Highlights from the 37th REBS bonsai worth – fragment 2 – Bonsai Tonight

Right here’s fragment two of the highlights from the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society’s 37th annual worth. Query final week’s post for more highlights or try all of the timber on hide at the REBS web space.

I’m taking a short damage from unique posts nonetheless shall be back with highlights from the US Nationwide Exhibition in about a weeks.

Coast redwood

Hover redwood



Grafted juniper

Grafted juniper

Coast redwood

Hover redwood

Israel oak

Israel oak

Sierra juniper

Sierra juniper

Coast redwood

Hover redwood

Eighth US Nationwide Bonsai Exhibition this weekend!

The ultimate worth of the yr – the US Nationwide Bonsai Exhibition – shall be held this weekend, September Ninth and 10th, in Rochester, New York. The match runs from 9-5 Saturday and 9-4 Sunday and parts demonstrations from Koji Hiramatsu, Gerald Rainville, Corin Tomlinson, and Sean Smith plus critiques from a entire lot of bonsai consultants.

I’ll be there to abilities the timber so feel free to recount hi while you occur to execute it to the worth!

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