You appropriate finished repotting – now what? – Bonsai Tonight

When you happen to originate the remaining of the repotting – and breath a snarl of reduction – it’s time to relax and let the trees grow into their new homes.

Whereas the trees are busy sending out new roots, our critical job is keeping them from the perimeters.

The #1 enemy is frigid temperatures. Many frigid-tolerant species can handle transient overnight lows at or appropriate below freezing, nonetheless don’t hesitate to guard outmoded trees, little trees, and precious trees from freezing.

When temperatures tumble lower or fail to warmth up after a few hours, it’s agreeable to retain these trees in a real draw fancy a workshop or storage.

The next ingredient to gape for is excessive wind. Repotted trees are veritably OK in a soft mosey, nonetheless solid or sustained wind can dry trees like a flash. When that you would possibly presumably perhaps factor in, give protection to lately repotted trees from solid wind. This would presumably perhaps presumably mean spirited trees in opposition to a wall or fence at some stage in a windy spell, taking them into the workshop, or placing them on the bottom.

At remaining, be particular repotted trees win enough water. The bid ingredient about caring for lately repotted trees is that it’s exhausting to over-water as the extra veritably drains freely after we repot.

I overhead water a lot in early spring to retain foliage frigid as this takes some of the burden a ways off from the roots. As for watering the soil, I veritably water when the skin of the soil is dry.

Listed below are some examples.

Wet surface soil

Moist surface soil

The Chinese language quince above doesn’t need watering as the moss on the skin of the soil is restful wet.

By the following day the soil had dried out so I watered as neatly-liked.

Dry soil

Dry soil indicates that tree is ready to be watered

I will be capable to sprint either plot when the skin of the soil is partially dry. When here is the case, I’ll sprint ahead and water deciduous trees nonetheless I would agreeable overhead water conifers.

Partially dry surface soil

Partially dry surface soil on a Jap maple

For conifers I’ll veritably overhead water at any time when I sprint by a tree with a hose nonetheless agreeable water the soil when the skin is dry.

Dry soil

Dry soil – time to water

For azaleas, I’ll water any time the moss on the skin of the soil feels dry to the touch. I follow this form all year as azaleas fancy to originate comely roots conclude to the skin of the soil.

Dry mountain moss

Dry mountain moss on a satsuki azalea

When you happen to’re fortunate enough to accept as true with an dear keeping of live moss on the skin of the soil, you’ll must make spend of different guides as as to if or no longer the tree wants watering. If the tree changed into as soon as lately repotted, sprint ahead and water within the event you watched the soil is beginning to dry out (the moss would possibly presumably perhaps very successfully be dry to the touch). If the moss is dripping wet, I’ll skip watering and take a look at over again later.

Live moss

Mounds of live moss

In transient, I’ll water if I’m on the fence about it as I need to be particular new roots don’t dry out.

After trees accept as true with had a few weeks to root in I’ll launch to fertilize the ones that need it. Until that time comes, I’ll retain appreciating the advantages of having freshly repotted trees within the backyard!

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