Bonsaify | Styling Decisions & the Value of a Bonsai

Eric ponders the question of how styling decisions impact the value of a bonsai as he examines and works on a 20-30 year old Juniper he previously used as a mother plant.

00:00:30 Eric purchased the plant from a nursery along with about 30 others, and while there’s a lot of character, there are also a lot of problems. The plant has 4 trunks and none are particularly interesting.

00:01:39 Is the price an accurate reflection of the quality of material?

00:03:00 Eric doesn’t believe he has a lot to lose by making some big changes to the material, which he believes could become a shohin. He plans to remove large pieces of wood in favor of creating a much smaller composition, and wonders whether or not it will make a better plant.

00:04:16 Let’s see what Eric does. First he scrapes soil out from around the base to make sure he has a complete view of the wood at the base of the tree.

00:05:33 Cutting, stripping

00:06:31 360 degree view after reduction while Eric explains his decisions.

00:08:32 Returning to the original question – do you think this plant is more valuable now than it was before? Let us know in the comments below!

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