Yamadori Beech Collecting For Bonsai • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Following on from the last video…I pot up the collected oak into a temporary container with some fresh soil added, but mix in some of the soil from where I collected the tree. This is done to try and reduce shock to the tree.

After that, I am back out collecting a yamadori beech with an artist friend of mine who has some lovely trees in the development stage and likes working on beech…I went along for the ride and to help dig out some beech we found a few years ago.

They were chopped back whilst still in the ground out in the woodland. What will we find ? Can we even find them again ?

I have some more footage of the aftercare of both the oak and the beech which I will follow up on in an upcoming video.

Please bear in mind…both these yamadori are at least 5-10 yrs away from being anything one might describe as bonsai…it is just the begining of the journey. Follow the progression here as the trees develop and new primary and secondary branches are grown, finally getting to ramification of the foliage.

Mind you ! that’s a few years away yet…this process can’t be rushed.

All right well there we are so we’ve just been digging this uh this beach out now for about i say about 45 minutes and in all fairness it came out really easy there’s uh no major big tap roots and it’s all just like a load of fibrous stuff there i’ll i’ll pull it out the hole in a minute and have a look but um i’ll just put the camera up and we’ll have a whizz around uh it’s got a great nabari really really chunky nabari on it and uh it’s got a great bit of movement in the trunk now about two years three years four four years ago yeah a couple of years ago we came along through this woodland and we found a load of stuff to chop back and come back and collect and uh four years later we’ve come back for a little look all these branches here have grown since this we made this chop about four years ago and uh it’s just about a week or two away from the buds bursting out so i’ll probably collect up till mid april this year because spring seems awfully late coming in some parts of wales so um what i’ll do is i’ll pop this camera down and i’ll lift this out and you can see just how easy that uh wasn’t too hard at all to get that out let’s get this set up straight we’ve got now woodpecker kicking this company so that is about the size of it no roots really any bigger than finger size and that is all fibrous root mass so it weighs a ton but uh we’ll get it out somehow there we are so we’ll take that back tidy up the roots a bit more grab a bit of soil and uh thread it into a pot nice tree there in the making look at the movement now we can move it about a bit some nice movement in that uh i’ll just grab the camera off this tripod i’ll get in we’ll have a good look around it you can have a good gut there we are loads of fibrous root there great in the barbie on the tree cracking movement take that back and bag it up beautiful lots of coats lots of cones off that bigger that big red sequoia there [Music] [Music] you

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