Backyard Bonsai Garden • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

Backyard Bonsai Garden –

Doyle is the current President of Daichi Bonsai Club and have been involved with our community for decade or more. It amazing during these trying times our community is willing to share their bonsai garden for view. Its amazing that the bonsai community here in California are willing to film and share their garden with other members and YouTube. Please if you like these type of videos please like, comment and subscribe. It give us an idea you enjoy them!

Video Transcript

Tips about growing bonsai here in southern calallen towards california thank you doyle it’s pretty easy here because it does get really hot we get morning fog afternoon fog sun only during the day um just water spray a lot and that’s pretty much it and that’s kind of the advantage of living by the coast correct your mouth three miles away from the beach right so i mean there’s something down versus where i am inland which is like hotter than hell and then the san andreas is killing us out there so you have a huge advantage growing out here in the by the coastline here true yes so i’m jealous so let’s check out doyle’s yard here do anyone just gonna walk us through and as he’s wearing his daiichi shirt he’s really supporting his club here he made me change i do not make him change at all so this is let’s check out his factory i am jealous because i don’t even have a yard like this anymore look at this it’s awesome so dory how long have you been on this property about 25 years awesome and then it didn’t look like this uh when we moved in it was just a backyard of grass it’s evolved over time i could see um kind of your favorite trees you have one or two maybe what we’re talking about or even your best story how many three of the best stories you have my best story um there’s a few all right okay this is my uh freshwater cisterns that you have but you got to see what’s inside them uh i maintain the water with so yeah no goldfish right no mosquitoes [Music] do you use water to uh water your trees with so i use it to water new trees and most of the other trees but uh there are certain ones that i like to water like the maples and some other that are do you have any amelia not anymore they all died so okay so water too hot to cold um the azaleas would live in one corner of the yard north exposure shade why is that because it didn’t like the heat it had to have non-drying air and i had to use this type of water to water in but you’re like by the coastline i mean it doesn’t matter like there’s a azalea in the front as long as it’s underneath the shade of the tree close to the house they’ll grow and they’ll thrive but that’s in the ground correct no it’s in a pot it’s in a pot oh we have to look at that later right because um some people are you know are interested in azaleas growing in southern cal here and then i i always tell them you know go to nuchos go buy go buy five dollar tree see if it lives and then if it does then you might want to think about it but these are satsuki so they’re they’re they’re all pretty much the same here in southern california the lack of water good water and uh no humidity i think that’s the key unless you have reverse osmosis it’s pretty hard to do so this is a kingsville boxville uh it belonged to lila kasumi she’s had this tree for probably 45 years back in the 70s early 80s cbs had a show with melba tucker and this was one of melba’s this is what she did she made it psyche and she basically bought this at the auction during the convention so velvet tucker was a proprietor of doing psychic correct psyche bonsai as well um she was one of the early practitioners oh scik yeah oh that’s pretty cool and this is a box with and they’re all look very similar age-wise i mean boxed with uh when you make a force it’s really hard to get the age to kind of look really convincing and are these things are pretty beefy look at those pretty beefy ones those are pretty awesome any plans for the future for this treat um i’m debating whether to send it to ted madison at the huntington i have to give him a call and see what he wants to do that’d be awesome do they have a lily tree out there i don’t know if they do that’d be a great way to you know keep going that way i don’t have to worry about keeping it alive um any any suggestions about boxwoods um i just keep this in the shade uh keep it away from the hot afternoon sun and bulletproof yeah that’s pretty awesome to hear um you can look around okay okay um i know if people are watching from home you know i’m trying to build a new bench system and the asphalt because tile asphalt they’re just basic uh eight inch cinder blocks uh i haven’t cemented these together like a lot of people do but what i’ll do is the centers of these have four by four posts so they’re basically have uh posts in between the blocks so in case of an earthquake they’re not going to fall they may tumble but they’re not going to fall so unlike my my video i did earlier with the outdoor stands with nothing inside that just kind of kind of holds everything together yeah versus just kind of like uh in case of an earthquake when they disperse they move they’re not going to fall apart um and it’s just standard 2×12 boards on the bottom and roofing flat do you like that asphalt roofing on top um your dislikes dislike um advantages disadvantages it keeps the wood a little bit healthier i don’t go through as much uh it doesn’t rot i can just wash the debris off the top okay so some advantages yeah how about the sand debris because you know the kind of decades over time um not too much problem i have mostly everything on stands or wood stands so the bottom pots really don’t make a difference this can we talk about your pines i know some people are interested in pine especially well here they don’t some suggestions um right blooming season two yeah that’s from lucille’s actually those are neutrals um pines on the coast the biggest problem i think is over watering um they’re they like