Cosmic Bonsai & Kozumikku trend

On this blogpost about the Kozumikku trend, Laurent Darrieux talks about what led him to compose an unusual trend, and the plan it’s done.

Laurent Darrieux began Bonsai in 1987 with his father, and this ardour would by no manner depart him. Substances of this put up approach from his books named Cosmic Bonsaï. Let’s uncover more about the Kozumikku or Burton sort of Bonsai!

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
First historical drawing of the Burton trend by Laurent Darrieux in June 2006.

The Kozumikku trend

We are able to level of curiosity right here on what differentiates the Kozumikku trend from the final alternative Jap kinds of bonsai, such as Moyogi, Netsuranari, Shokan, Chakkan, Ishitsukki, and so on. We are able to furthermore peep to relate the historical reasons which led us to peep but any other manner rather than following the existing kinds equipped by the Jap or the Chinese language that are culturally linked to their history moreover as to their respective traditions.

The Kozumikku trend is no longer in opposition to custom, it’s some distance a legit evolution attributable to it’s emancipation from existing codes and from a static aim of sure bet. Kozumikku deliberately departs from the pretence of other kinds because it does no longer online page out to recreate a tree rising in a natural state, on the alternative by dominating the plant and overruling it’s natural biological habits, the forms cannot exist within the natural world.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
On relate at the European Bonsai San relate.

This convoluted manner of shaping, enables us to circumvent the natural legal pointers ruled by apical drive and phototropism – these forces that are ruled by solar attraction and natural legal pointers. Emphasis is placed upon the inclusion and repetition of fractal forms conventional of timber rising on our giant title and which is able to be online page apart for the time it takes to kind the tree and where this would possibly occasionally live thereafter. It’s fundamental to stamp that with exception to just some of the methods employed in creating this kind which allow it to be uniquely bought, in overall the methods outmoded to mark this trend are classical strategies outmoded inner conventional bonsai development. What distinguishes the Burton Vogue from others as much as now, is that it’s the ideal trend which neither seeks to replicate nature and does no longer occur independently throughout the natural world.

“It’s miles the ideal trend which neither seeks to replicate nature, nor occurs independently throughout the natural world”

Cosmic Bonsai, or Kozumikku

The cosmic trend begins from the premise that it’s imaginable to compose fresh kinds of bonsai utilizing up-to-the-minute methods that are parallel and no longer in opposition to continually permitted principles and records. It borrows a trim majority of manner in producing oldschool Bonsai with the excellence that it frees itself from the existing boundaries and framework.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Inspiration for the Cosmic Bonsai or Kozumikku trend.
Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Inspiration for the Kozumikku or Burton sort of Bonsai.

In relate to mark this, it attracts upon the reimagination from movies, comics, 3D photos or any other ingenious mediums that maintain taken ultimate thing about the creativeness: The flying rocks of the film Avatar, the enormous Cinderella bramble and plenty of, many others. It furthermore enables extra modification in breaking from custom by forging fresh kinds of containers with high feet, tentacles, bolts and other kinds of forms. Progression on this kind presents fresh possibilities permitting a more developed interaction between tree and vessel puny handiest by the human creativeness. The list of possibilities equipped by the Kozumikku trend is non-exhaustive and the door we maintain opened in fresh years enables us to foresee that future generations will breeze even extra than we maintain as much as now at the original time. As soon as utilized inner our potted timber, it would inevitably turn into fundamental to desire into consideration the probabilities when our principles are utilized throughout the manner and manner wherein bonsai are equipped and displayed. As soon as we are ready to deem these up-to-the-minute timber departing from their oldschool iconography and associations it’s imaginable to conceive permitting ourselves to create fresh kinds of relate such as replacing oldschool wooden shelves with fresh ones, constructed with up-to-the-minute materials such as metal, glass or cement with the ideal situation being that they’re fantastically made or no much less than very fastidiously regarded as and that they reward a particular finesse of work.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
On relate at a later European Bonsai San relate.
Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Unknown online page.

As for the oldschool accompanying collectible figurines, it turns into imaginable to interchange them with robots, monsters, or any other up-to-the-minute toy. It’s then handiest logical to re-evaluate the cultural context and coherence by manner of utilizing the Kakemono (placing scroll) and which is able to furthermore require utilising your creativeness in relate to permit the allow the final composition cohesion. Rather then being sure by traditions the messages delivered by these fresh kinds of presentation can also present alternative manner of expression, offering a brand fresh ingenious medium for artists desirous to declare – painters, photographers and sculptors maintain done so by technique of their mediums for hundreds of years, so why no longer bonsai artists? A platform for political conversation or for turning in a message of peace or why no longer criticism of a fundamentally capitalist world which denies the impossible thing about lifestyles, and demonstrates every single day a exiguous extra our inability as a human bustle to live in harmony with it.

