New Guide – Troubleshooting yellow foliage on black pine – Bonsai Tonight


Over the years I’ve written about various causes of yellow foliage on black pines. In an effort to record all of this information in one place, I’ve created a new guide that provides info on the following categories of yellow foliage:

  1. Old needles are turning yellow
  2. New needles are yellow near the base but green towards the tip
  3. One or more branches are yellow but the rest of the tree is healthy
  4. Yellowness accompanied by spots
  5. Yellowness accompanied by brown or black needle tips
  6. Shriveled or twisted yellow needles
  7. General Yellowing
  8. Yellow on the upper side of needles
Old needles on black pine

Old needles turning yellow in fall

You can view the guide at Why is my pine yellow? A black pine troubleshooting guide.

I plan to update the guide as the need arises, so feel free to provide suggestions for improvements in the comments below.

News & Updates

  • Yamato Bonsai Kai is hosting their 50th exhibition this weekend at the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church, 32975 Alvarado-Niles Road in Union City, California. The hours are 11am to 5pm on the 16th and 10am to 5pm on the 17th. Club sensei Johnny Uchida will be doing demonstrations on both days of the show. I’ll be vending there so stop by and say hi!
  • Bonsai soil will be available on the Indian Bonsai Art Online Store next Wednesday. Supply is currently limited, but I’m expecting subsequent shipments as soon as the current shipping congestion clears up.

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