Masahiko Kimura’s Bonsai garden – Bonsai Empire

His garden is like a museum and anyone interested in Japanese Bonsai will recognize at least half his collection from magazines and websites.

Needless to say, this is one garden you should not miss! Masahiko Kimura specialized in Shimpaku Junipers and his most famous and award winning trees are mostly of this species. In the garden you will find a lot of pine trees as well, but only very few deciduous trees. Many of the current and upcoming Bonsai experts in Europe and the USA were apprentices at mr. Kimura, including Ryan Neil, Marco Invernizzi and Andrei Darusenkov.

You can also check our online course with mr. Kimura: the Masahiko Kimura Bonsai Masterclass.

Masahiko Kimura Bonsai master

Kimura Bonsai garden

How to get there

The Bonsai garden is open to the public but only on appointment. Mr. Nakamizu offers tours to the garden and speaks excellent English, he will normally pick you up from his restaurant in Omiya. You can also arrange an interpreter yourself, have him/her contact the garden at 048/721-3033.

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