Bay Area Bonsai Associates 34th Annual Exhibit – Bonsai Tonight


This past weekend the Bay Area Bonsai Associates, affectionately known as BABA, held their 34th annual exhibit at the Lakeside Garden Center in Oakland, CA. The exhibit featured bonsai in formal and informal displays. Most of the formal displays are situated on individual tables that let viewers see trees from three sides. This is great for the large trees that filled these spaces as it makes it easy to appreciate these trees from a variety of angles.

Below are some highlights from the formal displays. More individual trees coming Friday.

California juniper

California juniper

Sierra juniper

Sierra juniper

Shohin display - Jasmine sp., Japanese black pine, Japanese maple, Procumbens juniper, Coast redwood, Princess persimmon

Shohin bonsai

Jasmine, black pine, Japanese maple, procumbens juniper, coast redwood, princess persimmon

Shohin display - Japanese black pine, Azalea, Zelkova, Trident maple, Korean hornbeam, White pine

Shohin bonsai

Black pine, azalea, zelkova, trident maple, Korean hornbeam, white pine

Japanese maple

Japanese maple

Korean Hornbeam

Korean hornbeam

Japanese maple

Japanese maple



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