Bonsai Shimpaku Juniper And Trident Maple Grafting Results • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

I did some approach graft on a large juniper squamata and used shimpaku to approach graft. Learnt some important lessons that will improve the next time I do it. Also result of my trident maple approach graft as well.

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Welcome back to my channel um sorry i haven’t been putting out so many videos lately just being flat out with the real life i guess and trying to get ready for the show the exhibition coming up 15 16th of may if you don’t already know and i hope to see many of you melbourneians and victorians there at the show it’s going to be pretty phenomenal i know some of the display trees that are coming in um and there’s some stuff you haven’t seen in a very long time and some big stuff really good stuff so you know if you want to see it in person great um for the people who live interstate or overseas i will be videoing it but again it’s not the same as being in person but you can try and get their people especially melbourne and victoria um there’s all the details footscript community arts center uh 15 16th of may and i hope to see you guys there and i’ll be there the whole time so come say hello i’m happy to have a chat now today yes i don’t know if you guys remember this but i have had comments about what’s happened with the graphs approach graphs we tried to put on this tree now it’s been interesting um there’s a few lessons that i’ve learned the grooves probably weren’t deep enough that i put into the parent stock i think that’s one thing and i used one tree lots of weeds sorry about the weeds i used one tree to to make the whips or have the whips on the one tree to thinking that would be stronger possibly should have had individual single trees would have been a better result now i have taken the plastic off and i’ll show you what it looks like i’ve left a bit of wire on there now it looks like it does kind of have been kind of has been successful in a certain spot right there it looks pretty good and solid in there but i’m not gonna know i’m gonna give it another growing season to see if it works here’s the other one it looks pretty okay but again if that groove was a bit bigger i think it would have been much more successful there’s one under here oh jesus be blurry the one under here seems seems okay as well i left the plastic on that one um because i was just wanting to make sure that it’s nice and tight now this one.

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this one the plastic still on it this looks really good this looks like a real positive result here so i’ve got potentially what hang on there’s one there two three four in this area i think that’s all i did sorry for the camera jumping around um and then unfortunately i did one all the way up here with this big guy and you can see it’s already separated or fell apart like as soon as i took the plastic off it just bounced right back now ideally it was a really good spot but just it didn’t take you know i don’t know why i don’t i really don’t know why it had all the strong growth um it should have taken but it didn’t so i’m gonna have to try i’m gonna probably try different graphs up here because this this whole trunks quite nice and solid um so i’m gonna try a different younger like single stock here um and um work on that have some single stock up here next year or not actually next season probably late spring i’ll do it again in melbourne at the moment we’re coming into autumn so there’s no point doing it but potentially you know one two three four five not too bad yeah i’m for my first go next time i’ll put the groove deeper in here it needs to be deeper i think and that would have been a better i think it has joined but i’m not 100 confident i want to give it a bit more time to establish i’ll just show you the trident approach graph that i did in a minute um and how about that silly me i forgot there was one there as well i haven’t actually checked that so let’s let’s maybe just check that as well now and see if that’s actually had any any success oopsie now i’m not gonna i’m not gonna get the camera right in but it’s actually looking really good it’s one of the better ones um looks pretty solid um it looks pretty good actually so possibly that’s a really good strong one too now maybe a lesson there that’s kind of in the shade so maybe it needs a lot more shade when you do approach graphs for shimpaku and that’s got a really long whip on it so very strong healthy growth maybe that’s a result of that one that was good successful unfortunately this one’s the one that was disappointing but again that’s the strong area of the tree so i think i can grow our graft other smaller trees into that area probably a better result there all right now i’ll go have a look at the trident okay so this was really cool because i did not expect this to work um now you can see at this point right here i put a put in a it doesn’t look the best i mean it’s a bit bulging but not much we can do i think that eventually that will can be we can improve that area but just to listen that’s like i put a big groove in there in the trunk and wide that branch from around it now i’ll take you around and you can see where it’s coming from so it’s coming from all the way around there coming onto this side and you see it’s pretty much grafted

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surprisingly extremely surprised with that because i don’t think i did a very good job of it so now i’ve got a low branch coming up so this is the long low branch i left it go and that’s probably what the secret was i guess and it looks a little ugly but you know what in time that could easily develop better we just got to get some branching happening closer in got to probably reduce it back to to this branch eventually and really cut it back and make a smaller branch out of it so that’s really that’s been a very positive there so if you guys have been watching my channel you would have noticed i did that trident um thread grafted i mean approach graph there now since i’ve had success here meats probably definitely need some more approach crafts in this area here it’s blank so i’m going to be looking at growing some branches on next year and actually wiring them in i don’t have anything that’s long enough to go into that spot just yet from this tree so i’ve got to work on that all right guys that’s it for now and hope you enjoyed the little update on my thread graph i’m in my approach crafting i’ll see you later

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