A Busy Few Days, The Bonsai Zone, April 2021 • Bonsai Made Easy August 2021

I’m getting my bonsai area prepared for the new greenhouse. I’m also getting the eaves trough installed to fill the IBC rain barrels before the rain comes!

Hi everyone nigel saunders here it is a beautiful day today and operation cleanup of the backyard is continuing i’ve taken one big truckload of garbage to the dump already stuff that was flying around in the backyard and i’ll be loading it up again to take a second trip today i called about getting a concrete pad poured for the new greenhouse they said it would be costing 2 500 which is about half the price of the purchase price of the greenhouse brand new so i think it’s worth it to get that pad in there this will be a 10 foot by 12 foot pad so i’ve got to clear all the driveway and everything out i got to get everything moved so i can get a concrete truck in here and trucks in to do all the work so that’s what i’m working on today the suzuki here is going to have to go to the scrap yard it’s all rusty underneath we were using it sort of like a pickup truck before we had the truck on the road and we don’t really need it anymore and it’s all rusted the floors are all rusted out of it so it’s not very safe to drive so i think it’s had its day it’s a that’s a 2001 and yeah it got a good 20 years of use so it did a good job the current plan is to put the greenhouse in here so the doorway is right here and it’s lengthways and in between the garden here the pear tree over here and not too close to the fence so it doesn’t get shaded out i think that’s about the only spot for it in this area the first step for the concrete pad will be to move on my current bonsai benches from this side to the far side of the greenhouse they get good sun over there and i’ve kind of cleared that area for the other greenhouse we bought i’m just going to put a like a quarter section up there and then i can stake out the pad area here and then all the benches will eventually get sort of arranged around the greenhouse i’m going to get a slightly bigger pad than the greenhouse footprint poured just so there’s an edge around it so when it rains it doesn’t splash up dirt on all the windows the lower windows so i think that’ll work quite well and the difference in price is very little alright so back to work i go cleaning up the area for the new greenhouse the sun is setting on a beautiful day today i got a lot of work done yard work and i got i think all my larch is repotted except for this one that looked really weak i thought it better not touch that one but all the rest you can see some here little arches they’re going to be fantastic trees they’re so small those rabbits i think really did a good job on them yeah they’re so small there’s another one there oh the avatar grows looking good greening up nice everything’s just greening up really nicely so there’s a whole bunch of the little larches in here yeah so i got all the larches done except for the ones over here i hope i get to those those are the ones from the kw club all the ones of jonathan’s i did oh except there’s two more here okay i got a few more to go so i did one two three four five six seven eight ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen and a pound in the ground fifteen fifteen of them today so that’s pretty good that’s i’m happy with that ah such a beautiful day so it’s going to go quite cool tonight three degrees celsius which is you know three degrees above freezing which pretty cold so i got the heater on in the greenhouse i’m gonna keep the tropicals out there and hopefully all will be well tomorrow yeah so tomorrow’s another day i’m gonna head inside do some work in there make some supper hi everyone it is the next day i uh phoned the person about the east trough remember i long ago i got someone in to look at it they gave me a price on it which was quite expensive it was 454 dollars to put up this 20 foot length of ease trough up here and a downspout into the water barrels so i asked you know i don’t want to miss all the spring rains to fill up these thousand liter barrels here so they said he’ll check and he said i am 27th on the list and i thought uh okay i i can’t wait that long so i cancelled my order with them and he wasn’t too happy he uh he said well you’re gonna spend most of that on by if you buy your own anyway and i thought that can’t be that expensive so i canceled my order and i ordered everything i needed from the hardware store so this morning i took a load of garbage to the dump i uh and then i went to the hardware store so here’s my eaves trough so i got two 10-foot sections and i’ll join them in the middle you just overlap them and then put some screws through and some sealer on it and that joins it and then i got a bag of all the hardware i need i’ve got a flexible downspout which expands i’m caulking my end caps all the straps the screws the supports that hold it up to the fascia so i’ve got everything i need and it came to uh well it came to 84. so that’s