Growing Mango Tree

mango tree

Mango, often referred as king of fruits is the most awaited seasonal fruits in India. As we all have curiosity about the way mango plant is grown, we are here with our tips on growing mango plant.

Mango tree information

The Scientific name of Mango is Mangifera indica, belonging to family Anacardiaceae. Mango tree is indigenous to India. It is an evergreen tree; however, Mango trees do shed their old leaves throughout the year. Wild Mango trees can grow enormous with beautiful canopy; while the cultivated grafted trees tend to grow much shorter.

mango fruit

What are popular mango varieties?

There are dozens of well known Mango varieties in India. Alphonso Mango is the most loved and favoured variety in the Indian market. Ratna, Sindhu, Kesar, Payri, Suvarna, Neelam, Amrapali, Dashehari, Langra, Totapuri, Rajapuri, Konkan king are other important varieties.

mango varieties

What is a propagation method for mango?

Wild Mango varieties are grown by planting seeds. decorative. The main propagation method used to grow Mango tree is grafting. Most of the popular Mango cultivars are exclusively developed by various grafting methods only.

Read about what is grafting?

grafting mango trees

How to graft a mango tree?

Many grafting methods can be adopted. The most common method is wedge grafting, where young seedling of Wild Mango is used as stock, on which the tender stem of popular variety is grafted as the scion. Stone grafting is another popular method where just germinated Mango seed is used as stock instead of a seedling.

mango grafting

Mango plantation guide:

Each Mango sapling (graft) is planted in a pit of 1x1x1 m size. The pits are usually made in summer. These holes are filled with good quality soil & manure. Plantation is done at the beginning of the monsoon season.

mango plantation

Mango plantation per acre:

Ideal spacing of Mango trees in an orchard is 10 x 10 meters. With this distance around 82 trees can be planted per acre. In ultra high-density plantation technique, Mango is planted at 3×2 m which accommodates 674 plants per acre.

Read more about developing fruit tree orchard.

mango tree cultivation

How to make mango trees bear fruit quickly?

5-year-old Mango grafts are ready to bear fruits. Any blooming before that should be removed as a plant would be too young. The maturity of the graft also depends on season, environment & the way Mango garden is maintained. In one season, takes about four months for a Mango tree to produce harvestable fruits once it begins flowering in winters.

mango flower

How to grow a mango tree indoors

Many dwarfs grafted Mango varieties can be grown in containers at your home terrace gardens. No matter where it is grown, Mango plant requires full sunlight. The only way to grow Mango tree indoors is in the form of Mango bonsai, which would be for ornamental purpose only.

mango plant

Read about 5 fruits trees that can be organically grown at home.

Happy gardening!




Kitchen Gardening

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