Fall decandling – an update – Bonsai Tonight


In early October, I began an experiment to see if fall decandling could produce new interior buds on a couple of young Japanese black pines. To date, the results have been good. The first tree I decandled was the weaker of the two. There are plenty of new buds, but not a lot of back budding.

Japanese black pine

11/24/2010 – Seven weeks after decandling

As you can see from the close up, there are plenty of small buds at the end of each shoot.

Three new buds

These buds appeared a few weeks after decandling, but have slowed down since the weather cooled in December.

The second of the two trees I decandled in October is quite vigorous. The tree wasn’t repotted last winter, it’s growing in a large pot, and the branches aren’t wired. As expected, many new buds have appeared.

11/21/2010 – Many new buds

These buds are much larger  than those on the other pine – the first juvenile needles have begun to separate from each other.

New buds

New buds

Even more exciting, I’ve found several new buds. Interestingly, each appears on the underside of the branch from which they spring.

New bud growing adjacent to existing young shoot

New bud growing opposite young shoot

New bud at branch intersection

Each of these adventitious buds appeared at the intersection between two year’s growth. I’m curious to learn if more will appear next year. Several new buds is a good start, but more will be even better.

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