Satsuki Azalea Bonsai Care


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Peculiar Background:

The Satsuki azalea is without doubt among the critical wanted and stress-free of all bonsai subject issues. First and necessary amongst its reasons for recognition is that it has a prolific amount of dazzling vegetation when in stout bloom.  As well to to being a satisfaction for the eyes, the plant adapts effectively to container cultivation, trunks up substantially in a rather short length of time, adapts effectively to colossal root pruning and without misfortune develops novel buds with distinctive vigor on worn wood.  Azaleas, because the botanical title implies, are members of the Rhodendron household.  Azaleas, nonetheless, are smaller leaved in stature, thus making them top candidates for the bonsai artist. Satsuki is a Eastern term which skill that “fifth month”, or leisurely spring—the time that most Satsuki rush into bloom. Satsuki have turn into the popular for bonsai followed closely by the Kurme varieties.  There are in point of fact a complete bunch of numerous sorts of both species, principally grouped per the form and colours of their vegetation.

Tree Capabilities:

The Satsuki Azalea is a favored different amongst Bonsai.  This specific plant is extremely hardy and produces luminous vegetation ranging up to seven inches in diameter.  Of all shrubs with vegetation, the Azalea is by a ways the most dramatic with radiant blooms of magnificent colours fair correct-looking out in leisurely spring.  While there are a complete bunch species of Azalea, the Satsuki, or Rhododendron indicum is without misfortune among the popular, that contains an ravishing low, twiggy behavior with magnificent funnel shaped unscented vegetation in whites, pinks, reds and purples.  The Satsuki is identified by two blossoms on the finish of the terminal; they furthermore have rather furry leaves budding out freely from even quite worn wood.  Because the azalea is extremely coveted in Japan, there had been a complete bunch of numerous varieties, in every color excluding yellow, radiant orange, and merely blue.


Retain starting up air till temps descend under 45° F, taking care to always defend your Bonsai from the stress of frost, and then transfer loyal into a fab or chilly room. Temperatures saved between 35° – 55° F will likely be handiest.  Once dormant, it wants to be positioned in a pleasurable shriek and mulched up the rim of the pot. Mice and rabbits get the tender bark of the azaleas in particular tasty so help that in suggestions as soon as you happen to prefer your cupboard space. 


This magnificent Bonsai will function effectively in a radiant shriek that is filtered from relate sunlight or with about half a day of relate sunlight as it dislikes being saved in stout solar, which will furthermore fade and finish the vegetation and trouble the roots; because they quiz cooler temperatures to give up wholesome. It will prefer stout solar for a short whereas, nonetheless will look handiest when in a mild-weight coloration.


Azaleas function not love all hint of dry soil so it’s possible you’ll maybe must indubitably spend the soil evenly moist the least bit instances.  The tree wants to be watered as a minimum as soon as a day at some stage within the rising season to insure that the soil mass stays moist— not soggy.  Azaleas function not love to dry out; if allowed to function so, the shining fibrous roots will hasty desiccate and die.  Must you water, it’s miles handiest to prefer a explore at to make utilize of lime free faucet water or rainwater because Azaleas disapprove lime.  It turns into in particular crucial in arduous-water areas to water with rainwater simplest to stay a ways from lime deposits raise within the soil.  Though not preferable, if arduous water has to be vulnerable on instances, the pH value of the compost will also be adjusted by making utilize of white vinegar to water as soon as a month.  Combine at a price of 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water.  Azaleas love perfect drainage as air is terribly crucial to make certain that rot does have within the root ball. 


Feed your azalea as a minimum every other week within the spring time till the flowering length is over. Exercise a week resolution of a balanced organic fertilizer for acid loving/lime hating flowers till flowering begins then it’s possible you’ll maybe must indubitably give up, otherwise feeding at some stage in fair correct-looking out will result in loss of vegetation and flower buds on the expense of leaf verbalize.  Thereafter, month-to-month feedings will likely be ample.  Within the leisurely summer or early descend, decrease nitrogen from the fertilizer combination and starting up up increasing the quantities of phosphorus and potassium. This might perchance maybe back the tree to region buds and blossoms for next season.

