Setting up redwoods for bonsai work: step 0 – Bonsai Tonight

Before attending to the pruning, wiring, and styling steps, I take dangle of to procure bushes healthy sooner than engaged on them. For flee redwoods, this on the total come repotting and giving them a 365 days or two to win vigor sooner than going any additional.

That changed into as soon as the case for a batch of diminutive redwoods I picked up from Bob Shimon at Mendocino Skim Bonsai this iciness.

Alternative the soil fell away when I repotted them so the bushes were in fact bare-rooted. When that occurs I want to relieve as noteworthy new growth as imaginable for at least a full 365 days sooner than doing any foremost pruning.

The critical exception to this is that I’ll lift away any basal growth to relieve the tree to speculate in branches that emerge elevated on the trunk.

Right here’s an example of this.

Redwood before pruning

Redwood with shoots rising at the inferior of the trunk

After removing basal and root shoots

After placing off basal and root shoots

I went thru the similar direction of for all of the bushes from this batch.

Redwood #2

Redwood #2

Redwood #3

Redwood #3

Redwood #4

Redwood #4

Two of the bushes produced sizable shoots which makes me center of attention on they had more roots to commence with. I lowered the basal growth as sooner than and calmly trimmed the uppermost shoots.

Redwood #5 - before

Redwood #5 – sooner than

Redwood #5 after

Redwood #5 – after

Redwood #6 before

Redwood #6 – sooner than

Redwood #6 - before

Redwood #6 – after

Going forward I’ll lift away basal growth on every occasion I look it. Reckoning on the total quantity of contemporary shoots the bushes diagram this 365 days, I’ll either commence coaching them as bonsai next 365 days or the 365 days after (look steps one and two for crucial choices).

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