The plan it’s done

The main rule of this trend, which opposes the oldschool principles of bonsai, is that you ought to by no manner reduce the guidelines of your branches or the head of your trunk sooner than the conventional shape of the tree is reached. Whenever you’ve won the conventional veteran structure that you intended, handiest then can also you reduce the guidelines at the desired areas in relate to switch on to secondary branching; then tertiary in relate to tackle your tree for a imaginable exhibition. Whenever you occur to be aware this straightforward rule and amplify the scale of your pot yearly with out slicing the roots and factual filling the gaps with fresh substrate you maintain fine tree constructions in only three or four years. It’ll obviously no longer be a fully carried out tree, but this would possibly occasionally originate to manufacture you with some extent of delight if you occur to worth the event from what you began with.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Inspiration for the Cosmic Bonsai or Kozumikku trend.

Let your timber breeze, work with them and allow them to grow all as soon as more, you would possibly perhaps perhaps scrutinize that the head outcome’s no longer the head to be performed due to, as a buddy who has handed away usually suggested me. “It’s no longer the aim you attain that’s predominant, it’s the traipse you’ll want to bag there. Since the aim after we within the raze attain it’s continuously disappointing.”

If my eyes can also nonetheless look it, my thoughts disagrees with portraying the falsehood of a humanity in harmony with nature and no longer perceiving it because the rest as an alternative of merely consumable raw enviornment fabric for profit, consumption and exploitation. Either it’s I who is blind to the truth of the events that encompass me, or it’s some distance the others. For my allotment, I deem I’m beautiful some distance-sighted.

Ways for obtaining the Kozumikku trend

Starting from essentially the most conventional Jap trend, Moyogi, even supposing it if truth be told works with all kinds from Kengai to Neagari. On the sketch right here you would possibly perhaps perhaps perhaps look the fundamental structure outmoded to bag this shape.

The main difference between the Kozumikku trend and the conventional Moyogi trend is that within the first case we utilize the lengths of branches to compose evolutionary enviornment fabric, whereas within the second we reduce the branches at the degree of the carpenters to create secondary after which tertiary branching.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
What classic bonsai pruning would outcome in.

On this scheme we are able to seem the swish cuts as they’re practiced on this planet of classic Bonsai and which is able to permit the craftsman as soon as the fresh shoots in online page, to structure trays and a high around the trunk.

If we return to the first scheme we are able to seem that we attain no longer reduce the rest from the preliminary constructions, they’ll attend us on the alternative to be ligated in relate to present the tree fresh strains of branches. The main wrestle of the Kozumikku trend is to eradicate gourmands systematically starting from the frightening of the ligated branches (purple line). The tree continuously tries to grow by technique of the shortest and finest manner in direction of the solar and to desire care of away from obstructions. You would possibly perhaps perhaps perhaps also be free to tie up the gourmands well situated per your creativity or to remove them ought to you feel that they attain no longer meet your expectations.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Picking which growth to utilize, or prune.

On this sketch we maintain deliberately reduce the tree in half of so that you would possibly perhaps perhaps perhaps also be ready to cherish the significance of leaving the rising tree free or below ligature constraints depending on where you ought to lead it. It’s now and all as soon as more bright to let distinct parts of the tree grow for just a few months to amplify distinct parts of the trunk and branches of our option. Rob into legend that there’ll continuously be time for you to rewire particular parts of the tree per the knowing that you maintain got in thoughts, obviously inner proportion to the crops vitality and the expansion of the tree you’re working on.

Utilized scarification instruments and methods

In these photos we are able to clearly look oldschool healed openings that we’re going to reopen throughout the existing scars. For finer work (describe on the left) we utilize a sturdy and pointed instrument to drive it into the bark and allow the lifting of it. For coarser work and taking away enviornment fabric, a rounded blade is outmoded (describe on the true).

Results bought after taking away the cambium and sapwood to the heartwood. This be aware would be done as much as 4 times depending on the essence of the tree and the vigour of the latter.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Photo 1 and 2.
Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Photo 3 and 4.
Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Photo 5 and 6.

The philosophy of the Kuzomikku trend

The Kuzomikku trend presents the endless possibility of fresh kinds of bonsai with an intrinsic message declaring a huge, unconditional worship of timber and the unequivocal freedom of expression fundamental at the original time for their preservation, persisted existence and per chance their very survival. Entirely rethinking our manner of doing issues and reshaping our ways of pondering will allow us to swap the very route of bonsai as an artwork kind and be aware this artwork in a more rational manner and relevant manner in terms of the duration wherein we live. The theory that of this artwork kind is subsequently absolutely now to now not head in opposition to nature, but to scrutinize ways to shape it in symbiosis with human beings in relate to greater are mindful of it.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
Detailed describe.

If we bag the idea that bonsai is an ingenious kind shaped and constrained by human fingers and subsequently synthetic, we are able to then look the likely of working our timber in diversified ways which will be more in communion with these timber which accompany our lives.

