Pomegranate Bonsai Tree Care


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Fashioned Data:

One among one of the loved species of cultivated Bonsai, the Pomegranate has a rich historic and mythical lore. The leaves are opposite or sub-opposite, peaceful, and slender oblong. The Pomegranate plant life are vivid red. The Socotran Pomegranate has red (no longer red) plant life. Pomegranates are drought tolerant. If too wet, root decay results from fungal infestation. The Pomegranate is tolerant of life like frost, appropriate down to about 14º F. The title Punica is from the Phoenicians who agree with been active in broadening its cultivation, partly for religious reasons.


Pomegranate trees admire beefy solar in the summer season, much less in winter, but soundless beefy light as an indoor plant. Leaves can withstand temperatures appropriate down to 14º F however the roots abominate freezing temperatures. Grenadine syrup is thickened and sweetened Pomegranate juice aged in cocktail mixing. The frail city of Granada in Spain used to be renamed after the Pomegranate at some level of the Moorish period.


Bonsai trees stay in little pots and their world dries out powerful sooner than vegetation in the bottom or in bigger pots, so terminate attention wants to be paid to watering. Inserting a balance between no longer ample water and too powerful water is more likely to be a little tricky but is terribly fundamental. Water completely, preserving it damp but no longer wet. Decrease watering in the winter. An historic bonsai watering trick is to space the final pot in a sink of water an lunge or two deep and let the water soak up from the holes in the backside of the pot. The Pomegranate tree might well presumably agree with lend a hand from weekly misting.

An inexpensive moisture meter takes the guesswork out of watering. We sell them on our web-living. Water slowly so it absorbs into the grime, otherwise the water will flee all the procedure via your desk. We pot our bonsai trees particularly to drain successfully, so it’s nearly most no longer going to over water.


Fertilizing a bonsai is fundamental to its health for the explanation that nutrients in the soil trudge away very rapidly with the water. When new enhance looks in the spring, it’s time to commence feeding your bonsai. Exercise a liquid bonsai fertilizer or half-energy usual reason plant food every two weeks from spring to autumn. Rate no longer fertilize for three months after repotting. The Pomegranate tree can agree with the lend a hand of an addition of pulverized organic fertilizer in mid-spring.


To manufacture the foliage, pinch out the tender new, in overall inexperienced, shoots the usage of your fingers cutting to first or third couple of leaves. Must you admire to agree with new shoots, enable them to passe to a division size longer than you finally prefer it to be after which shorten it later. There might be more likely to be some pure die-motivate that can agree with an affect on the affect of the tree.


Exercise the thinnest training wire that can take care of the division in the desired space. DO NOT WIRE A BONSAI JUST AFTER REPOTTING. Wind the training wire in the course the division is crooked so to buy the wire from loosening. Wrapping the wire too tightly will case scarring. Start up at the sinister of the Bonsai tree and slowly wrap the wire all the procedure via the trunk to anchor. Continue alongside the division you admire to put collectively. Repeat the course of as wished.

Wiring wants to be watched fastidiously for indicators of wire cutting into the bark. Wire wants to be eliminated today if this occurs. If fundamental, the tree is more likely to be re-wired after placing off the stylish wire.


Decrease the roots step by step, placing off no more than one third of the muse ball at every repotting. Decide a proportional selection of historic leaves. If more drastic root pruning is wished, full defoliation is informed. Relief about 50 p.c of the elegant roots. Repot in fast-draining bonsai soil, a little calciferous (with a high sand and lime notify material.) 

Repot Pomegranate trees in slow winter remembering to prune roots simplest somewhat. On the final, repot every 3 to 4 years.

Insects and Ailments:

Insect pests of the pomegranate encompass the pomegranate butterfly Virachola isocrates and the leaf-footed bug Leptoglossus zonatus. We recommend Orthenex or an insecticide with Acephate, Resmethrin, or Triforine continuously the usage of the weakest insecticide that that you simply would perchance presumably think that can take care of a specific tell. We recommend spraying your Pomegranate tree every few months with a non-toxic insect spray, but DO NOT SPRAY WHEN SOIL IS DRY.

Scale is often identified by brown or sunless bumps on the branches. These bumps possess insects under a protective waxy shell. A in actual fact sticky secretion that discolors the branches is more likely to be contemporary.

Pomegranate trees are additionally at danger of mold complications which will likely be more likely at some level of the dreary, wet fall and winter days and into soggy spring days. Exercise a light fungicide and take care of the air flowing to ward off mold complications.

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