Repotting a young exposed root pine – Bonsai Tonight


Last week I received a reminder that it’s time to repot the pines in my garden.

Strong winds had knocked over a young exposed root pine revealing lots of new roots.

Broken pot

Broken pot

My favorite time to repot pines is after the roots start growing but before the buds begin to open so the timing couldn’t have been better.

Here’s a close-up of the new roots.

New roots

White and yellow roots indicate recent root growth

The first step was removing the mat of roots at the bottom of the rootball.

Mat of roots

Mat of circling roots


After removing the new roots

I pulled away all of the circling roots until I could see bonsai soil peeking through between the roots.

Root-work complete

Root-work complete

I used a slightly larger pot to better stabilize the tree, but I’ll need a larger pot before long as young pines grow quickly.

After repotting

After repotting

As this was a good time for adding curves to the trunk, I applied some heavy aluminum wire and made some bends.

Exposed root pine after wiring

After wiring – 12″

That’s all the work the tree will need for a while. I plan to let it grow freely until fall at which point I may wire some of the new branches.

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