Pruning / Practising:

Azaleas have in particular brittle branches and tender bark which makes the usage of aluminum wire effectively-organized, aluminum wire is softer and can work better than copper: basically, aluminum wire became as soon as particularly developed for utilize by Eastern azalea growers, even though this day, it’s miles extensively vulnerable for every trend of bonsai.  Plastic tape or raffia can furthermore be prone to present protection to sensitive bark.  It’s compulsory to make neat cuts with a pointy instrument and to seal all bigger wounds to the tree with Lac Balsam or one other injure sealant at the moment.  After the tree finishes flowering, it’s miles compulsory to prefer away the whole dull vegetation on the flower’s infamous, to prevent the tree from forming seed pods and can help novel leaves.  Basically the most helpful time to wire and form is in November, when most critical work will also be finished.   Gentle wiring will also be finished at other instances as wanted, nonetheless with care.  The azalea is extremely brittle and might perchance maybe perchance be allowed to dry out for a week sooner than making an are attempting heavy bending. To help your Azalea wholesome and pleased, you must prefer away any dull vegetation and leaves at the moment.  To enhance the overall structure of the Azalea, it’s miles compulsory that yearly verbalize be eliminated or expert as rapidly because the flowering season ends. Then, any secondary shoots wants to be pruned in midsummer.  Azaleas acknowledge effectively to arduous pruning and if pruned back to a stump after flowering will bud-back prolifically and also will likely be shaped in barely about any bonsai trend.  With a undeniable trunk, you continually to find the Azalea expert within the form of a tree.  The commonest styles vulnerable embrace the root-over-rock, semi-cascade, windswept, slanting, and informal merely, which look colossal on both twin and a couple of trunk Azaleas.

Bugs / Pests:

Azaleas are at possibility of whiteflies, scale insects, caterpillars, aphids, mildew, budblast, rust, leaf gall, petal blight and lime-ended in chlorosis (if soil not acidic ample). In no contrivance spray starting up vegetation with pesticides or fungicides as this will likely trigger them to wilt and descend.  Most insects will also be combated with a resolution of 1tsp dish soap to 1 quart heat water.  Spray liberally till resolution runs off leaves and rinse effectively with water.  Repeat as wanted.


Attributable to their potential to bud back readily on worn wood, azaleas are considered as very “collectable”, in particular from overgrown basis plantings spherical deepest properties.  Soundless trees with massive trunks will also be decrease back nearly to stumps and can soundless have a complete bunch of most modern shoots and branches if cultivated effectively.  You might perchance maybe furthermore propagate your azalea from softwood cuttings taken in early summer, after flowering has finished.


Azaleas love a critically acidic soil remark. It’s attributable to this truth recommended to add a little bit more peat to your potting combination when transplanting azalea. Azaleas have shining, fibrous feeder roots with only a couple of larger faucet roots.  They withstand colossal root pruning, even though it wants to be finished within the early spring, nice sooner than or after the tree finishes flowering.  Must you in deciding to transplant sooner than the tree vegetation, it’s miles suggested to prefer away all flower buds in declare to stay a ways from placing an pointless stress on the plant.  The roots systems develop vigorously and can doubtlessly need transplant and root pruning ever two years.  The bottom of the worn root ball must always be decrease out at every transplanting. Right here’s finished by cutting a cone form into the root ball, extending moral up to the underside of the trunk. The roots are thickest here and might perchance maybe perchance be eliminated to prevent rot precipitated by lack of air or dark drainage.  Basically the most helpful time to repot is after fair correct-looking out is finished.   Repotting can furthermore be finished within the leisurely descend, nonetheless with care.  Plant life prefer a trim amount of energy from the plant so it’s miles handiest to prefer away the whole vegetation, worn and novel, and the final buds, all on the same time; Taking this step will make certain that the following one year, the buds will starting up on the same time.  Must you to find the vegetation coming too rapidly within the spring, prefer away a truly great two or three buds sooner than they starting up, which will sluggish down flower pattern some.  Furthermore strive placing the plant in a cooler and rather shadier shriek. 

Extra Comments:

Azaleas flower prolifically which is able to totally imprecise the tree itself which is why many followers prefer away pockets of buds across the tree to allow areas of contemporary green leaves to be enjoyed thru the quite a lot of color.

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