quite a savings so today i’ll be putting the eavestrough up i’ve got uh a length of downspout from the old one that i took off got the same color the brown yeah so i’m gonna have it so the downspout comes down and then i can have that flexible part so then a length of tubing so i can direct it into either of these barrels i can’t fill this barrel up yet the smaller one until i finish this wall of the plant room so but i can finish filling this one up it’s you can see the level there it’s getting there and then connor he has a like a screw-on tap here that you hook up a garden hose to it i can use that to fill my water barrels and that because this valve on here is just designed to kind of open and close it’s not variable so i need a better valve on there to control the flow so that’ll be exciting getting this eavestrough up and filling this thousand liter interim intermediate bulk container i b bc all the ducks are very happy in my water over there hi guys and digging in my wood chips down you look very happy guys hi aren’t you a pretty duck hey you’re a pretty duck i gotta clean all this stuff up i started yesterday because i got to get my tables out here eventually the tropical trees will be coming outside and then i’ve got to move all these benches out of the greenhouse area over to here so i got some more cleanup to do over here i can put my benches in the nice sunny spot there so the greenhouse i had the heater on last night and it stayed at 10 degrees celsius in here 10 degrees above freezing and the outside temperature went down to 2 or three degrees above freezing so it kept it quite pleasant in here for the tropical trees and it wasn’t too hot in here for these hardy trees they’re doing quite well i’ll probably move them out on the bench outside later on today once it warms up a bit more because it’s still quite cold quite cool outside yeah so i’ve started moving some of the trees up from the basement too now these mexican succulent vines i don’t know if these guavas will survive they’ve been down in the basement all year they kind of lost their leaves and i’m not sure the be able to take the cold for that long but we’ll find out so not a bad day today weather-wise it’s just a little cool so i’m off to work on the eaves trough now i’m kind of racing against the rain which is coming but work on the east trough is coming along really well i’ve got my two end caps on here screwed in and sealed i got all my holders my mounts in place i’ve joined the middle of the east trough the two 10 foot sections in the middle screwed that in place and sealed it and i fitted my opening for my downspout here and screwed that in place so the actual east trough is ready to go up on the roof and then i can fit my downspout to run down this wall which isn’t finished yet but at least it’ll start filling my my barrel here so that’s the plan is to try and get this up today before the rain hits and maybe even get the downspout put on it is getting dark out and i’ve got the eavestron finished it didn’t go real well but it’s up there there’s the east trough so my problem was i didn’t have the right flex connection down here so you can see this flex connection doesn’t fit up to this elbow and then i can’t there’s some great big massive opening on this one which doesn’t fit in that goes down into the tank then however i did get these trough is up there so this part of it went quite well just if i had the right flex connector i think everything would have gone perfect but i just didn’t so maybe i can get one of those later on so the 20-foot section it went just long enough over here i would have rather had a little longer but that’s what it came to and i know you can buy connectors that connect it’s like a transition piece in between your two 10-foot sections but they don’t sell those here the guy said oh everyone just overlaps so that’s in i think it’ll catch i don’t know it’s going to leak here but i think it’ll get maybe 60 70 percent of the rain into the barrel and i don’t have any filters on it or anything yet so i checked the roof it’s pretty clean up there so i don’t think that’ll be a problem but i don’t have time to put a filter on tonight maybe if it doesn’t rain tonight i’ll uh try and hook up some kind of a filtration system that’ll be coming in the future anyway so this will this will do for now i have to take all this down when i recover the outside of the room here so it’s sort of a bit temporary for now but uh at least you know it’s there and it should work hello hi bunny hi i don’t have any more lurches for you to do i’m in the greenhouse here warming up it was cold working on that east trough all afternoon it’s nice and warm in here i’ve got the heat on and i can hear the rain starting i can hear it on the roof of the greenhouse here so i got that eavesdrop done just in time and not too much bonsai work in this video but you know that’s it that’s all for today i’m nigel saunders thanks for joining me in the bonsai zone

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