Spectacular Recently Worked Bonsai Trees • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Spectacular Recently Worked Bonsai Trees

You have been asking for it, so here it is 🙂
Updates of our bonsai tree videos. Join us in seeing the progress of 5 of our recent videos.

Video Transcript

Today i thought it was a great idea to show you guys some updates of our recently worked bonsai trees so the first tree that i chose to show you here today is our trident maple um this tried and maple as you may remember it it was repotted in early spring when it was just starting to bud it had barely any roots and look at it now and so this time difference is about a month and a half so it has grown quite a bit as you can see some shoots are you know about 10 to 12 inches long they haven’t lignified yet so they’re still pushing very strong um there’s new growth coming out still everywhere and i haven’t trimmed the new growth back yet obviously as you can see because if you may remember in the video when i repotted this tree earlier this year the tree barely had any roots so therefore i was allowing for the tree to wake up and push and i don’t think i’m gonna actually work on this tree for another couple months probably until july once the uh deciduous tree going to that quick dormant period that’s when i probably go in here and actually trim the tree back but until then i really wanted to push out as much as possible because the more this top grows the more the roots grow and you may remember that the tree did not have a lot of roots to begin with so i think this tree is well on its way to become a very nice tree so let’s move on to the next tree all right so here we have the next tree which was the japanese maple archiva so the rough bark maple that we turned into a clump style as you can see it’s grown quite a bit it’s grown another foot up here on top so it has really pushed since i parted and created this composition here and it looks really happy now out of the five trees that i have potted here four of them actually woke up in the spring with red foliage and one woke up with green foliage so as you can see even though these five seedlings came from the same tree they are a little different in terms of cult in terms of cultivars and so this is this happens uh this is what japanese maples are known for even though if they all come from the same tree they all are slightly different some have slightly larger leaves different leaf colors a slightly different bark and so it doesn’t bother me i actually kind of like the difference of the trees in here so it’s not that big of a deal to me the trunks are already starting to bark up quite a bit and actually if you take a closer look here you can see where the wire is already starting to cut into the trunks so i’ve already gone ahead and removed the wire from this main trunk and i’m actually gonna wait to remove these wires for probably like another week but i’m going to keep a very close eye on them and then remove them as well japanese maple in particular are very notorious in the spring for pushing on so much growth where you have to keep a very close eye on the wire so that you don’t scar your trees um some of you have expressed concern that the trees would have to be parted closer together in order for them to fuse and that is correct if i wanted this tree to be a smaller composition in terms of trees you know being perhaps about this size and maybe you know like a half an inch thickness that is correct but i’m going for a much bigger design here i want each tree to be about you know two to three inches in thickness so i want them to be quite thick and a quite big display so therefore i had to kind of pot them uh further apart from each other and so that they can thicken up more before they start to fuse now what does that mean so that means that the next time i repot this tree i may have to go ahead and push them a little closer together or rearrange them so this is a long-term process it’s not an overnight quick process um this clump style is gonna you know i’m looking to develop this over the next 10 years so the fusing doesn’t have to start right away i can adjust over time all right so next up we have the procumbens uh juniper that i gave its first styling earlier this year um it came in a actually didn’t come in any pot but it had a root ball about this size and the foliage was about out to here and i reduced the tree i restyled it i gave it its very first styling and i parted the tree at the same time and so i did receive you know some dislikes and some comments of people saying hey you’re gonna kill your tree and this is not the way you should work on junipers you should do one thing at a time either repot them or either style them now that is very true on some levels but here’s the thing hear me out this tree was grown in a field with no pot and it’s 40 years old so he must have lost that pot maybe the last 10 years where the root ball was exposed the tree had a lot of foliage so it was very happy it was not collected from the mountains right it had already been established in terms of like the root ball was there it had a lot of roots a lot of growth so therefore it was very safe for me to go ahead and reduce the foliage do the styling and repot it and i only did this once i’m not gonna do it is every time because this tree is not gonna get repotted now for probably like five years um in the meantime i will reduce this root ball but i can do that while the tree is potted and i can still work on the foliage also this is a procumbents juniper and procumbers junipers are very very tough trees they’re very strong um you can do a lot of things with those in florida as a matter of fact we would even repot uh procumbers junipers in the middle of the summer because they’re so tough and we would style them repot and do everything and they came back perfectly fine and as you can see this one is coming perfectly fine back as well it is very healthy it has a lot of new growth i’m about to give it its very first fertilizing of the year and this tree is going to progress throughout the next couple years and it’s going to be very healthy and very happy so i just wanted to show you guys the update of this one because this was this tree is very dear to me because it’s so old and it’s such a cool looking tree and the design i liked a lot that i created of the you know one-sided cascading one i think it came out really cool so this is a tree that you know i’m going to develop for the next couple years and it’ll look really cool so i’m going to go ahead and give it its first fertilizing of the season uh probably this weekend and just keep progressing the tree slowly but as you can see it has come back it is super healthy super happy and we’re just chugging along on creating a really nice looking tree down the road one little step at a time all right so next up we have the uh american hackberry um that once again i repotted it into this beautiful pot earlier in the spring and it is pushing out still it started pushing out a little later than i thought it would it kind of stood there for a couple weeks and just sat and didn’t do anything and then in the last maybe two weeks it just started to push out profusely so patience does pay off sometimes the new growth is not hardened yet it is still pushing very strong so i am going to start to fertilize once the new growth has hardened off and i’m going to give this tree its very first styling um in july when the tree goes when uh deciduous trees go into that dormant period for about two weeks or 30 days depending on your climate i’m gonna go ahead and defoliate the tree and then give it its very first styling remove the unwanted branches and i’m gonna make a video and take you along for that ride because i think this is gonna be a pretty special treat next up we have bath to the bone ball cypress um it has grown and pushed out a lot you can see that more growth has come out down here as well and this is really what makes ball cypress one of my all-time favorite tree because it’s so easy to work with it’s easy to collect the survival rate is very high anything you do to them they don’t care they’re just along for the ride when they push out though like after the foliation or in spring they push out everywhere on the trunk there’s growth all the way from the top all the way to the bottom coming out on old with random places and even on the same branches i mean within like uh maybe like a quarter inch spacing new growth comes out everywhere and this is fantastic because you can just pick new growth everywhere you could say oh you can be really selective you can say oh i don’t want to branch there remove the new foliage i want a branch there i don’t want them one there so this is really cool about both cypresses um this tree it is starting to cut into the new growth so i have to keep a very close eye and start to remove some wires already generally the thinner wire cuts in first and then the thicker wire cuts in a little later but all in all this tree is just chugging along nicely and then once again in the july in the middle of july when the tree has hopefully the first growth has fully pushed out and hardened that’s when i go through and really select the branches that i want to add to this design and remove everything else give it a full defoliation and that’s also kind of why i have not removed anything yet because you may remember when i parted this tree it did not have a lot of roots so once again i like to let the top grow and just freely push out and and then once the new growth has hardened off kind of come back and do my work also just again the more the top grows the more the bottom grows so if you want to develop a lot of fruits let the top grow if you don’t let the top grow the bottom won’t grow it’s kind of like an mirror image of each other but this tree is chucking along nicely and i’m very excited to see where it’s going to go so i hope that you guys enjoyed today’s update video of all the trees that we’ve worked on so far this year comment below in the comment section let me know which one is your favorite tree and i hope that i was able to clear up some of the questions or confusions that may have been out there about the trees that we’ve worked on so far please like this video subscribe to our youtube channel and i will catch you guys next time [Music] you

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