Bonsai Repotting Season, Almost No Mistakes • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Bonsai Repotting Season – Bonsai UK

Well i’m just in time for the repot yeah now’s a good time i think i’m going to come in and work the routes i want to figure out what’s going on at the base of this trunk where i’ve carved down and we’ll get into some fresh soil let’s go so first order of operation i’m going to slice these matted roots from the bottom [Music] [Music] [Music] funny looping route there i’m gonna i’m gonna take that one out of the way it’s just hampering my progress here we go another one it’s never going to be part of the nebari looping up like that so we’ve got this piece up here but underneath i’ve got another piece that looks like it might be useful so i’m just going to try and investigate this guy just to see where it’s coming from and where it’s going to just gonna try and avoid damaging the one that’s above it let’s go in going into this thick bundle here if i can figure out where it’s coming from that’s as good as knowing where it’s going to okay so we’re going to cut this one back to some secondaries and get it out of the way that’s going to make life a little bit easier same with this piece cut that back to [Applause] there so this side’s getting really interesting we’ve got a big we’ve got this root that’s coming all the way sideways this one overlapping i might just sneak in here and free this root up i’m never going to need it very long that long so i can just cut that out and then we’ve got one of his secondaries that piece comes in there that’s that whole piece freed up now it’s got plenty of roots coming from down here just try and get some of this muck out of the way and then figure out what’s coming from where just trying to determine if i can cut this piece back at all it’s coming out a bit of a weird angle i’m not gonna lie [Music] i wonder if it’s flexible enough to be moved around this piece [Music] that’s better i can see what’s going on there yeah so that’s torn i’m not surprised i knew it was a risk um and i’m not bothered at all actually let’s cut that off flush for now i think it’s done as a favor to be honest with you this one’s just sticking up straight in the air there’s no problem keeping that so we’ve got some secondaries on this piece it’s all curly so i can cut back that guy to there we have got quite a nice thick root down here now that i’ve moved that one out of the way i’m wondering if this flying root can be removed let’s see what we’ve got underneath to work with and then make a decision from there yeah see they’ve got this nice thick piece underneath this one got some lovely secondaries coming off there that’s really good that is that looks really nice i think this one’s got to come off all right i’m not going to cut it completely off okay go back to about there yeah look at that it’s got some lovely movement to it as well yes love it when a plan comes together now i just need to decide what i’m going to do with this so hopefully you can see but we’ve got a nice little bunch here of secondary roots coming off this nice thick piece so i’ll be i’m going to take this thick chunk back to these guys that’s brilliant great news it’s a whole load of them now rather than come in and cause an absolute nightmare with the saw i’m going to very carefully nibble bits away [Applause] i think that’s plenty and i can finish that off another day at the next repot i don’t want to cut too far and risk jeopardizing these right now that i’ve done the nabari work there’s just one last job that i want to do that’s just to clean up that’s just to clean up the bottom here prune any roots that were torn [Music] loving this development we’ve got here oh look at that beautiful i haven’t got a more suitable pot than the mother is already in i’m just going to reuse that one [Music] [Music] [Music] the root there’s just been damaged so this surface route here is flying all over the place and i don’t actually need it i’ve got some beautiful nabari going on there oh look at that base beautiful love it all right now i’ll get it top dressed and i’ll water it in but that’s it for now thanks for watching don’t forget to like [Music] in the previous video mars hydro teamed up with grow bonsai to announce a giveaway of a fantastic ts-1000 grow light so now i’m going to announce the winner and the winner is it’s trevor leonard trevor congratulations you’ve won the grow lights drop me an email with your shipping details and i’ll pass those across to mars hydro and they’ll get the light out to you as soon as possible thanks ever so much to mars hydro and to everybody out there that took part in the giveaway i will see you next time take care

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