Connor’s Bonsai Bench Tour, Part 3, The Bonsai Zone, Aug 2021 • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Always amazes me when someone has so many great trees. They must have SO MANY hours into all of those, it blows my mind!

Video Transcript

[Music] look at this yeah so this is a big uh collected pontilla um and this is from from raise again uh but you can really cool uh and then it just kind of jumps back on like a 45 or a 90 degree angle yeah um wow big very vigorous very strong yeah so very well recovered from its collection so ready to start working and and and put it on so i’m going to think uh because i really get an alpine vibe from this tree yeah especially this is the cut that’s how ponte is kind of grow in this uh dramatic movement and stuff so i’m going to put it on a rock i think and i’ll show you guys the rock over there and their native ray was telling us yeah i didn’t realize that yeah yeah so the native variety always has the yellow flowers but you can get them from nurseries as well that have a variety of different kind of flowers but you can see it’s just uh it’s been flowering all all summer for me yeah you can see all the dead flowers it’s amazing all summer it just keeps flowering that’s nice yeah it’s very vigorous so i haven’t pruned it or anything like that again pretty cool bonsai to have isn’t it yeah so i’m pretty excited for this too so the benches are packed back in front so we’ll just walk down the back side and speak to some of them around here okay uh this is another collected cedar one of my first ones um and it’s going to be this yeah you guys got the front there wow that is cool so it’s going to be a weird kind of cascade and it has this unique uh back branch is that that one i had at my place for a little while yeah yeah it was collected by the gentleman who didn’t hang around the club yeah yeah i remember kind of collected it and then moved out west i think or something yeah that has really come a long way yeah really good and it’s kind of got this weird sin us branch that’s still flexible so i’m just going to put that kind of somewhere for fun yeah and uh nice good to see stuff again still alive and doing well this is a well this is a bunch of weeds and then a dwarf uh holly i believe oh yeah yeah japanese holly pagoda um but it’s it’s kind of a unique that is structure too yeah that is and will that get berries too yeah yeah it’s an evergreen it’s an evergreen holly and i think it dried out so i missed the flowers i got a couple of flowers okay yeah um but yeah i do expect berries um so they would stay on all winter would they yeah well i’m not sure on this one actually but i i would think so a lot of hollies do do that yeah normal hollywood very cool um in front of it is a another japanese black pine okay so this is grown from seedling and i just did a big chop here kind of late in the season and i did that on purpose uh so i i treated it kind of like your scots pine where i didn’t i didn’t candle prune yeah so you can see here this is all one new candle wow um vigorously yeah so before like it had like six or eight inch candles on it wow um so i i let this was as a sacrifice branch completely let it grow uh and then i made the chop here and you can see the new the new buds starting to open yeah yeah um so those may or may not open by the end of the season but they’ll definitely set buds yeah uh and i kind of did the same thing with this branch too it cut back big branches so again same one cut first branch second cut two branches yeah uh very like kind of rudimentary bonsai style nice way to develop them isn’t it beside it is a collected jack pine okay um wow they have nice needles don’t they yeah yeah i think yeah it’s a two needle it’s kind of like i’ve been asking local people around but i don’t we don’t really have a native black pine right uh so we have like our red pine our pinus resinosa we have our white pine or pine strobis yeah but i think this jack pine is kind of like our closest uh analogous black pine to the japanese black pine what’s this thing uh two needles tight kind of tight as you can see this is when this is it’s wild needles from a couple years ago collected and this year so it’s growing very strong very cool beside it is another uh dwarf a bitter spruce yeah uh so these two trees are actually the lead trees for my mixed forest which will okay that may be the last thing over there wow um but yeah so these are this is going to be like the lead larch tree yeah and this will be the lead spruce tree i get a nice bark on them aren’t they yeah um and it’s kind of uh i’m doing the cathedral type oh yeah it just did it naturally really like i picked the the site i wanted and these kind of all all grew back up very cool screwing that pretty nicely it’s looking very mature isn’t it yeah and it’s going to go right next to the lead large tree so this is the front of it here yeah there’s a really nice base on it oh yeah it’s starting to flake out and stuff very good um but i was telling nigel earlier basically i didn’t i haven’t got to this tree all season so you can see like just look at that this is one shoot yeah just incredibly so it just keeps growing yeah and and luckily look like i i haven’t lost any of my inner foliage no and so you can you can actually see like that’s kind of like where it first puffed out and then you can kind of see the hidden yeah yeah yeah so that’s exactly um will you do that