A discuss over with to Invoice Valavanis’ bonsai garden – Bonsai Tonight

The day after this year’s US National Bonsai Exhibition, Invoice Valavanis hosted a workshop at his garden, The Worldwide Bonsai Arboretum, while volunteers unloaded autos and guests (delight in me) enjoyed the trees!

Invoice’s garden is among the must inspect bonsai gardens in North The United States, and it’s been amongst my favorites since I first visited 9 years ago. Listed right here are some highlights.

Beautiful trees in late summer sunlight

Beautiful trees in slack summer season daylight

Japanese maple

Japanese maple


Japanese maple

Japanese maple

Koji Hiramatsu teaching display

Koji Hiramatsu teaching level to

Koji ran a workshop in the morning and a shohin level to class in the afternoon. Invoice had about fifty miniature trees for Koji to work with all the design via the presentation by which he gave contributors the opportunity to space up dislpays and receive feedback about how they did.



One thing that makes visits to the arboretum fun is that there are constantly original trees in the works. Invoice has an intensive nursery as well to the garden the put he develops materials for classes and for sale.

Sekka hinoki

Sekka hinoki

Young beech

Young beech

This barely scratches the outside of what a paunchy tour of the garden entails. For extra knowledge about Invoice and his garden, discuss over with his online page material (the put you can possibly be in a spot to be taught about his sales, tours, and upcoming occasions) and weblog (the put you can possibly be in a spot to examine photos of his gardens and his visits to bonsai gardens across the realm).

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