How To Start Bonsai – Bonsai Styling Shimpaku Juniper • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

I’ve got another shimpaku i want to look at this has featured in my videos um a number of times in the last year or two did we’ve actually take off to actually take in quite a few air layers off this tree there are some branches at the front of this tree you can see now there’s some gins there and there’s some big wound here that they will represent areas that i laid off then i kind of did an initial wiring up of the tree just to fan it out and see what we can find in the tree you can see there’s a lot of wire in the tree if you have a close look but now it’s more of a patty season to recover grow now let’s look at refining i’m not going to necessarily take the wire off this tree i want to actually have a look at it i think the wire looks okay it’s not really cutting in everywhere we’re not cutting in much in some places so it could probably stay on another six months uh to a year um but what i want to actually look at is restyle or actually leaving the wire on and just restyling the branches moving in better positions taking some things off maybe flagging some things that need to be laid in in the coming months when when winter finishes and spring comes um so that’s what i’m trying to do that’s what i’m going to look at today with this tree and see if it actually improves um in the meantime as i always do you know it our exhibition is coming up and my clubs exhibition is coming up 15 16th of may in 2021 in footscray if you’re in melbourne uh victoria don’t miss it um i’ll have lots of if you’re on social media they’ll wish you lots of stuff coming out soon promoting this event so i’m hoping to see many of you there come say hello i’m there the whole weekend of course it’s i’m the president of the club so i’ll have to be there um but come say hello um embarrass me i get very bright red when you guys all come up to me it’s quite fun um so all good so make sure you’re there all right guys so that’s the promotion doing out of the way i know you guys love me doing that um but anyway we’ll have to have a look the initial front the front i had chosen is in there and it’s probably it is probably the best you probably see it’s the best nabari it’s got the best movement so it’s a really good front i not like the front and i’ll keep it there now it’s a matter of let’s go and explore all the branching um and work my way out now really you start with the first branch and you start to assess okay i might have to position this in the right angle so i knew i’d had a block here and i think i tilted it a little bit i know it will come i know it will come forward eventually but i just want to raise it up so you can probably on i probably can’t see the nabari it’s pretty good but um we’ll work on that so you want to start with always the first branch and and you can see in this case this first branch here is actually in here but it’s done have all this lower hanging foliage things are growing down things are growing this way that way everywhere and there’s actually quite a few branches in there now it’s we should try and thin out some things and then just keep working on it so let’s let’s let all i’m going to do is look at the brand look at the branch remember clean everything that’s going down or you can wire it up it’s up to you anything that’s in a crotch and it’s growing in a crotch let’s let’s pluck that out anything that’s really shot out i’m going to reduce back and then i’m going to find wire so let’s do a kind of a before look at this branch in here there’s actually quite a few branches that make this up it’s about that much and let’s have a look what it looks like afterwards hopefully it improves it but i don’t want to sit there it’s really just going through that process now there’s no much point i’ll go away do the work and then we’ll come and look what it looks like so we’ll say follow the same process there’s a video on my youtube that shows you how to make pads so have a look at that one it’s how to make juniper foliage pads that’s all i’m going to do follow just fan them out spread them out and create a pad with it so let’s let me go ahead and do that and let’s see what it looks like just quickly showing you probably can’t really tell too much but these this one first branch down here if you can see that has been nicely layered it’s only one branch but i’ve created multiple different layers and pads um with different branches along the main branch so there’s a main branch and there’s lots of secondary branches and tertiary branches that used to create those levels so this as i mentioned to you earlier because the main issue is there’s all this foliage at the back so i’m going to have to figure out what i’m going to do with all that whether i’m going to use it all cut it off or leave the tea layer off in the coming early spring time late winter so at the moment we’re only in autumn here in melbourne so a bit different from the northern hemisphere guys volunteer spring so well for me it’s yeah so there’s a lot of foliage way too much that’s one of the main issues right now but we’ll see what i can use to tweak so i’m just gonna keep going and maybe just try and create another pad in here and then look at what i’m going to do on this little on this side here what i’m going to use here and keep and then i’ll look at the back and how they can fit in and structure it um before moving on so it’s a step-by-step process you do a bit at a time i mean i don’t have countless hours to spare unfortunately so i do a bit each day kind of thing and work my way through the tree um but yeah i like the front i like the idea i like the front that it’s there somewhere around there looks good um and we’ll work with that all right be back later okay everyone so just a quick another update i’ve completed pretty much the bottom half to the bat the middle you see all that’s all there all nicely layered um and i’ve dealt with the back now you can see there’s a torn down at the apex so all this needs to be wired contorted down twisted around and put him put in place so it’s going okay um it’s not too bad it’s got the layering it’s going to be a bit of time to develop all this it’ll be good over the next few years and towards the back i did reduce it a bit uh still a little bit long in the back in this section you can see it’s a little bit long or is it the right section yeah that section but it isn’t too bad not as bad as it was before so we’re getting there um trying to get through it so the uh but um now i’m up to the apex so i’m going to be all wiring all that up and twisting it all up and bending it into place so that’s the plan i won’t cut anything pretty much nothing of that top will be cut off will just be contorted and twisted into shape and bend down etc so hoping to finish this soon and i’ll show you the final product okay everyone so i finished wiring up the whole tree and placing everything in its spot and that’s pretty much the front of the tree you’ll you can see right there definitely nice and nice looking tree nice looking bonsai looks very um it’s got a nice like fullness to it which is really cool but it’s got this huge canopy a really wide canopy which i really like it gives it that age look it’s not as uh doesn’t have as much dead wood as you want on a juniper but for now i think some of the keys are you know nice and the bar is beautiful the full canopy looks really nice i have tried to shorten a lot of the back area as well um there is some nice spaces in between here as well which probably need to fill out a little bit in time maybe we can drop this one down into there i just noticed that but it’s really nicely refined and style pads are nice and nice and getting there a lot more development in terms of growth this tree needs it needs to fill out a lot more i’ve still got quite a bit of little tweaks that are hanging down that i need to go through and pluck out just the ones are going down i pluck them off but all the pads are kind of set there’s lots of pads around the place which is good i’m not sure how much more i would reduce this tree in terms of width i like the more the the fullness rather than us you know you get a lot of pointy looking trees i like the fullness of this gives it much more um when it’s broader it looks like the tree’s been growing for a lot longer without having the dead wood to really show off how old it is um so if you had lots of dead wood you can you can actually go yeah that’s an old tree this one is more around the canopy is really wide but it’s short and it’s really wide meaning if you expand this out in nature it will look humongous it will look quite a big tree this was more of a taller apex it would look younger so i don’t know if that makes sense you guys hope that makes sense but by having that broadness the width and and and broadness in it it makes it look like those huge trees in in on a hillside somewhere um i think you know what i mean when it’s nice and big and broad uh really looks old and that’s what i tried to achieve here and that’s all done through wiring compress the compress the um the apex right down the airpix is made up this branch of cascades like this um there’s a few other ones that have been brought down and cascaded and bent down um i’ll keep it on the wire i think i just have to look um look out for the wire cutting in on some of the areas um this is kind of the second styling of this treat because i did an initial one about a year ago or less and then now this is the second iteration of that um i’m hoping it gets into its final kind of iteration next but i’m going to give it time to recover so anyway guys that’s enough me talking and i hope to see you guys at the exhibition coming up on the 15th and 16th of may 2021 um in melbourne um and i’ll see you there hopefully okay guys hope you enjoyed the video and i’ll see you next time

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