My Very First Bonsai Tree Starting Day 1 • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

I’m kicking off a channel where I grow my first bonsai tree! Ever since I saw one in Karate Kid I’ve been curious about it. So this marks the beginning of this journey to learn more about the art of bonsai!

Hey everybody i’m gonna start a youtube channel on bonsai plants because that’s cool right here we go let’s uh let’s take a look i picked up a little ficus from mulholz today’s day one give it a little water put it in front of my south facing window here and i think i think i’ve found the front uh i did my first little bit of pruning picked up a few tools to start this uh some shears for cutting branches and then um these leaf scissors they’re really fun looking for cutting leaves off so and uh and for defoliating so i’m gonna give this a try um i’m still looking for a bonsai pot and some wire so i can really start shaping my bonsai and uh and hopefully i can come up with a design here that’ll be cool uh i liked this one in particular because it had these two branches that kind of come up from here and the stem is already curving naturally a little bit to one side um which i think is a little more interesting than just the vertical a lot of the plants were just had vertical stems when i i was looking at them but this one’s got a nice nice curvature to it which i think is going to look really cool as the plant matures stay tuned everybody uh i’ll keep you updated as i continue to work on my bonsai tree journey

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