Bonsai Projects Revisited • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

In this video I show you how a few of the old projects I have done on Youtube are doing. I show you how the Prunus mume that I split is two is doing.

Video Transcript

Many of you keep asking me to show you the projects that I do because I think they ask for some not i would say sinister reason but they think that many of the things I work on never survive. So let’s show you what I have done now these were the two junipers that I made from ordinary blast juniper onto dead driftwood as a simple example of making a tanuki so that was the deadwood and that’s the live wood So there you are it’s looking very respectable and this was that one with a big piece of driftwood and a much bigger blast juniper and here you are looking at it growing so well growing absolutely beautifully so it’s the front side that we’re looking at because the driftwood is all really in the front and the tree is at the back so this would fool anyone once it fills out so I’m going to build I would say within the next day I’ll get a full head of foliage there and this will look a very very convincing tanooki so this is hardly even six months we did this about six months ago this maybe I did about a year ago this is one of those unusual use I don’t think it’s ordering English u and I cut off a big branch there and just left a side branch but I’m restyling the tree so it’s still got a long way to go before I start changing the shape radically so this has come out okay but the one that most people ask about is the one I did with the great big Chinese cleaver or the axe and we split the tree in two if you remember I will get our film editor to show you the before shot it was a tree that split in two but the right-hand side, unfortunately, was too thin so it collapsed and all I was left with was the root on this site so that collapsed but no matter the little route there has survived and let’s have a look at this one I want to show it to you now because it’s in beautiful flower look at those beautiful flowers this is slow this is a wild plant and the slaw has little plum type berries and almost like the prunus ume but even more beautiful look at that I think we need to refine that a little more to make it illiterate with flowers and I will always keep it sparse like this plant, unfortunately, have got a lot of new growth but it hasn’t produced any flower buds this year but I’m sure it will produce flower buds but I did promise this treat to a Swedish girl in fact if she can get in touch with me we will give it to her but we’ve got to wait till the Brexit export conditions are easier because at the moment I can’t export any trees to Europe because Brexit had made it almost impossible to send trees to Europe so these are three simple projects that I could get hold of when my maples come into leaf I will show you more examples of trees that I have worked on.

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