Cycling, 3D Printing And Watering, The Bonsai Zone, March 2021 • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Cycling, 3D Printing and Watering Bonsai

Hi everyone nigel saunders here it is a nice warm afternoon so i’m heading off cycling today with my brother this will be my third bike ride of the year so i’m really looking forward to getting out and getting some more kilometers on the legs getting in shape it’ll be uh really fun i’ll be gone for a couple of hours so i’m hoping to get a video in today so i’ll see you all when i get back today i am riding the patekia my road bike on my pirelli p0 tires that’ll be exciting i’m all ready to go cycling i’ve dressed warmly it’s not that warm out today but it’s it’s not too bad high of 11 degrees celsius so off i go i am back from the bike ride we ended up doing 34 kilometers and we did the hilly section and there was a headwind on the way home so it was a pretty tough ride for me considering it was my second road ride of the year but we’ll i’ll be doing more in the future i’ll uh get out a little more often and try and get in good shape for the summer pretty well every other bonsai youtube channel is doing repotting now but you can see i still have snow on the ground here this is the first warm day in a long time so yeah it’s going to be a little while longer before i start repotting however i’ve still got more trees to trim up so i’ll be doing those in the next few days in the greenhouse here i did some watering this morning i have a bucket down here and the watering can so i’m just checking making sure you know see how the buds are doing signs of life i’m not saying too much some good good buds on these douglas firs and i don’t know these what are these called again the bayberry i don’t know if i should have left them out i don’t know if they’re toaster not sure i don’t think they were very hardy however maybe i’ll find out and hopefully my bald cypress here is going to come back into full leaf again i’m not you know real sure how cold the temperature can take and how cold it got here in the greenhouse but hopefully that’ll come back this year that’d be really nice because i did a lot of good good route work on it and kind of got a leader going and yeah so as soon as i start noticing signs of life you’ll see little the buds swelling and starting going green then i can prune it back and get it underway once again those branches are pretty long on it i see underneath the cedar hedge there’s a rabbit hole down there i don’t know if you can see it there and look how oh look how they strip my cedar here oh my goodness that was above the chicken wire wow they really did a number on that tree that’s too bad this side is definitely going to live hopefully that side will too but i don’t know let me check the other side here [Music] wow i didn’t yeah the other side’s okay wow they really did a number i’m gonna have to get more chicken wire going up higher for next year just like in our orchard we learned you know you gotta get the chicken wire going all the way up way out of the reach of the rabbits because the snow it goes fairly high in the winter and then the rabbits when they stand on their hind legs can reach pretty high yeah there’s a bit of damage down here too i see well i think that was from last year those bottom branches that are bare i think could be mice too over here you can see the bottom branches are stripped and that could be mice too who knows yeah i see a mouse hole down here yeah you can see anything they could reach this lowest branch here which was green it’s just been stripped wow yeah it doesn’t matter how big the tree is those rabbits can really do a number on them my fuja oxyedentalis trees here they still have their winter color they’re kind of that olive green color olive drab you can see here it’s kind of a hint of i guess it’s an olive color but they suddenly green up once the temperatures start getting warmer the sap starts flowing and they’ll go from this color to nice green in a couple of days so that’s exciting i’m just checking out my large forest here this back tree is always the first one to start butting out and i’m not i’m not seeing any signs of life on it yet so i just have to be patient i think because of these warm temperatures i think my trees could use some more water so i better do that right now get them all hydrated so leaf in there yeah the old austrian pines looking good i did water this this morning but it looks like it’s dried out already so i better give them all another watering so good to see the sun out once again in the bonsai area here um i had a good conversation with stefan about the 3d printed bonsai pots last weekend and he’s working away hard at it and he told me he’s pretty well ready to start printing the first piece of the pot so that’s exciting i’ll show you some of the work in progress that stefan has done and it’s really awesome it’s amazing to see this modeling and your tree and pot come to life [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i’ve got a lot of cleanup work to do in the bonsai area last fall was just rushed to get that plant room done and i really didn’t get a lot of time to do a whole lot in the bonsai area so yeah a lot of cleanup to do and i’ll try and make this area better a little bit better every year yeah that’ll be my goal is to try and get a kind of a nice bonsai garden someday birds are chirping away today yeah just a beautiful day it was so nice being out on the bicycles today so i’ll get to watering all my trees my [Music] ah [Music] so so it is just so beautiful out today just fantastic very peaceful here in the backyard quiet peaceful it feels good to be out here watering trees once again that’s all for today i’m nigel saunders thanks for joining me in the bonsai zone

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