Decandling young bunjin pines – Bonsai Tonight


A few years ago I came across a batch of slender black pine seedlings from a corkbark parent. They were wired for the first time one year ago and are now ready for decandling.

Corkbark pine seedling

Seedling from corkbark pine

I shortened the apex and decandled the remaining branches before removing the old needles.

After cutback

After cutback

After thinning

After thinning needles – 15″

Trunk detail

Trunk detail

I followed a similar process on all of the trees in this batch.

Seedlings from corkbark pines

A sample of corkbark pine seedlings

After cutback and decandling

After cutback

After thinning needles

After pulling needles

It’s nice to be at this stage after working with these trees for several years. Over the next few years, the goal will be to improve branch density and rewire the trunks to set the final trunk lines.

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