How Much Is A Bonsai Tree? – Herons Bonsai • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021


How Much is a Bonsai Tree – Bonsai Made Easy We’re nearly into spring and before the spring is out i thought i’d just show you it may not be too late but usually we saw our seeds in the late autumn which is around november december and let the frost stratify that means to wake them from the dormancy and while going through the greenhouse i just spotted some things which might be of interest to you so let’s look at them

We’re nearly into spring and before the spring is out i thought i’d just show you it may not be too late but usually we saw our seeds in the late autumn which is around november december and let the frost stratify that means to wake them from the dormancy and while going through the greenhouse i just spotted some things which might be of interest to you so let’s look at them in turn but i’m also going to do some jobs and you see here i’ve got some the other night i was eating an orange and i found that an orange had some pips so these are orange seeds those of you who’ve tried to grow from orange they’re one of the easiest things to grow from seed so that’s orange seed this is a needle juniper the rigider so these are the juniper seeds and this is lychee the chinese fruit that you have to peel so that’s lychee so these are all fun things that i’m sowing so i don’t have examples of orange trees because every time i sow them i give them away to friends and children and all that so these are orange seeds so what you do if you get the seeds is simply any compost usually a peat type compost is very good and you can just put the seeds in doesn’t matter if you just throw the whole lot in and then cover the things or bury them deep and that’s it that’s what seed sowing is all about is as simple as that and same with these if you get these just insert one in a pot like that and you’ll get a plant when the seeds come up i will show you them again and the junipers like these these little junipers they were grown from seed the chinese junipers we usually grow from cuttings but this is needle juniper so they grow easily from seed so inside the berry if you open the berry you will find the seeds in there so in here there’s one seed and two seeds they’re quite hard there two seeds so in that berry there are two seeds this one there’s one two two or three seeds so you can just bury the whole berry into the soil and it will grow so that’s what you do and just to show you some examples this is a cotoneaster which still has its fruit on so if you collect these fruit and just put them into the soil here you get the seeds and these are little catoniasis seedlings which germinated last year so look at them all germinated and if you pull them out and you can see they will all have very interesting root and at this stage you can then put them up into individual pots so that’s a seedling one-year-old seedling that has come up this is cotoneus to seedlings i’ll show you some other seedlings korean hornbeam which you’ve heard about is a very rare plant and we grow them from seeds so these are one year old they were sewn korean hornbeam 2020 we sold them and josh here has done some experiments wiring the little seedlings but these seedlings have got a very twisted shape anyway so korean hornbeam behave in this manner so this was also sown in 2020. look at them they’re thinner than our needle so that is greenhorn beam oh japanese on beam okay right now this is zelkova zalkova we let them grow very slowly so they are grown from seed and look at the roots from there these are about four or five years old so that’s quite old and as you know that if you saw a little acorn but we don’t have to do it the squirrels do it for us and they produce little plants like this so these were tall i just cut the top and you get a cute little plant like this which is already ready for bonsai this if you recognize is the humble conquer tree and these are the horse chestnut and already can be wired this is only one year old but i cut the top off so that’s a conker tree japanese maple this is a red one outfield leaf left it’s i don’t know how it managed to keep all the leaves so they so easily from seed and then this was a group of little round seedlings i put in a pot and it makes a beautiful display i’ll try and find a still picture of that because it is one of my exhibition pieces and that little group is probably about 10 or 12 years old so sowing seed is easy now these are crab apples and as you know tebow who works for us he did this little experiment because we sell the crab apple fruit as kits and these were sown i think in november or december and in just two months look at them they’ve all come up these are all germinated in the last couple of weeks crabapple seeds and this is a crab apple tree so these were the fruit and the birds have already taken the fruit you can see inside the fruit you can see the the seed in there and see what the birds do they chew the fruit and all the fruit that is falling here they’re all seeds here and crab apples they make beautiful little plants uh i did have one that i pulled out yes here this is it this is a crab apple plant and this i think is about three years old again we don’t keep putting it into big pots that we keep it in small pot so the tree stays smaller the plant stays small if you were to plant it in the ground it would become about four or five feet tall so these are the plants that we grow from seed propagating plants is a subject in its own right there is so much you can write about or talk about and when you propagate plants you can either sow from seed which is nature’s easiest way because when the fruit fall on the ground the seeds germinate and you get a new plant that’s how you produce your corn wheat all vegetables are planted from seed the other way is to make cuttings cuttings are usually a little more difficult there are many types of cuttings i won’t talk about that now and then there’s air layering but seed sowing is by far nature’s preferred way of propagating so it is really really easy and a lot of people get a lot of fun from growing some seed so whenever you get seeds no matter what time of the year although spring is the best winter and spring is good time to sow just sow them and you’ll see the plants come up and this again is like growing plants virtually for free so have a go and i hope you enjoy the little experiment [Music] you