in fall yeah late fall no no no sorry not late fall early fall early fall so late late august about yeah basically um i’ve kind of found my rhythm i guess i’m just talking about how it’s doing stuff uh basically month to month throughout the summer or the whole growing season so i’ll start obviously with repotting and then i’ll put air layers on after i’m done repotting and then once the deciduous trees put out their first flush of foliage i’ll do my first round of pruning and then i’ll be pruning kind of the deciduous trees all early to mid-summer so finish around mid july uh i think i just did my last one a little while ago and we’ll talk about it but i don’t think it’s going to be i think i maybe went too far too many rounds of flushes of growth and then uh we’re probably mid-summer so around this time i’ll start working on my my tropicals so then i can do repots trims basically anything you want on tropicals now because it’s it’s stinking hot and stinking humid and humid and they love it um so it’s a great time to prune your your succulents uh all of your sun-loving trees because now it’s getting the most sun that it will all year yeah um so if you want if you’re pruning for a show or anything like that you want to prune when you get the most sun so you get the smaller small sleeve especially on a on a jade or tropical uh and then once uh that’s done kind of like end of um or the summer solstice uh early fall uh late summer like late august or about a month i’ll start trimming my conifers and then that will set so i’m not going to get any that’s a kind of delicate point because you want it late enough in the season where you don’t force another flush yeah but early enough so it has enough time to set the buds so that’s basically your goal is to set next year’s growth yeah yeah um so this works on all kinds of conifers uh pines larches spruces hemlocks you kind of get the maximum vigor over the summer don’t you exactly then there’s a point where you got to prune them yeah so i it’s uh like a hard prune in the fall and then a pinch in the spring yeah and then other than that like that’s normally what i’ll do on a conifer yeah that’s a good idea uh and then and then after that you’re almost into the winter you’re transitioning your trees inside and then tropicals over the winter and then back to spring and i always tell people there’s an ideal time to do everything but there’s also you can’t do everything exactly yeah so sometimes you gotta adjust your schedule to how much you can do because yeah we’re not a professional nurse yeah we’re just you know basically hobbyists yeah you can only get so much in yeah you can only do so much and sometimes you got to repot a little out of season or yeah it’s not not ideal time for everything but you do what you can do yeah so next to the large is this uh dwarf uh balsam fir so it’s got uh as in there’s still a smooth young bark it’s a route relatively young tree yeah uh it again i had that severe root pruning to get from nursery stock into my bonsai soil yeah so that was last spring i did that so last year not a lot of a lot of growth you can see kind of the needles are thin yeah yeah small uh this year’s growth starting to get a little bit bigger bigger needles yeah so that’s a good sign so that’s probably means i can do a prune uh in the fall in the same kind of schedule i just mentioned well you have to observe don’t you to read the trees for sure you know when they’re becoming vigorous and when you can do certain operations and it’s easy to trick yourself you’re you can see it’s like oh this is this means it’s really good but then you go see like a landscape tree or something in uh in nature and you’ll see like a a 10 inch candle or something especially on this large yeah larches are notorious for that like a strong goring larch will put on like long vigorous candles like this yeah so when you see something like this you’re like oh that’s a strong growing large yeah but if you if you know if you never let yourself grow this and you can trick yourself into thinking this is a strong exactly growing large you always got to compare to a a field group a baseline yeah a tree in the ground or something eh swing over here this is a uh just a nursery stock uh but it’s a really interesting weeping crab apple variety okay uh so it has really small there’s the crab apple small fruit on it and they’ll turn uh you can see they’re just starting to turn color oh yeah yeah so the the sun the side that gets the most sun turns first i see um but it has really small foliage and really delicate small fruit yeah and weeping and yeah so lots of really good characteristics so i’m gonna uh depending where my girlfriend lets me i’m gonna air layer uh some of it for because it has a lot of really great bonsai potential yeah yeah you’ll develop one branch as a future bonsai maybe even up here i’ll try to take the best part of the tree yeah but this would be a nice weeping kind of uh strange kind of cascade yeah and it’s still kind of bendable so i may play with it on the tree while it’s still there well if you can’t do that you’ll have to take the fruit and grow from seed yeah yeah should be okay with that that’s interesting yeah maybe i i didn’t consider from seed because i’ve heard crab apples are very uh unique from seeds very easily okay like almost 100 of the ones you plant will grow interesting well yeah maybe i’ll have a bunch then yeah i have a