank you send it to me oh that’s cool this is the hibiscus right those are they’re pretty good they attract aphids but other than that okay i’ll watch those yeah [Music] yeah it’s really old where did you get it from quebec wow that’s amazing as a bonsai like yeah it was like this yeah that’s amazing but i got three and the other two are like i mean just as old if not older that’s really ancient looking like that bark is really old on it and the just the density of the canopy and that really cool really natural looking yeah like that like this will dry up don’t normally move it was really nice seeing all the people from the kw bonsai society once again face to face i never did get to repotting my cedar in this video so that’ll have to come in the next one in part four that’s all for today i’m nigel saunders thanks for joining me in the bonsai zone [Music]

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