to be dry so if you over water that’s why a lot of them have are yellowing so when we had the heavy rain season i didn’t bring them indoors so they just got saturated you actually bring them indoors or you cover them well you can cover them just put them under the benches or bring them underneath because if it gets too saturated then it starts to rot the root structure so i i have well drained soil but it’ll just drop through but the ones that have collect on the bottom that’s the problem so you’re talking you’re saying that i i don’t go to pines very often so this is this is still kind of foreign to me um so you’re saying that they like it moist but they don’t like wet feet um they don’t necessarily like it moist uh they like to go they like to be dry uh well draining soil well draining soil um what kind of mix are you using for your um the standard one or one third one pretty much i’ll use a lot of times i’ll use sponge rock instead of hummus but if i have pumice i’ll use it as well it’s a it’s more of a sponge rock is more of a what is it it’s plastic it’s a polyurethane okay so it’s not there’s no there’s not as much powder and it’s pretty it doesn’t break down [Music] hey dory i want to talk about your quiz and some uh some suggestions with quinces especially in southern cal um quints are pretty finicky um like this one kind of looked like that there was a lot of center structure but that all died off well it’s what do you mean they die off well i reported it the wrong time i tried to repot early at the same time like spring but uh if i ended up repotting later in the year september closer to fall the second yeah that’s other than that a lot of times they’ll do fine at the early spring and then they’ll die off later in the year so i don’t know why i was told that by kenji miata and kenji’s really good with quinces yeah i got scolded for that so wow yeah that’s really cool i just noticed this uh um flowering pear yeah was it a street tree was it uh kinda yeah um one of those gets knocked down and thrown away so it is a street tree yeah um so i’ve been trying to purchase one of these things for a long time i found out they’re invasive yeah they are so they don’t sell them like you can buy them because they like torrents still use them if you go through a wholesaler they’ll still get them because you can’t buy because i’ve tried like nurseries and they’re like some nurses that you don’t care because they’re invasive you can try cuttings because they basically i think you just break a branch off and stick them in the ground stick them in the ground so here’s some questions about flowering hair um i’ve seen some that like this i don’t see the flowering but do they flower only or they have flowers and leaf at the same time i think they flower and have leaves at the same time and it’s it’s not is this ever green because i’ve seen both varieties it’s kind of weird yeah there are um torrance has a whole we have a lot of these growing throughout the city um so there are they have leaves they don’t have leaves but it’s it’s kind of hit and miss as far as which variety but i don’t know which tree is which as far as when it’s planted have anybody out there that has one for sale i’m looking for one dr che has one percent you know i have not met dr shea before he’s got a really nice one i’ve never met the man before i heard his name you know you need to visit his yard i think i need does anybody know him in person that can contact me dr sharia watches i’d love to you know just go to the huntington he’ll be there okay everybody has one of these olives you got to talk about your olive here um yes it’s impressive but is there some disadvantage having an olive tree this large it’s very heavy um okay you have to put your put your hand by so people see how big this tree is because uh this street came out of the torch airport where the ishibashi farms used to be uh it was actually in a 15 gallon pot so we went over there when they were closing we just dug up quite a few um it was supposed to be a yard tree basically well he had some that were like 20 feet tall and these are all the small ones around the sides so what are some disadvantages having a big tree i i know it’s it’s romanticizing everybody wants these because it has a presence it does have a presence if you’re young and you can lift these and move these then it’s fine but i i i had it over here and i moved it to here and that’s the only places i go because i have to prune it in place because i can’t pick it up so that that’s some of the disadvantage that having a really powerful tree like that size wise it’s just very heavy it’s very dense yeah especially in olive oil lightweight no and the pot is pretty heavy so the pot is heavy so would you ever just how would if you bring it to the show how would you bring it to the show i see tom vaughn tom if you’re watching this thomas i have massive respect for you man tom has a technique he has he slides his truck in and he has sliding boards on his lift lift tables and everything is done by push and pull you can do it that way but to get it on the on the stand is hard without scraping the heck out of the stem or if you have to use a slab that’s about it oh we’re going to go back to i got to ask tom of these questions because he has a down like to science yes he can have the street in and out of his yard in five minutes yeah all right do you see a couple uh interesting trees in the background um the toe shows you want to talk about those guys no no no not really not really they’re just cuttings there’s cuttings um do you have uh what’s the oldest tree you have in your collection um not oldest tree that you have worked on do you have your first tree i do have my friends you do have your for sure can we see your first tree it’s not very big alright so most people don’t have the first tree or they sold it or they killed it and it’s amazing oh my god he still has an elf that’s a nice pot by the way at gabe’s it’s a guy out of san diego i don’t know his name he made some nice ponds that’s a nice