couple whips kind of down here oh yeah um so i mentioned before like i kind of get you’ll get young kind of material shipped to you from either edmonton or ontario whatever so i have kind of three whippy larges uh the same ones that uh nigel just worked on and made his bog forest out of the ones that the rabbits worked on yeah yeah yeah so uh hopefully i’ll have to protect i don’t get a lot of rabbits thankfully um but i’ll protect these in the winter and then there’s some red maples beside it cool so these are going to go with that uh black spruce forest that we showed you earlier and i don’t know what i’m going to do with the red maples one that’s nice i can keep one in the ground and one in bonsai and we can do like a like a yeah split plot or something like that oh that’s cool um this is another collected uh cedar um so very overgrown yeah um looks like a bush or something yeah yeah so you know what it is a nice trunk great movement in it oh yeah it’s it’s short probably only goes up to about here okay this is gonna be a great showhand so it’s gaining vigor to do future operations yeah so it um smells nice i i collected it i collected this late in the season uh so this was an off maybe around this time like an august collection uh which is kind of risky for for a lot of trees yeah uh i think some conifers you can collect in the fall um this was a little even earlier but i it was it was great i pulled out all the root ball okay so i i i even kind of comb back some of the so i just faded it around yeah and basically it was growing in its ecosystem that it was nice tight nice uh so that normally means there’s a lot of water because the cedar’s like water yeah so they’ll grow normally if it’s in a dry spot you’ll get roots growing uh really far long roots yeah yeah searching for moisture yeah so we’re gonna prune this in the next kitchener meeting actually okay yeah um but it it’s it’s a bush now and but i think it does have a lot of really nice movement and some fine branches in there and i think it’s vigorous enough that we could get away with a lot of pruning yeah yeah really nice that’s cool that’ll be a nice demo to watch yeah awesome really cool uh this is the uh native red pine that we were just talking about resinosa yeah yeah uh eastern red pine and uh i i’m the only person i think someone please let me know if you’re growing these for bonsai i don’t think anyone is i haven’t found anyone i don’t know why yeah um they get kind of a bad wrap because you can see uh like it’s untrimmed needles are like three inches yeah it’s a two needle pine uh stiff needles uh but like you can see great flaky bark this is a young young tree maybe only 12 years old yeah um and you can see some people might laugh only 12 years old yeah young everything’s relative for a tree i know um but after after the the year that i root pruned you can see this year’s needles look that’s a very small tiny yeah that’s like getting into the black pine kind of territory yeah so they do have a potential to reduce yes and um this was a couple of years ago again severe route putting into this bag and it took the severe root pruning okay yeah quite well that’s good yeah um and i’ve just been i’ve been taking off big pieces so this is all dead that’s going to be basically dead wood and this is kind of my sacrifice leader okay so i’m going to cut this back and it’s going to kind of come up and then go back down into this okay cool kind of wavy cascade and do you keep it drier than your other pines or is it like a lot of moisture i i keep it all kind of on the same pine level okay so i try to keep my pines like you said drier junipers pines they like to be on the dry side um so this big like this isn’t a smaller volume than the bigger ones that we started with but this will also probably only get watered once a week okay um and you can see this is uh maybe this is version 1.2 of my soil okay so everything’s kind of different yeah um but it’s got a lot of these expanded kind of balls yeah and uh and yeah bits and stuff this was from a uh when i was doing my masters at the university of guelph um someone uh someone else was doing i think some research on um green roofs or like those kind of living rooms living rooms and stuff like that exactly and that substrate has it kind of needs the same characteristics as bonsai so it needs to be lightweight because it’s going on a roof yeah it can’t hold a lot of water because again it has to be lightweight and uh it has to be porous to let that water out so it’s like the perfect bonsai soil actually we saw those at ray’s remember he had the living roof yeah yeah strips and plants them yeah which is pretty cool so i got some of that so okay uh that will be working wow yeah and i guess this is kind of it for the back side so we’ll go around and check out the last couple benches uh so this is a uh some sort of dwarf siberian spruce so i have a siberian pine and this is a siberian spruce okay um and it’s kind of got this bluish needle to it yeah and uh i won’t be able to move it around but you can kind of see it’s got a big thick trunk and then i’m growing it uh cathedral style yeah so i didn’t make that cut i don’t know what it what it doesn’t even look like it was cut i think it just naturally branched out yeah so there’s some sort of hormones and maybe someone will correct me but there’s a basically a hormone that tells a tree when it’s gonna branch or how many branches