Highlights from the Eighth US Nationwide Bonsai Exhibition – segment 1 – Bonsai Tonight

Final month, William N. Valavanis hosted the Eighth US Nationwide Bonsai Exhibition in East Rochester, Fresh York.

On the initiate of the event, Bill reviewed all of the shows and seminars he’s hosted over time and particular that this changed into the 100th show he’s staged. Right here’s no longer likely sounding success deserves huge congratulations – thank you, Bill!

This yr’s event changed into one other big success with big attendance from all the absolute best plot by the arena including demonstrators Koji Hiramatsu (Japan), Gerald Rainville (Canada), Sean Smith (US), and Corin Tomlinson (UK).

The show itself featured 304 bonsai. To give an opinion of what the event changed into fancy, I’ll feature a handful of bushes this present day and next week that highlight two aspects of the show. This week we’ll ogle at exotic (non-native) bushes which were in coaching for a selection of years. Next week, we’ll ogle at North American species at quite about a phases of construction.

Brazilian rain tree

Brazilian rain tree by Louis Carreiro

One of the crucial fun of attending an event fancy the US Nationwide Exhibition is that it functions a huge differ of species that I don’t see as much of in regional reveals. The Brazilian rain tree above is a huge instance of this. The tree received quite about a consideration no longer only since it’s big and vibrant, however since it changed into grown from reducing in Fresh England, a situation that isn’t in general belief to be a hospitable dwelling for tropicals!

On this ticket, belief to be some of the more spectacular ficus within the show calls the University of Michigan’s Matthaei Botanical Garden dwelling.


Banyan – Ficus microcarpa

One of the crucial more dramatic bushes within the show changed into an itoigawa shimpaku by Stewart Tieszen.

Itoigawa juniper

Itoigawa juniper

The tree changed into distinguished for its attention-grabbing foliage blueprint that relied on layers of branch pads organized in an irregular pattern. It changed into belief to be some of the more complex designs within the show.

A ancient gloomy pine took the reverse skill by featuring a full silhouette and peaceful branch blueprint.

Japanese black pine

Jap gloomy pine by Brownlee Currey

Deciduous bushes displayed in leaf in general fail to express the wonder of their branch construction, however an fabulous cork bark Jap maple did a huge job exhibiting off its ancient bark from the unsuitable of the trunk to the uppermost branches.

Arakawa Japanese maple

Arakawa Jap maple by Lucas Glass

In inequity to the sunshine and ethereal Arakawa maple, Mike McCallion’s trident maple conveyed strength within the decrease trunk and ground roots, classic functions for tremendous tridents.

Trident maple

Trident maple

Our last tree for this present day is a multi-trunk Jap 5-needle pine. It takes big care and a peaceful contact to prepare white pine branches in this kind of fixed and artful manner. When you happen to haven’t had the expertise, I highly point out giving the species a try – it’ll be an fabulous anxiousness to gather the branches organized to one’s liking!

White pine

White pine by Brian Hollowell

Next week we’ll buy a ogle at some of the US natives on present. In the duration in-between, head over to the Bonsai Wire Podcast to listen to responses to the quiz, “Why may perhaps perchance aloof one merely in regards to the US Nationwide Bonsai Exhibition?

East Bay Bonsai Society show this weekend

EBBS is web hosting their annual show this weekend at the Lakeside Park Garden Center in Oakland, California. Come look at out headliner Jason Chan of Eastern Leaf who will blueprint an illustration Saturday afternoon.

The show is delivery to the public 10am-4pm on October 7-8. Learn more in regards to the event within the EBBS Newsletter.

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