Growing Bonsai The Next Season • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

To launch our spring season, Mondays at Mirai has evolved into our second iteration, “Somedays at Mirai”. In this episode, we highlight moments from Mirai over the past week such as the bonsai shuffle, early spring repotting, photographing trees in the studio, ceramics packaging, and typical team antics.

A hot spring day is an indicator of many actions that should be taken in a bonsai garden. A transition to more frequent watering will be called for, and the intensity for the timing of repotting becomes ever more present. The ideal time to style and wire deciduous trees is also encroaching, putting pressure on Ryan to detail wire a weeping tamarisk bonsai.

Wait hang on there we go [Music] [Music] let’s try and get these done let’s see if we can get these rocked out you know secretly every day i show up right now trying to wire some cork bark chinese elms and the tamarisk and then i ended up spending my day repotting because it’s freaking 64 degrees and if we don’t do it we’re never gonna do it what’s up oh hey choo choo uh you mind doing monday’s mri yes okay cool appreciate it and now’s my turn guys let’s go let’s do it you know anytime you get into yamadori and you have a gap in the roots you gotta fix the gap in the roots and we found a good solution to this one [Music] oh when rocks and trees fit together the world look at that better place this magic moment [Music] all right what’s up youtube uh we got jesus behind the camera for today uh i’m shooting a little bit as well but we’re tag teaming this one i’m uh awkwardly in front of the camera and we’re gonna be shooting some photos in the studio today which is really fun what are you doing honey well let me sleep do your job that’s pretty cool yeah i like that five stars five stars for days who’s that jp hey hey he’s got lunch he’s got some cauliflower cauliflower you let us know in the comments cauliflower or cauliflower do a little shohen magic here just take that quarter inch out use that as your aeration my little trick can show a small little interior a little center cone just the same as a big tree just a little bit smaller [Music] bamboo tension method which works literally to perfection but when you have such a small amount of tree weight it becomes really complex now we got it so all right where i can buy a pot like this where can you buy a pot like this the one and only bone sauer baby to be able to justify having the kind of quantity of pots that i wanted to work with and then to be able to offer people really beautiful custom ceramics at times in the year where you couldn’t really get that anywhere else that was the birth of the web store and since then you know it’s just become such a monumental way to be able to bring attention to other people’s work [Music] those pots can’t go anywhere this is a nice little touch we do call it the aeration layer he’s just wanted me to do this left-handed it’s not going so well and that is a complete package [Music] my biggest thing in the repotting process is don’t make every tree look the same and don’t continue to believe that the process isn’t capable of bearing more fruits and so consequently you get those brilliant moments where you get a tree that doesn’t give you what you wanted and you turn lemons into lemonade and you make something truly special and that that’s the special one movement the nuance the sariner container and the way the stone fits that made my day [Music] hmm [Music] we have so many bonsai trees for them to shoot like that that’s what he’s talking about [Music] [Music] pack it up okay one two three lunch break with miranda whoa tree raised cheese party too we’re so crafty at mirai that we love a sponsor with joanne’s fabric and what is it wow [Music] [Music] watering is now becoming a part of life again at mri i like the act of watering but you have to figure in a garden this big watering is going to account for a lot of our time especially as we move things out of the greenhouse you got to be very very on point not too dry not too wet just right balance all about balance last few days have been so warm so nice so beautiful and repotting season is dwindling away styling season is here and upon us pruning leaves all the stuff [Music] finishing up the tamarisk man fresh repot complete on wiring coming back in taking all the ramification this is a pain it’s a pain painstaking species i’ve been working on it in my free time between repotting trying to get it before it leafed out now it’s leafing out so we gotta push hard today to finish this you kind of have one time a year you’re gonna set structure you’re gonna do major major bends or you’re gonna really sort of rebuild the canopy of the tree this is the time lots of bones high today which is the way life is supposed to be when you’re a bone side professional pretty soon we’ll be managing spring growth we fertilized yesterday and uh we’re gonna see how many deciduous trees we can get wired before they start growing to a point where we gotta we gotta hang it up so far we’re getting through them i’m excited for the spring man i i it was uh it’s been a little bit more stressful than i would like uh obviously the the repotting ambitions were high and we’ve we’ve we’ve been executing we’ve been executing it’s been aggressive my hands have taken a severe beating severe beating these albums behind me i just watched them watching the leaves come out and i’m like no let me finish the tamarisk please and then troy’s in the greenhouse like everything’s growing oh my god get it repotted and i’m like as i was feeling like so incredibly stressed i was thinking about it like hey man you chose this yeah this was your pick you chose to study with the craziest master that the bonsai world’s ever seen true story yep true story crazy from the perspective of like a mad genius who definitely you know pushed the envelope at all at all times all times and you loved it in some weird sick you know masochistic way you loved it and now you’re here and you basically made mirai even more prolific with the quantity of work that you chose to produce that’s if it’s stressful that’s because you did that that’s what i’ve been thinking lately i did that taking ownership of your stress right it’s on me [Laughter] and and then and then i asked jp if we could please fill the kegs so that i could survive this personal onslaught of self-awareness personalized a lot of self-awareness yeah you’re struggling from a case of personal onslaught i have done this to myself i am doing this to myself and will continue to be in this circumstance because i can’t escape myself right we can escape ourselves and it’s hard to can’t stop being me man i know can’t stop being me what i can do finish wiring this tamarisk jump on that elm and just keep on [Music] [Music] great it’s all work-related you just can’t get enough work related pokemon go [Music] whoa one comment about mass one dollar donated to charity we’re taking tree photos are attempting to make art we’re making art that’s what she’s going to say we are artists that’s me the artist me too he’s just an artist dude yeah look at you you’re making art a camera worker no put that down and do some real work [Music] you

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