Cherry Blossom Bonsai • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

So one of my goals here at asand is to work with the best up-and-coming bonsai related artists from around the world whether that be other bonsai professionals ceramicists scroll painters doesn’t matter i want to source the best art from around the globe to have here at asan to pair with our trees so with that in mind over the last few months i’ve been working with a friend of mine patrick luther from switzerland to build some ceramics for us here at the garden his ceramics have just arrived in these boxes here in the back of the van so we’re going to take these into the workshop pop them open and see what it’s all about this is one of the most exciting parts about being a bonsai professional in today’s day and age because you get to work with all these amazing artists from around the world that are also inspired by the bonsai of japan so without further ado let’s take these into the workshop and pop them open [Music] so as you can see we’ve got everything unboxed here on the floor and i am absolutely blown away by the quality of these pots in person patrick had sent me you know photos of these pots obviously before he sent him over here but the photos didn’t do them justice at all as a matter of fact the glazing just doesn’t come across right in the pictures but when you see this in person it is absolutely mind-blowing so there are a few pots in here that i think i’m actually probably going to keep for my personal collection in particular this guy right here this cantilevered pot i was a big fan of this coloration that patrick put together it has kind of a a copper like an oxidized copper feel to it and this being such a well-built cantilever pot i’m going to keep this for my private collection here but a lot of these other pots we are going to have up on our website here shortly so i’ll put a link in the description down below to that so you can bounce over there and check these out and maybe add one of these to your private collection [Music] so of course lately here at asan we’ve been getting into our repotting season making sure that we’re transferring trees that are in need of repotting to new containers or putting trees in pots for the exhibition later this year the national show in september just making sure that you know everything is prepared and ready for that with all of that though i’ve been working on some interesting kind of new projects here at asan and this is one of those projects right here this is a penjing style planting that was inspired by my friend jiao laushu you guys might know him as brook zhao he wrote the book penjang worlds of wonder i did a demonstration alongside him at the world convention in saitama and this is something that you know he builds on a regular basis and i’ve always been inspired by his work you know growing up seeing his book actually carried his book around in middle school and high school and got picked on quite a bit for doing so but i always really loved the way that he put things together so i thought we’d try our hand at it here at acn so i’ve used lace rock here i’ve kind of built a couple of little islands and we’ve planted on some dwarf contorted sakura or cherry trees and they’re actually in full bloom right now so i think it’s got a really cool effect if you guys are interested in trying to build something like this out we do have these sakura available on our website for sale just keep in mind we can only ship within the continental united states but they are for sale if you guys want to try putting something like this together [Music] [Music] we’re also right in the midst of doing our normal spring dance where we have to bring all of our deciduous trees in that have already leafed out when the temperatures drop down we’ve been in the 60s to lower 70s for the last few days here and of course everything has popped open at this point but tonight we’re dipping down to about 33 degrees or 1 degree celsius so i’m a little concerned about leaving these guys out just in case they weren’t exactly accurate with the temperature and we dropped below freezing we could run into some frost burn on some of these trees so this is something we’ll have to continue to do into at least mid april until we get past the last possible frost date but it’s just part of owning a bonsai nursery and just doing bone sight as a hobby here in the southeast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you

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