I show the simple process of creating Bark on a young tree
How to make rough bark um for this it’s an olive but i’m sure work on other bonsai trees as well and i’ll let you in on a secret bit of sandpaper and a bit of elbow grease and you’ll get some rough bark so um i suppose i should start as to why you get rough bark if you sandpaper it because what happens is the bonsai tree tries to heal itself a bit like if a bodybuilder you know tears his muscles they have to basically strengthen or if you’re working a shovel all day they call us over and you get some callus or some bark on your hands well same for a tree you give it a bit of a hard time with some sandpaper and she barks up now i’ve got an after i’m going to show you how to do it and this is what it looks like after on this tree because this was my experimental treat and yeah just show you how to make some rough bark on your tree if you’ve got really young looking bark that you’re not really happy with um if it’s a really good tree just either experiment on one branch or something if it’s not an olive olive seems fine okay i’m gonna do it on this big olive here which is you know if not my best close to my best tree i’ve got especially my best olive and i’m willing to give it a go on that today for the video and to get some rough bar so this one is being done so you’ll get to see the results straight away you don’t have to wait six months for the results they’re already here and i’m just going to show you the process i’ve also got a file in case things you know are a bit harder than i thought but basically all i’m going to be doing is grabbing your sandpaper wherever it’s smooth this one’s starting to bark up already i’ll show you in a second wherever it’s smooth okay i’m just going to rub it back so we get that green and then what will happen is a tree will try and heal and just bring in close okay guys so let’s try and do it on this side so what we’re going to do is get this sandpaper you can see how this is actually starting to get some rough but this has been in the pot for 12 years and it’s just starting to get rough bark in the last few years but i want to speed it up and where it’s smooth i’m going to sandpaper it so all you do grab your sandpaper [Applause] rub rubber down pretty raw okay this looks brutal definitely does look brutal but i did exactly the same on the other tree as an experiment turned out beautiful okay so you can see that i’ll take you in on a close-up of that really butch it up the back you can see that really you know scan it pretty hard obviously i won’t be touching this because that’s already got nice back but these smooth bits up the trunk and even on the branching i plan on getting in there rubbing it back pretty hard now results i’ll show you the results so this tree a year ago exactly the same treatment looked like that quite smooth bark along the branches and the trunk you can see up here those branches is what it used to look like and then i got sandpaper out and sandpapered it the tree itself is not very good it’s got reverse taper and all that but you get the idea on the bark have a look at the transformation on that bark okay so it definitely does make it bark up and the same thing i had the whole thing well on a human you’d say red raw but on a tree i had a green roar and you know the tree repaired itself and barked up so i’m going to do the same over here now you know this is an olive olives are tough so please if you tried on other species with thin bark please be wary and do it in patches just to see how it goes or maybe don’t rub it quite so hard just do a little bit of damage okay so that’s a decent amount of damage there maybe just do a little bit of damage right and if that doesn’t work i’ll show you another method okay guys so if you’re a bit impatient like me and you get sick of the sandpaper clogging up or you’ve got a big tree so it’s going to clog up a lot another thing you can do is get a fairly coarse file okay even that i believe it’s not close enough you can see the damage coming on like i say i’m just doing it where the bark smooth where it’s already rough i’m not going to touch it looks brutal i know but um you know tree wants to live he wants to repair and when it does it makes the skin even thicker so cruise over the tree like that you can see we’re really starting to get quite aggressive on it and i’m just going to continue the process up the whole tree okay so that’s how you do it just roughing it up making it you know have a silk but she’ll recover and in the end that smoothish spark will look like that so you can see how that’s even starting to plate up a little bit which is pretty good for an olive so i’m going to continue to do that on hyperlapse through the whole tree and i’ll show you at the end okay guys i’ve got a big tree so i’m actually going to use the wire bit on the diagram now because i’m lazy but on that other tree i did not and you don’t need to i’m just lazy i just i want to see how it goes first though and then i’ll go on high black [Music] [Applause] now can’t use it too aggressive have a look at that way too aggressive he’ll kill the tree okay it’ll call us up around that bit but if i did that around the whole tree to be dead so don’t use a die grinder back to sandpiper and i’ll see you on [Music] hyperlapse [Music] do [Music] good day guys well it was hard to see in there but i’ve managed to sandpaper most of everything i’ve done everything on the main trunk all the way up the top i’ve done [Music] most of the primary branches at least the first bit of the branch and a lot of them out onto the second bits of the branch and some out onto the tertiary or the third branching and as you can see all that green that you can see there is where i’ve stripped the bark with a bit of sandpaper it’s a big job took a lot of sandpaper i’ve been using 40 grit so it does a good job at roughing it up because what you’re doing is you’re causing scarring which then the tree has to heal by making bark um i haven’t gone completely silly and gone every twig so you can see in here one’s not done there but close arena is done all roughed up so hopefully that’ll create some nice rough bark and this tree will look 20 years older even though it’s still young and you can see there on the main trunk that’s completely been scum it actually now that was one of the original ones done it actually goes into this bruised yellow sort of look after a while which is fine that’s how she that’s how she rolls but just bear in mind it goes into a bruised yellow look goes green start bruce yellow look later and well if all works out it’ll turn into that you can see that bark not a particularly good tree that one but it does give you a demo on what happens with the bar so let’s hope that happens with that one guys no worries cheers watching aussie buns all bloke please like share subscribe tell your mates about the channel and i’ll catch you next time cheers [Music] do [Music] you