Trident Maple Bonsai Care


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Overall Background:

The Trident Maple, progressively is named Acer buergerianum, is a deciduous tree that grows to heights of as a lot as 45 toes excessive and 25 toes large in its native habitat.  With its moderate declare rate, and straight forward repairs, it’s accepted as a patio or boulevard tree apart from to being highly valued as an especially beautiful bonsai specimen.  This bonsai is highly hearty, however does require particular care to outlive effectively.

Trees Aspects:

Trident Maples are highly desired for bonsai due to their small, three-lobed leaved, thick gnarly roots that are perfect for the dramatic root over rock approach and a readily thickening trunk that boasts a lovely orange brown peeling appearance.  Within the descend, the beautiful green of the leaved turns into shades of crimson, orange and yellow and within the spring, showy yellow plant life are to be enjoyed.


Even though this bonsai is highly hearty, its roots agree with a nearer than moderate moisture negate material and are at threat of frost afflict.  This lethal say mandates that this tree must be fastidiously get all over the iciness.  Because it does want a dormant season, and does supreme exterior, assemble definite that it’s either get in a frosty frame or storage with ample overlaying for its roots all over rude frosty.

Lighting fixtures:

The Trident maple prefers fleshy sun and is also most engaging and a success grown in those cases.


Even though this maple is extra drought tolerant than other maple species, as a result of it’s some distance a bonsai tree, this would possibly perchance well serene need regular watering. All over the freshest days of summer season it can perchance well well want to be watered daily. Within the iciness you would possibly perchance well want to water it less progressively to forestall afflict to the roots from frost. Develop definite that that your bonsai is positioned in effectively drained soil and that its roots are by no arrangement allowed to sit down down in water least it can perchance perchance also serene assemble root rot.


Young Trident maple trees will want a fertilizer excessive in nitrogen while older trees need less nitrogen in account for to form the smaller leaves and managed declare that is most accepted within the artwork of bonsai. All over the rising season the Trident Maple bonsai will need frequent fertilizing; as soon as per week for the first month of fresh declare within the spring and then twice a month after that. As descend approaches, it’s excessive to exchange its fertilizer to one that is decrease in nitrogen and better in phosphorus to relieve the bonsai prepare itself for iciness.

Pruning / Training:

Spring is a elegant time to prune your Trident Maple, as a result of this tree will develop vigorously elegant before it buds. You shall be succesful of be in a snarl to diminish merit as a lot as 65 percent of the roots to suit its fresh pot with none afflict to the tree, though it’s better to diminish greater roots as a substitute of the small feeder roots. This tree can also even be wired at any time all over declare, however you would possibly perchance well want to do not put out of your mind that the branches have a tendency to be brittle and can also moreover need security from wire afflict.  Given excellent pot dwelling, this bonsai will develop suddenly so frequent checking of the wire is wished to forestall scarring.  Leaf pruning is finished in midsummer to chop leaf dimension, however can also serene not be carried out yearly as a result of it stresses the tree to lose considerable of its leaves which contain its shops of energy for the dormant season.  Never prefer away better than 1/3 of the trees supreme leaves at a time.  If carried out fastidiously, this bonsai is perfect for the dramatic root over rock dangle fashion cherished by bonsai lovers in each establish. A rock dangle is designed similarly to an exposed root, however requires a rock foundation for the roots to wrap spherical and under.  A rock dangle bonsai in a pot is an ideal image of yin and yang depicting the eternal quality of the universe.

Bugs / Pests:

This bonsai is amazingly hearty and tends to be pest and illness free though they are in most cases inclined to attacks by caterpillars.  To deal effectively with this kind of pest, it’s straight forward to pluck them off by hand, predicament them under your heel, and order elegant bye as you decrease it instant; Rotten, however good.


Cuttings gathered within the early spring will root serene with out issues.  You shall be succesful of be in a snarl to also successfully develop this tree from seed when allowed to germinate naturally. Within the descend, simply sow fresh seeds exterior in a shallow hole approximately one half shuffle deep.  As soon as planted, your seeds will sprout within the spring and are ready to be fastidiously transplanted into a pot taking care to not afflict the puny root machine.


The precise time to transplant your Trident Maple bonsai is in early spring before it begins to bud. Young Maples will can also serene be given a three hundred and sixty five days or two to turn into established before re-potting.  After this allowance, re-potting must be carried out about every two to three years.  As soon as the tree has been re-potted, it wants to be saved in a cool, dim predicament for roughly two weeks.  If root die merit has occurred over the iciness, elegant off any dilapidated roots to enable fresh declare and re-pot in any effectively-drained acid soil. 

Extra Feedback:

On account of its succesful descend colors, the Trident Maple is a favorite and it’s some distance a overall practice to defoliate these trees to assemble the specified produce at cases as a substitute of autumn on my own.  It is mandatory to point to that defoliation is highly stressful to your tree and it shouldn’t be carried out until you would possibly perchance well well also serene be transplanting out of season, you need smaller leaves or descend colors for an exhibition, otherwise you’ve got bug eaten or broken foliage.  Defoliation shocks the tree into an additional spring declare cycle. Whilst you happen to’ve got sure that this is excessive, a fleshy defoliation is mandatory for the Trident Maple. Partial defoliation can attain serious afflict to your tree.  To defoliate a healthy, effectively established tree you honest decrease away the leaves with elegant scissors. Attain not decrease off the petiole, or stem, of the leaf. This would possibly perchance perchance well enable the petiole to proceed offering predominant nutrients to the tree as it recovers from being defoliated.   A defoliated tree wants ample lighting fixtures however this would possibly perchance well not need as considerable water till it has developed fresh buds.  As soon as the tree is bare, you would possibly perchance well well shuffle ahead with any pruning that is excessive to place it within the coolest form.  Within three to six weeks you would possibly perchance well start to see fresh leaves which is in a snarl to be smaller than the outdated ones.

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