Yamato Bonsai Kai’s 50th exhibition – Bonsai Tonight


Last weekend the Yamato Bonsai Kai hosted their 50th annual exhibition in Union City, California. The event featured demonstrations both days by club sensei Johnny Uchida, vendors, club sales, and a fun mix of show trees – several of which are among my favorites in the Bay Area.

The Western juniper below was initially styled by Shinji Suzuki. The movement and deadwood along the trunk is beautiful.

Western juniper

Western juniper

I’ve long been a fan of the Sierra juniper below. The deadwood shows great age and detail.

Sierra juniper

Sierra juniper

I’d also like to call attention to one of my favorite Monterey pines – it’s nearly 4′ tall!

Monterey pine

Monterey pine

Johnny Uchida

Johnny Uchida working on the demo tree, a California juniper, with help from Howard

(photo courtesy Noah H.)

Tokonoma display

Tokonoma display with spruce and satsuki azalea

Trident maple

Trident maple

I gave a talk Sunday morning for club members that focused on preparing trees for exhibit and display conventions.


Inviting a tree to grow toward the new front (photo courtesy Noah H.)

California juniper

California juniper (photo courtesy Noah H.)

Sierra juniper

Sierra juniper

California juniper

California juniper

Sierra juniper

Sierra juniper

Speaking of exhibits, now’s the time to plan a trip to Kannapolis for the 2021 Winter Silhouette Bonsai Expo. The event is held at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis, North Carolina, and features a mix of deciduous trees and select conifers. Learn more at the event website.

Winter Silhouette Bonsai Expo

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