it’s gonna have yeah so this may have just naturally broken into the five five six kind of trunks yeah um so i’m gonna keep one one tight and this is a really nice side one yeah really something look at the size of the needles incredible so again this was uh repotted in the spring and it’s kind of the only thing i did to it um so i mentioned particle size yeah so i kind of have a generic particle size for most of my uh small and medium sized bonsai so i’ll just get a handful of both so you guys can see okay and then i have a bigger particle size uh so i’ll grow a lot of my conifers or bigger trees in this one yeah um just because they like i just mentioned they like to be dry that’s probably four to five millimeters or uh yeah yeah i i can get my screen so we can we can go through it but yeah this is basically i think three to five and this is like five to eight and then i have an eight and another eight plus um which i’ll show you i basically only use that kind of bigger stuff for collected material okay um but yeah interesting and did you bare root this one or was it yeah yeah so a lot of even my corner well it depends like when you get nursery stock a lot of it is either what they call bald and burlapped yeah which basically means it was just cut out of the field and wrapped in burlap right so if that’s the case you you normally don’t really have a good root system in there and again it’s like a clay ball depending on where you get it like i found you get a lot of that in in ontario yeah um so if that’s the case then then yeah i try sometimes i’ve had to use pickaxes to get that clay out of there um or or it’s in a nursery pot with like um a cocoa it’s normally cocoa mix or peat no peat sorry it’s going to be a peat mix which is better isn’t it yeah um clay yeah and then you’ll get a nice uh container container grown is better than bald and burlapped yes in my opinion you’ll get a finer a better chance of a finer root base yeah um yeah so that was uh rupen uh completely bare rooted and then put in the big grow box right um and it’s it it’s really really vigorous it didn’t i don’t it did put out a new flash and now it’s starting to set like a lot of buds so i think i noticed some of the new buds are coming out already too yeah so it’s very vigorously getting bigger so again once you get them out of that old soil under bone size soil they once they recover they take back don’t they yeah it’s worth doing wow um so this is kind of well my girlfriend wanted her picnic table back so i’m trying to get rid of some of these trees actually yeah um i i have a few in mind for you nigel but feel free to say no i know you’re running out of space too i can’t say no i just just yeah but these are uh these are the cuttings uh you’ve seen them in the other video i still have more so let me know if you guys want they’re doing really well yeah better than mine and uh yeah so these are same thing you can see this is kind of wet yeah so i don’t move these either just just for lack of trying i bet you i’m underwatering mine because i keep them very dry yeah so they can take it like when they’re actively growing i i found you don’t need to be too concerned about water right it’s really in the off season when they’re in reduced light and they’re inside then you got to really kind of hold back the water yeah uh so sort of a dry winter probably yeah yeah exactly and this is not this is not bonsai soil this is just like a pro mix yeah it is airy like it’s a it’s kind of what i use just as my generic soil fluffy isn’t it yeah fluffy and nice and there’s a good fraction of pearls leaves are very green whereas mine have a red tinge on them so yeah that’s normally like a stress from light and stuff probably not enough water so yeah i think i could water mine more um interesting so yeah there’s a couple things a big thick dwarf spruce again with a nice twin trunk wow and this is kind of the uh this is my goal to get oh look there’s a there’s a wasp here oh yeah but it’s just this is uh nigel i think you’d really like this you can you can have it if you’d like it’s a coral berry okay um and it it’s just about to flower and i’ll show you some other ones that are just about to flower and then it puts out a really nice white and a pinky kind of berry okay cool [Music] and this spruce is that looks very uh like a forest spruce yeah yeah very tight kind of colorful growth smooth yeah or something like that and this is what i’m trying to get with my other spruce up there yeah um but basically i can just make a comment quick on on on these spruce and keeping the the foliage tight is basically you have to prune this uh quite rigorously so a prune and fall in a pinch and spring yeah at least at a minimum and that will you can see that’s going to push back buds back um i’ve heard these back button really well yeah spruce blue spruce thing uh-huh well this is yeah this is a great candidate for that because it’s it really has so like you see here like so this was one this was the fresh candle so this is this year’s growth that i pinched in half so you can see right where i pinched it uh either a bud emerged or maybe i pinched to that because you it’s safer to pinch to a bud right yes but then these tertiary buds also pushed and then these ones i didn’t didn’t prune and they’re budding and then like look you can see uh like even in the in the crotch of the branch like i’m gonna i’m gonna rub that off because i