Boxwood Bonsai Tree Online From Nursery Stock • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

This is part 3 of my boxwood bonsai from a nursery plant I bought in 2016. Over the last year I tried a new pruning technique, that didnt seem to work

They’re back my little boxwood i bought it from a garden center in 2017 and i’ve pretty much left it alone until i give it a bit of wire last year to put some initial shape into it we’re looking at now was back in last june it’s starting to really shoot out after it’s repot so i just gave it a little trim back i actually tried a method that i’d seen online it’s one of those diagrams telling you what to do and what will happen i said this was the time to do it so i thought why not i’ll show you properly in a second but the technique is like a partial defoliation and it’s going to create a lot of back butting which i think this tree could do with this tree still has a long way to go so anything that can help it is very welcome [Music] here’s the top half prune back and you can see i’ve removed a lot of foliage compared to the bottom half [Music] i’ll show you a shoot normally you’d cut back to the first or second pair of leaves the plan here is to leave the top alone but remove all the leaves below it theory says that loads of new shoots will pop up along the branch that you’ve just stripped [Music] so just to recap this is what i started with and this is what i have now so during the tip left my my thumb is kind of hiding it then we should get a whole load of side shoots where the leaves used to be so remember this as we’ll have to check on it later here it is after the work it’s pretty thin and foliage but hopefully it binds us back and it will become extremely bushy also i seem to have wired one branch down this tree is very flat and 2d so i’ll slowly be luring branches down to make it look a lot fuller in the long run there isn’t much happening in july it’s definitely growing but it’s not filling in much still quite bare in a lot of places [Music] in september it doesn’t look like much has changed it’s very slow growing and it will be slowing down now for the year so shouldn’t really put any more growth on i actually can’t tell if it’s filled in or not all i know is it still looks very skinny and flat this tree is going to take a very long time to get anywhere in november it’s dormant it’s never green so no exciting color to show [Music] here we are this february so time for it’s late winter prune but let’s first look to see if that new pruning technique actually worked let me show you from a better angle tree looks bushy and has lots of growth so maybe it has work [Music] so here you can see where my finger is it’s pretty bare still if you remember we were expecting a little shoots to back butt out from this bare section but it looks like only the tip grew which wasn’t removed now we have this stupid long bear section it looks like this technique didn’t work i’m not sure why but i think it should just cut back lower down and remove the tip and cut back to the first or second set of branches like i normally would so that’s annoying probably explains why it was just a diagram and not actual real pictures anyway i went through and just trimmed back the new shoots this time back to two or three leaves so most of these long bear sections have remained for now i might have to cut back harder at some point but at least don’t really like being cut back in the old wood so we’ll see what happens it hasn’t woken up in march so nothing happening here same for april this usually starts doing things in may i’m not going to repot it this year so hopefully we’ll have a good grow season and maybe those back buds will pop this year thanks for watching see you next time you

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