I Attempted Ryan Neils Bonsai Design • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021


I’m new to styling large bonsai so i asked a pro for advice get it right the tree is set up to become the show stopper it deserves to be get it wrong and i’ve ruined my most expensive raw material and more importantly i let the tree down here’s how it went i’ve actually been able to ask for ryan neal’s advice in terms of styling this larch i think i’d be stupid not to follow his advice what i’m going to do is i’m going to rotate down and then bring this piece back up i’ve got no love for this walrus tusk i’m not sure we’ve got enough holding power to get the movement we need so i think i’m gonna have to double it up [Music] so that don’t worry about that that’s just a thick piece of bark that i dislodged earlier [Music] big old piece of clothes on the inside of that bit on the outside of this bench all right i’m actually pretty pleased about that it’s turned out about as well as i could have hoped just a little bit more into that that works for me i’m pruning this top piece off that’s too tall for what i want i also don’t want this one that’s too going to be too low by the time we’ve dropped it down this one’s coming in quite nicely more towards the back so i’m happy with where that one’s going [Music] yeah that’s better so i need to make some sense of this and i think this thicker branch that’s just going off this way is less usable than this one perfect and really i think this it’s almost sub trunk needs to come off as well it’s just contributing to a big old bunch of inverse taper here very awkward to cut this one off but it can’t stay gotta go i just completely missed and gone into the branch behind it luckily i’m almost certain i’m going to remove this branch flip and neck darren concentrate will you i’m also going to take this piece at the back off and also i’m going to cut this piece off as well i think i prefer to use this branch coming down in this direction somewhere rather than this branch at the back especially after i necked it with the saw but actually structurally this is the better branch i’m not convinced i like it just yet but now that i’ve done that ben i’m just going to do a little bit of pruning so at the moment i’m just finding the angle of this branch just a little bit clunky the way it sort of goes and the wire itself isn’t thick enough to hold that so i’m going to use a guy wire and just pull it down a bit just make it a bit more attractive squeeze in nicely there that’s perfect then i think if i just come around this gin and secure onto this again here [Music] check to see how it’s looking any signs of any cracks there is a fissure just forming there look that’s my limit now just put a little bit of callus mate on that still need to do something something with this [Music] do you think this comes down somewhere does it become a gin and what about these bits what would you do with these lumpy bits i’m thinking just cut them flush but i’d love to know your thoughts so let me know no i’ve made up my mind i’m cutting these off get some cut paste on this wound we’re getting close now folks we’re getting close [Music] let’s see what that looks like from the front i think i’ll shorten it somewhere around here just prune some pieces that i don’t need lengthwise i’ll come back to here for the time being but i want to come back further than that get some finer wire on and cut this nice fine piece back to these two buds some gorgeous little buds on there and i’ll cut that back as well i find this branch is a little bit long and i think i might cut back to this piece and use that as the next section then drop this down just a touch and having done that i now also will cut this branch back a touch as well now with this piece we’ll come around [Music] now these buds are showing lots of green now it’s going to be super careful all right what should we do with this apex then we’ve got a choice we can either use this piece that has movement bring it back somehow grow it that way towards the viewer or we can go with this piece which doesn’t have such good movement but it is heading in the right direction for now what i’m gonna do is and this branch is going to come down fill in this space that being said this weak one is going to be on the bottom so that can come off so then if we go boom boom take this top one off oh actually do i want to take that top one off i’ll leave that one on now we’ve got three here i’m gonna take that one off so we go boom boom boom boom and then the rest of the branch [Music] continues [Music] this piece does work as a body piece so i’ll cut that back to those buds there i think lengthwise let’s go back to [Music] there [Music] i actually feel like this one’s the apex i don’t know i’ll keep this for the time being and see how it pans out i also think i might grow this as a bit of a gin let me know what you think on this back piece just got one job to do that’s been bugging me since i got this tree gone thank god yes that was absolutely epic i really enjoyed styling this larch it’s the first launch i’ve ever styled actually and it was a lot of fun i must admit huge thanks to ryan neal of bonsai mirai i think the design inspiration that he’s given me for this tree is absolutely epic i love it to bits so it’s a couple of weeks later now the little green shaving brushes are a little bit further on i’ve tweaked the positions of some of these branches here and there and if you got this far don’t forget hit the like button support the channel and subscribe if you haven’t already

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