don’t want them there they sprout even on the trunk don’t they sometimes but these these spruce uh they’re very bendy and uh they they take a while to set branches so i’ve already wired this once or twice yeah and they’re starting to lift back up again eh yeah but that that’s my goal for this this is a great tree really set up for the future yeah it’s relatively young but you can see it has a good root base and a nice bark and a nice trunk and yeah it’s got good style to it doesn’t it it’s just yeah very nice counter yeah so it’s once once it’s there you gotta really maintain and you gotta work a lot of a lot of trimming to kind of keep it um i don’t know this is maybe a pin cherry or stuff but even this like kind of young tree you can see that it gets a nice fat root base from these the colander growing oh yeah yeah that’s why i really like these baskets yeah wow and this is a fusion project here yeah so those are silver maples okay um and uh they’re just collected from my gutter okay um so they a lot of them i had like 100 germination rate so i made several of them yeah uh but yeah it’s kind of like um i think bjorn made a video of how to do that a two-part video on japanese maples yeah so i thought i’d try it with a a native tree and i like the silver maple i’m kind of exploring with it like a lot of people say the red maple is probably our best native maple yeah but i really like the silver maple because it has the really uh unique leaf type with the big uh uh veins in it ray told me what it was before nasal nasal cavity or something like that was it nasal no i didn’t think it was nasal it was something like that yeah yeah uh but anyways like this really like i think of like when you think of a maple leaf that’s kind of what you think about basal visual cavity yeah i’m going to google it or something your viewers will tell us yeah they’ll tell us yeah they’re deeply cut aren’t they especially on some of them yeah and uh here’s the whip cord cedar yeah which uh nigel i’m gonna gift this to you if you’ll take it oh my god you’ve spoken about it a lot so i think you’ll really like it yeah they’re on sale right now okay it’s really kind of a weird uh phenotype and uh i’m just kind of playing around with it i did like just a an umbrella or like a profile prune yeah and um you can see like where i cut it back it’s it does bifurcate so you can see here i cut and then now there’s two cut here now there’s four or whatever um interesting so it kind of produces uh buds out of these nodes right here you could probably almost grow it to look like a sequoia or something yeah it does have a very sequoia has that kind of foliage doesn’t it yeah 100 for sure yeah that’s interesting wow um you guys can see some of my rocks back here that’s what i have to do is create a table of giveaway stuff whenever people come over they can please help they can choose from the table yeah so i know isabella wants some of these jades so i’m going to send them along with okay sounds good um but they all came from the the property over there forest over there yeah but let’s meet around back here i can show you guys some of my rocks okay um i have some of this uh japanese blood grass oh yeah uh which kind of it was just here when we got it so this makes a really nice accent plant so i’m going to try to keep some of that up and yeah look at these rocks yeah so this uh this style again is the tufa rock yeah um and they’re fairly light too are they um yeah when you get up to this kind of size you’re still kind of heavy but you can pick this up like this is a nice slab oh yeah yeah um so it’s lighter compared to like something that would be like granite yeah granite or something like that and i don’t know i guess there’s there’s some like natural color variation in this one so you can see a little pinkier yeah um almost like a granite color isn’t it yeah but this one this is a great find i’m really excited to do this because this kind of screams classic uh like root over rock because it’s already in that triangle shape yeah so like a lot when you do this is like you kind of replace the trunk with the rock i see and then i’m going to grow uh like it’s very popular in japan i’m going to grow like shimpaku basically branches yeah so i’m going to take air later air layers of of shimpaku um train them and then and then stick them onto the kind of rock cool and uh and this one did it have natural cavities yeah yeah exactly that is um so i’m pretty sure these are mined i’m not or i’m not sure how they got them okay um but yeah this is actually one i think i’m gonna put my ponytilla in this yeah uh so it’s gonna be exactly like you just said naturally in this cavity like i won’t even have to do any kind of grinding or no no or stuff like that made for uh throwing a tree in there yeah i i like it um i like the reverse taper to it i think it’s i’m going to keep it this way i think yeah and then i’m going to try to mount it in the bottom they say the chinese like the reverse where it’s heavier on yeah and the japanese like it it’s slimmer on top so i think it’s going to contrast very well with like the delicate nature of the pontilla yeah you have like this big kind of fat face of rock and then that little pontilla that does kind of weird crazy movement and then ends up somewhere there it’s cool that’s that’s really cool this is one of my first slabs that i made oh yeah um so this was uh so this is kind of funny well