Our YouTube Bonsai Videos – ALL THINGS BONSAI

All Things Bonsai Sheffield Bonsai Shop 6

Our YouTube Bonsai Videos

After what feels like ages, we’ve finally started producing our own YouTube bonsai videos. My plan is to show them all on this page. Hopefully, I’ll be organised and also put them into relevant pages within the bonsai tree care pages of the website. Thanks for having a look and I hope you find them useful.

Preparing bonsai soil. How to do it and what to use

A how to video on preparing bonsai soil. We look at what bonsai soil is and why we use it.

Beer garden bonsai tree. Making a bonsai from seemingly hopeless material

Our mate Ash brings in a conifer from his local pub garden. We see if we can bonsai it.

Bonsai Not Watered. Is it dead? How so save a sick bonsai tree

We look at a bonsai tree which has not been watered for days in hot weather and see if it can be saved.

When To Prune Back Bonsai Trees In Development. Clip And Grow Method Explained

Developing bonsai trees through the clip and grow method.

Escallonia, Azalea, Juniper, Crab Apple Bonsai Projects

A quiet days give me chance to get on with a few bonsai tree projects.

How to prune hornbeam bonsai trees: extension shoot pruning, summer

We show you how we prune Hornbeam bonsai trees in early summer.

How To Feed Bonsai: Slow Release Fertiliser

A look at how to feed bonsai trees using slow release bonsai fertiliser.

Bonsai Workshop: Saplings & Pines For Beginners

Some bonsai tips on working with tree saplings and pines taken during one of our bonsai workshops.

Bonsai Pruning: Beech Trees How To

How to prune Beech trees in late spring.

Bonsai Pruning Tip: Flower Removal

How and why we remove the flowers on bonsai for the health and vigour of the trees.

How to water bonsai trees

A video on how to water bonsai trees. Its a longer video than you may think!

Beginners Bonsai Work

A peak at some of the things we get up to during a one to one bonsai workshop.

Your First Deshojo Maple Bonsai

Deshojo Japanese Maples are a popular bonsai tree. Here is a look at how to get the best out of the small, lower priced ones.

Bonsai Tree Species Profiles: Arakawa Japanese Maple

Arakawa is an unusual cultivar of Japanese Maple. we show you a nice one and discuss how they grow.

How To Prune Kiyohime Acer Bonsai Trees

Kiyohime is another cultivar of Japanese Maple. It’s is pruned a little differently to others. We show you how.

Bonsai Shoot Pinching: Japanese Maples

A video shot in early spring demonstrating a shoot pruning technique that we use on Japanese Maples.

Bonsai Repot: Elm Redwood Juniper

A how to video on repotting bonsai trees using three popular species – Chinese Elm, Dawn Redwood and Chinese Juniper.

Sawfly Bonsai Attack!

One of the insects that can have a chew at your bonsai trees is called a Sawfly. We identify and tackle these.

Cryptomeria Bonsai Fix-Up & Repot

A video of us fixing up and old, neglected bonsai tree. Repotting and wiring plus related chat.

Bonsai: Cold Spring Weather Worries

A video taking during cold, snowy weather. How cold affects bonsai trees when kept outside.

Bonsai Forest Repot

A repotting video showing us repotting a large Zelkova Serrata bonsai tree forest.

How To Wire Bonsai Trees

How to wire a bonsai tree. We take an established, part-trained Korean Hornbeam and fully wire it.

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