Crawl redwood – repotting practice-up – Bonsai Tonight

Three months in the past I pruned and repotted a waft redwood.

Crawl redwood

After cutback

After root work

Repotting total

The tree replied successfully and produced new foliage.

Fresh pronounce three months later

Foliage reveal

Right here’s the response I’m extinct to from redwoods. I repotted a second tree that identical day, nonetheless, and it’s restoration has been mighty slower (look “Crawl redwood initial repot” for the repotting crucial aspects).

After repotting in February

Three months later

Because it’s seemingly you’ll perchance be ready to appear, there may be kind of no disagreement between the 2 photos. The tree hadn’t budged in any appreciate till about a weeks in the past when new buds started swelling. The new buds showed up in three indispensable areas – at the guidelines of pruned branches, at the horrible of pruned branches, and shut to the horrible of the trunk.

Buds at the tip of a division

Shoots rising at the horrible of a division

Shoots rising at the horrible of the trunk

Every of those trees grew in the identical blueprint for the previous two years and obtained a comparable water and daylight. Why the variation in response?

One wager is that the increased tree merely had extra reserves from which to plot upon, nonetheless as both trees trust somewhat gigantic trunks, I’d ask both to assign quite a lot of latest pronounce.

Yet some other wager has to defend out with the successfully being of the foliage that remained after pruning in February. Every trees showed signs of “burnt” taking a look foliage – yellowing and browning on the leaves – after I obtained the trees last twelve months. And both trees produced quite a lot of wholesome new foliage in the latter half of of last twelve months. After pruning, nonetheless, I change into once ready to withhold basically wholesome foliage on the massive tree and basically miniature wholesome foliage on the smaller tree. It must furthermore very successfully be that leaving the smaller tree with out a wholesome foliage after reducing a critical different of roots basically set the brakes on.

Or now not. With a sample dimension of two trees it’s laborious to assign staunch conclusions. The next time I repot waft redwoods I’ll defend in mind how mighty staunch foliage and roots I basically must work with and look if any patterns originate up to emerge per how they respond to the work.

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Crawl redwood – initial repot

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