tree doyle i’m i would keep that tree you know the first tree i showed that’s the first tree you showed too yeah how old’s that tree oh wow it’s like 10 years old so who did you train under by the way um i started in tournaments with a lady named penny jensen she was an old teacher with cbs uh and then leela kusumi mel and then kenji miata so yeah a lot of a lot of mentors during the years what are one or two tips that you could probably give beginners or even veteran about this this art form [Music] the biggest thing is to be patient it’s not you can’t rush things you can’t make it quickly or you can try to make it quickly there’s no shortcuts but there’s no shortcuts um most of your teachers will basically yell yell at you and scold you not now because they don’t do that now it’s not right but the old guys would basically put you in front of everybody and basically berate you in front of everybody so awesome well thank you for your time today i’m going to take some more videos of this one i’m going to ask you about your ground cover i’m to that point where i’m designing the floor to so i might have to pick your brain on that idea after after the camera shot here okay i’m done right yeah you’re done all right cool you can show them the torso so these are all from like 2017. this is a pomegranate black pomegranate from ted matson those are cuttings from a demo what does that think this yeah this is a fingerling lime that doesn’t look through the line that doesn’t even look like a fingernail yeah it doesn’t if they’re usually long and yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you’re still mine what’s the story behind that one i got that at the david bergstein sale and oh the guy up where someone said they bought it they tagged it and no one picked it up so i bought it it’s an impressive silverberry yeah it was i was surprised it was still there it needs to get cut back well this is this look at the so silverberry is known for um the leaf itch the the leaf itch is silver on the background um and it has these uh satchel like flowers or fruits when they’re when they’re done but that’s pretty impressive with a dead wood carving someone spent that’s pretty impressive yeah it was a nice treat it’s an awesome treat i’m jealous i didn’t get a chance to go to that sale i wanted to but i think it was a fire it was a fire going on that it was very hot we were working a sail and it was 120 in the shade 118 that’s right it was a fire going on i think we had fire going on it was 120. we watched trees die in front of us during the day they basically started with a green canopy and at the end of the day it was just brown oh man i remember i remember i was like my wife says you’re not going it’s woodland hills wasn’t it past woodland hills okay it was pretty yeah did you pick up anything there else there that’s this this is pretty this is pretty cool yeah i couldn’t afford anything else really it was i was just lucky that that was still there still there yeah awesome that black time the bunjin style uh that’s the one that bjorn worked on at one of our meetings that’s right you guys if you didn’t know uh daiichi really brings these guest artists in for an additional day correct as a workshop for your club members workshop and a meeting yeah so it’s another great advantage of joining daiichi is a you know they they have another day with the i guess artists so it’s not just a one deal demo they’re in and out they have another like a day day and a half usually right we try to get people or even if you’re not having a tree to work on to come in and see what’s going on yeah another way to learn i mean instead of instead of having a tree directly you may not even have a quality tree good enough but you get to learn some of the techniques right we had quite a few people um just to see how he wires how he attaches guy wires what’s his comp you know his thought process and how to bend and what to do yeah it’s pretty impressive it’s gotten as big as right now that’s kind of nice to have um i know i know we’re still in colbit are you guys having plans for your show you guys are um we’re trying to look at a virtual show because our center is not going to be open in may unfortunately just like everything in l.a maybe later in the year but we still still have to look into the possibility uh face to face uh probably just the show and not not a hands-on workshop type of environment i like it you usually have that beginner workshop right right at the on saturday that’s kind of a tradition yeah maybe an online demo instead um we’re finding that’s really hard to learn you can watch it but it’s not it’s not the same it’s not the same yeah it’s a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional art so it’s really hard to understand the depth and the complexity of a tree without seeing it without seeing it so you’re asking about do i own anything from harry yes there’s two stones those are the only things i own from harry i don’t have a tree from harry so having something from harry it’s a tradition in southern cal um if harry was very generous during his time when he was alive um i don’t have a tree from here i do have a stone from harry they’re stones and stones as big joe always says you know what stones don’t die they literally you don’t need water no water um yeah yeah it’s impressive it’s a i presume it’s an eel riverstone i think so it’s an eel river stone and there’s a small arizona sandstone oh it is the eel river still look at that so ear river stalin really known for the the uh the wearing and the river and it’s really dark blue almost greenish um some people think it’s almost like a california jade sort of type of material but it’s interesting so you do have something that’s kind of cool not a tree though not a tree no it’s not a tree thank you doyle for your time today i really appreciate this thanks for coming up and if you guys like subscribe and we’ll talk to you guys later man see you thanks a lot doyle thanks [Music] you

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