When we desire our first steps upon the bonsai route we persuade ourselves that it’s us whom relate and shape the plant on which we online page our fingers every single day and that it depends on our correct care. As we grow, veteran and pay nearer attention, we approach to cherish that it’s the plant that shapes us and that it’s we who rely on it.

On this fresh theory and manner of idea Bonsai you would possibly perhaps perhaps look that due to we’re working on a exiguous scale, it’s imaginable for us to compose your entire imaginable movements by the ligature with the ideal situation being, that the head of the branch emerges the crown, permitting it to continue photosynthesis and grow in overall. The ideal constraint of this arrangement is obviously to depart the aluminium wire in online page prolonged ample around the branch, so that its structure can retain in online page as soon as the wire’s removed. We bag that the branch marks the cambium beneath the wire for one or two seasons, stable within the records that these marks will instant recede with correct cultivation and monitoring of your tree. It needs to be famed that it’s now and all as soon as more imaginable to bustle up the healing route of of wounds by practicing scarification around the wire scars, imparting the formation of repetitive wedges which, within the occasion that they’re on a protracted-established foundation reopened, will at final overlap one-one other, creating an comely enviornment fabric carry out. Grand take care of timber that are on a protracted-established foundation injured within the wild and which defend themselves by recreating beads of natural sap in relate to guard themselves.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
On relate at the European Bonsai San relate.

As soon as we’re ready to cherish that the ideal limit of the plant is that which we folk impose on it, we are able to also originate to growth toward the realisation that the plant has absolutely no limits. If a tree grown in a pot receives your entire care it needs and is in correct health, it handiest remains to manufacture it with ample restoration time following whatever technical manner that approach to thoughts is utilized. Within the raze it’s some distance a mere ask of plant records and deepest feeling.

Nature with out limits

Nature doesn’t negate itself with the foundations dictated by folk due to it grows – its sole ambition is to outlive, create and reproduce. At no time does she aspire, dream and even conceive of being conditioned by man inner a exiguous pot, and compelled to rely on him for water or her meals needs. To bag the very theory of making Bonsai is to embrace the premise that we management and situation a lifestyles kind inner a receptacle, that we’re going to realize every thing in our vitality to manage to pay for it every thing it requires, even as manipulating and coercing it to bag a personalised estimable kind. Refusing to simply bag this field is to declare the very essence of Bonsai and concede in actuality, now to now not cherish it in any recognize. The very soul of the be aware of Bonsai is to desire nature mastered by man. For my allotment I screech and shield that any very fundamental idea of nature is entirely international to the field of Bonsai. Admire for nature on this case is won by virtue of enjoying with it. The ideal manner we are able to also if truth be told and if truth be told recognize it would be to depart it free and wild, merely contemplating it. As conventional folk we are incapable of relinquishing management – right here’s what separates us from the very idea of nature. Retain in thoughts this exerpt from the final note e book written by Paul Lesniewiscz (The World of Bonsai: 1982). It has been forty years because it modified into as soon as printed and but it remains so profound:

“The more man’s self-records has developed in fresh centuries, the more he has behaved as a grasp and ruler of nature. The absolute monarchs of the Baroque age handiest tolerated it as a geometric spectacle that one found out from the terrace of the castle and which needs to be misplaced in infinity, a carpet of filigree shrubs, a sea of plant life with volutes unending. The lords of the exiguous duchies did no longer take care of having sooner than their eyes a nature of which one can also gape your entire limits.”

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
A Juniper Bonsai with hundreds Shari or scars.

Bonsai is an fully synthetic job, because it’s born of the fruit of human manipulation in all of its manifestations. This led me empirically and with out if truth be told being fully responsive to it at the time, to the creation of the Kozumikku trend. I discovered out that the existing dogma of these that had perpetuated the foundations failed to grasp the depth of the historical non secular ride. These folk had developed a if truth be told traditional and approximate records and regarded to need me to accept as true with and bag that rising a tree in a person-made pot; to wrap aluminium wire around the branches at a definite attitude, even as utilising ancestral codes (of which they appreciated exiguous or no) were all «natural» processes required to maintain a representation of nature. To on this closing date (with the exception of a minority of some timber that I maintain viewed in Master Murata’s backyard in Japan, that are developed by pruning alone), it looks to be to me that the a complete bunch of thousands of Bonsai that I maintain viewed in my lifestyles in Asia or within the West withheld nothing in any recognize «natural», but had some distance more in traditional with a geometrically organized leer of human-centred nature.

Kozumikku style Bonsai, or Burton style Bonsai
The e book.

We thank Laurent Darrieux for his willingness to portion perception into the Kozumikku technique and Cosmic Bonsai. Amble to his web page for more records and right here you would possibly perhaps perhaps perhaps bewitch his books moreover. Let’s cease with a becoming quote; […] our human bustle is handiest a trivial incident within the history of creation: humanity is perhaps an error, an irregular growth, a illness of the machine of Nature. I by no manner desire part in what surrounds me, I am nowhere in my online page. – by H.P. Lovecraft.