not a funny story um but this is limestone okay uh so it’s um i found and i’ll show you the the maple forest that i have on it now but basically i had an uh an amur maple forest on this yeah and uh they really didn’t like it didn’t like the lime yeah it was the ph was all screwed up for them yeah and i was dealing with a lot of chlorosis a lot of uh basically it was an iron deficiency but it was caused by the ph i see um so i switched it to a new kind of rock i think it’s some sort of granite and they’re doing much better um so you can use limestone but you have to use a species that likes the higher ph’s okay uh so junipers are kind of one of those um i have my thuja over limestone it seems to me yeah yeah like do you have for sure because they’re kind of like they’re native they’re known to grow like uh our escarpments all limestone yeah so they they probably don’t mind that at all you know but i would like never put an azalea on limestone or a pine pine probably don’t like it either um but yeah you can see it’s limestone’s kind of soft so it’s nicer i could drill these holes into it yeah and then uh kind of cut out a little base with a grinder yeah and then i did a cross channel so everything kind of flows into these holes that’s cool yeah so and then i’ll play um with other kind of flabs and then i’ve got a lot of too far that’s a cool rock yeah this is a this is going to be vertical as well okay but yeah it’s kind of like a tall spire will you make a cement base for you yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah uh-huh wow that is cool and i don’t really know what i’m gonna put on there kind of twang with it yeah future projects yeah exactly you’re like me you’ll never run out of things um so this is uh you can’t really see it in here i’ll show you another one uh but this is a collected uh english hawthorne holy um so it’s a twin trunk kind of in there oh yeah but to be honest uh i’m kind of more excited for these kind of which are just weeds but they’re some sort of american elm i think oh yeah yeah um so there’s several of them like this is the biggest one um this looks like a weed but there’s several little elms in here oh yeah yeah i don’t know what kind they are i’m thinking they’re american elm they could be like a slippery elm or something but i’m going to make a forest out of these elms wow nice isn’t it yeah and like this is a decent sized elm leaf that is like just naturalized right yeah um like there’s some big ones and stuff but i’m i’m uh hopeful that it will reduce that’s cool so i’ll try that in the spring and then that one’s just kind of waiting to be collected yeah beside it is another monster hawthorne holy that must be the native species is it or are they both no no um they’re both invasive actually i don’t think we have a native hawthorne uh but this is a uh cockspur right right um and you can see look at the thorns that’s why it’s called really wicked yeah this is nasty and a little a bigger leaf compared to the english hawthorne the english hawthorne i think is the better okay candidate for bonsai um but i’ll try to not get poked in here but you can see there’s a big clump there’s a native oh yeah i’m pretty sure i remember looking it up i could be wrong but wow that is a trunk yeah so there’s there’s several trunks so i’m gonna carve them down yeah and then you can see here like these are i just let them grow these kind of new leaders like the treatment you would do with an olive stump or something like that eh yeah it’s got fruit on it here yeah so these ones are incredibly invasive and i probably let this fruit go too far but you really have to uh not so i’m going to take them off right now just so i don’t remember uh and they’ll they’ll spread they grow um i forget what it’s called but they grow from root cuttings basically yeah um so you can see here some of them are coming out of the roots oh yeah um so they’re incredibly invasive well i can tell you i’ve had these thorns in my mountain bike tire yeah and they puncture right through really fast yeah they’re like look at this one just oh my goodness that’s a crazy spike that is crazy so you can dethorn them yeah and then once you remove the thorn like a new thorn will never grow there right um nice oh yeah a big big chunk to do um so this is my busy tropical bench and yeah maybe i’ll pull out a couple of interesting ones uh a lot going on here um it’s like a tropical jungle yeah yeah so i got some ficus in the back um there’s my big ficus rumpfy back there yeah that’s your prized tree isn’t it yeah one of them i’ll try to maybe get to that in a sec um here’s my other type of bougainvillea oh so you can tell this this is i don’t know what variety i think this is just a regular variety but it grows more viney kind of glabra i think yeah that sounds good i don’t know how you pronounce it but something like that yeah and your edible fig up top there yeah so that’s a that’s a good one that’s really nice back there yeah that looks really good oh yeah yeah so maybe i’ll just pull out a couple and we’ll bring back to the bench and we can kind of go over them actually let’s maybe um it mean you can move we could look at this is the root bridge okay um and it’s grown a lot since i think the last time this spans between two rocks yeah so if we actually we’ll just flip it around and bring it out for everyone so you can see okay [Music]

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