Daisaku Nomoto Bonsai Award – Bonsai Tonight


Bay Island Bonsai was fortunate this year to have Daisaku Nomoto around to help with its 13th annual exhibit.

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Daisaku Nomoto

Nomoto, Boon’s senpai at Kihachi-en, wired trees, prepared moss top-dressings, and carried many trees before, during, and after the exhibit. Somewhere along the way, he took a liking to a Western juniper. So much so, it became the recipient of the first Daisaku Nomoto Bonsai Award.

Western Juniper

The winning tree – Western Juniper

Nomoto is a fan of trees styled in this fashion. The tree has a somewhat bunjin-gi feeling, but has a more substantial trunk and silhouette than typical bunjin bonsai. The tree is full, healthy, and well balanced. I’ll add that it points to the right.

Having seen the tree develop since it was collected, I can say that it’s come a long way in a very short time. It is a deserving recipient of the first Daisaku Nomoto Bonsai Award.

Daisaku Nomoto Bonsai Award

The award

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